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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MorgonKara

  1. Maybe at some point in the future they will add some additional long-duration missions with better returns? It would be perfect for those times you are going to be offline and so forth.


    As a side note, during testing I always made the suggestion that the crafting missions materials should also be available in the world as either boss loot drops or in heroic treasure chests. Maybe it's just me but I think it's a little strange that prototype and artifact crafting materials are only available through crew skills missions (except of course the BOP stuff).

  2. It's a really cool feature, I'm actually kind of surprised the developers haven't talked more about it. I reckon a lot of people don't even know since I see a lot of people soloing all the time. Early on I did the same epic, once solo and once in a group, and that was the first time I noticed the difference. You get better loot in a group too I think.
  3. Well obviously Power is going to have the greatest effect because it's a direct increase rather than a random % chance. The thing is that gear/mods come with certain stat allocations, you can choose gear that has Power on it but you cannot change the stat budget to only stack Power. If you could manipulate only crit and surge so that they both sat at 100% then that would be overpowered too. You can't do that in-game tho.
  4. I love it when some random curses me out for not passing the ball, even though he was behind me. "Yeah newb, I'm going to pass the ball towards our own team's goal so the enemy is that much closer to it when they crush you and take it from you." /facepalm




    The title of this thread should be "huttball doesn't suck if you pass the ball forward". Position yourself ahead of the ball carrier for a pass. jeezelouise

  5. They never should have put in AE 7K to 10K for Juggernauts. It's going to be the source of endless griping.




    Don't worry the nerfhammer is heading to your class very soon. AE 9K, really thats not OP but a 7K single target backstab from stealth thats a problem? Don't worry the metric TM, will show a lot of people using this once they figure out that Juggs are the new flavor of the month.


    Fine with me. I don't stack bio stims and buffs and put all my talent points into smash. I also cannot turn invisible. :p

  6. Lets face it, if it wasn't stealth it would be something else.


    This is working as intended. Suck it up and and employ the tactics several people (including the people you want nerfed) have given you to help counter it. Its not that hard. Sometimes on my assassin I get away, sometimes I get caught. Just like sometimes tracer missile rotations work on my BH and other times I get pig piled.


    You misunderstand me, I don't want stealth nerfed, I think they never should have put it in the first place. It's not really stealth, it's straight invisibility. "Stealth" classes don't hide in the shadows or sneak around. They run right out into the open -invisible.

  7. There too many QQ boys at forums , they have no idea bout scoundrels/operatives and they still can talk about our class dynamics..

    So bioware couldnt resist to em i guess eh ?


    You do know that the developers have access to the actual numbers right? They can see how classes are balanced by looking at how they perform in-game with metrics. It's not "oh no someone complained about operatives on the forums, we better nerf them".

  8. I've seen both melee and ranged be bads. I've seen melee bring stellar DPS and overall awareness.


    IF you really are ditching melees, especially for HM's, you are probably the weak link.


    Im a jug tank, have tanked em all, and there's no "crazy" difficulty to do so.


    Yeah of course but if you're talking about the general PVE fight mechanics it's not really a question of who's the "bad". If a stationary Boss is standing in fire, then the melee have 2 basic choices, they can stand in the fire and keep attacking or they can move out of the fire and stop attacking. Ranged DPS don't really run into that problem as much. You probably had a Sorcerer/ranged DPS or two backing you up. Try running with 3 melee and an operative.

  9. First off, yes, there are a lot of fights, probably the majority that are easier with ranged.


    Having said that, Sorc / Sage are by far the most popular classes. More times then not there are 3 or 4 of them in my Ops groups ... and that's on my main and on my alt.


    Sorc / Sage = Ranged ...


    As far as *chasing* off healers ... the game is about DPS, not heals ... what gives us healers a hard time are BAD DPS not killing stuff fast enough. So if you want to have healers like you ... step up your game and kill stuff faster.


    Yes, fights are not melee friendly ... no, melee is not the most popular class by far ... not even close.

    Yeah I think Sorcerers are really strong. Probably the best all-around class in the game ATM. If you don't have at least one Sorcerer healer in your group you might as well forget it.

  10. Remember that melee classes usually have more mobility, since they generally don't have abilities with cast times, and can dps while moving as good as stationary. I don't know, I kinda got used to melee being handicaped (it's the same in other mmos I've played) so it doesn't bother me that much :p


    I'm not sure how you figure that. If I log on to any of my ranged characters I can constantly fire at a target from anywhere up to 30m away. If I see a AOE target or fire on the ground I can move out of the way while still attacking my target, whether it's stationary or not. Yeah ranged has more channeled attacks but they have 30m range. If I'm melee and I move farther than 5m away from a target I lose like 90% of my attacks.

    Also, in the MMOs I've played melee classes usually have better armor or self heals to make up for the lack of range.


    I like taking my Merc into Warzones and finding a good hiding spot to hose the melee classes with blaster fire from 30m away while they cluster next to each other mixing it up. ;) Most times they don't even notice me, they just pad my kill count.

  11. I agree. I think melee classes need good defenses in-general for the PvE stuff. As a tank spec'd Juggernaut I need constant heals in any PvE stuff beyond solo difficulty. Tonight I was doing Directive 7 and the bosses were freaking burning me down even with a Operative healing me. Oh and if the encounter requires me to be mobile my DPS is like zero. I've been trying to get good gear to make my toon tougher, I've got a few pieces with 126 rating and he's wearing a lot of purple (armor is at ~44%), so it's not like I'm trying to get-by main tanking with quest greens. That wasn't even the hardmode stuff yet.


    Ranged classes do better in PvP too. I have a Sorcerer alt that was topping the boards for Warzones at lvl 14. That's never happened for my Juggernaut -even at lvl 49. I think melee classes need something to make up for the lack of range and mobility. I almost never see Marauders PvPing on my server. I'm not sure what it is but something is missing, like self-heals or something. Melee classes are really squishy and especially as a tank I'm always taking fire.


    I'm at the point now with the high level stuff where I don't want to go anywhere without either my healer companion or a Sorcerer backing me up. Maybe I need better consumables?

  12. Please elaborate... Just how does a colored icon, depicting not usable, make it better for you? I wish to understand and elaborate everyones needs to the dev's and how to help you/me.. But in all regards, this makes little sense to me.... Anything that is colored should be usuable.


    Because before all abilities were grey during the GCD and I had to either wait until the GCD finished to see if I could fire an ability that cost Rage or count how much Rage I had on my resource bar. Now if I have the Rage all the abilities that are available are illuminated even during the GCD so I know if I can queue them next. If I don't have the Rage they are darkened. It's an improvement for a class that has to build resource to spend it.


    I don't have to wait for the GCD to end to see what ability I can use next.

  13. I kind of like it. My main class (Juggernaut) has a lot of abilities that are resource dependent and it was hard to tell if they were available to fire before the GDC was up. I admit the grey standard cooldown is a little hard to read on some of the longer cooldowns but overall I think it's an improvement. I can queue Rage dependent abilities during the GCD because I know they are available to fire.
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