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10 Good
  1. My guild is willing to switch to republic on veela, we're all tired of having no republics too kill, the best way to fix pvp right now, is to give everyone a level 50 of their mirror class.
  2. The only thing not allowed is kicking the huttball
  3. Frog dogs are typically where people who are not heterosexual go.
  4. Don't do it you will regret it for the price of a large pizza you can play a 500 million dollar game for 30 days
  5. The fact that you care about fairness in PvP makes me want to camp you for an hour, while you post about it on the forums, or file a ticket.
  6. I really like the game, and enjoy the PvP, but what really makes me want to keep this game subscription is to grief people. I enjoy killing lowbies on Tatooine, and when I play Illum, I love destroying the bad republic players who refuse to organize into a militia of well armed civilians and overthrow the imperial government. I enjoy the game, and whenever I see dialogue I promptly press space bar as to refrain from slowing my leveling. However I am sure the story line is very interesting & fun. I look forward to the months of countless cry babies, and carebear tears. On these forums & in game, I have not had this much fun since Ultima Online pre-trammel.
  7. I don't understand why the republic on Illum (2) are sitting at the gun turret charging the imps 1 by 1 dying. You could easily run out the otherside of the base, and cap the control points reducing valor significantly. I believe the problem with these "Republic" players is that they refuse to coordinate, or use any brains.
  8. BRB baby is crying, wait 20 minutes for, oh guys sorry I got to go. seriously sterilization should be enforced on gamers.
  9. I know this is a long, self-indulgent post.. lol. Sorry. TL;DR: pvp balance is ruined; game is too easy; world is dead; world pvp is dead; no more immersion in the game; pandas are lame. Yes, I am finally quitting, after playing (too much) since 2008. First off, I'm not just posting this to rant or to QQ. It might seem otherwise, since most of the things I'm going to write will be negative and critical of changes that have taken place and of decisions that have been made. The reason I'm doing this isn't just to blow off steam (though I admit it will probably feel good to do so); it's to give my impressions, with the (perhaps vain) hope that someone important out there will read this and take it into consideration. I am trying to be constructive in this. Secondly, let me also say that I'm not here just to rant about how "WoW is dead, WoW sucks, Pandas suck, devs are stupid, this sucks that sucks etc etc etc". I have loved playing this game for a long time; it's still a very very fun game. I'm not even much of a "gamer" but I have to say once in a while a video game comes along that just presses all the right buttons, and WoW was (is) certainly one of those games. I had a lot of fun playing this game, and still occasionally do on a good day. However more and more this game has just become frustrating to play and has left me with a bad taste in my mouth when I log off. I just can't find the fun anymore. It could just be because it's an old game and I"m bored with it, but I don't think this is the case. Just last week my brother and I rerolled a couple dwarves just for fun and I got excited again about rolling yet another new alt (5 year alt-o-holic here). But it's just not the same anymore. Here are some of the reasons why (I'll try to list them in order of severity): 1 - Lack of PvP balance. I know, I know, this isn't a PvP game. It's a PvE game. And PvP has never really been balanced. But it seems lately that PvP has been ignored even more than usual to accomodate PvE gimmicks and PvE whiners (who cry endlessly because their class does 1k dps less than another, as though that somehow made a big difference in the raid encounters...) It's been my experience in raiding and dungeons (not much, I know) that overall dps matters much less than group cohesion and teamwork, and understanding fight mechanics. Yet the classes' damage and abilities get turned on their heads so that they are as balanced as possible numbers-wise (still an impossible task, I know) so people don't cry about it on forums. This of course ruins PvP. I won't get into specific classes - we all know which classes are OP atm - but every patch there are new "flavors of the month" which dominate pvp. (Personally my main is a hunter and I also got tired of being the worst pvp class of all time.. but that is another discussion.) EDIT - after reading some comments and considering, I think it's unfair to blame PvE balance for PvP imbalance. We can discuss the reasons, and we can have arguments about which classes are or are not OP and why, and indeed even if there *is* that much imbalance relative to past patches. But I think it's pretty obvious that with each new patch comes massive and obvious imbalances in PvP, for both casual players, serious 3s and RBG players, duelling, and especially low level PvP. I know lowbie PvP isn't "supposed" to matter, but it does to me, and it is utterly broken ATM. PvP imbalance is across the board. And it will probably never change, which I have come to realize, which is a frustrating reason for which I am leaving. 2 - PvE, especially questing, is way too easy. EDIT - To everyone who checks my armory and tells me I haven't done any raids yet other than LFR. I don't like raiding, and I don't consider raiding to be the only aspect to PvE. The rest of it has become very bland and way too easy. Whether or not the devs can or should devote more time to other aspect of PvE is up for debate, but IMO the devs just expect everyone to want to zip through all content until they can raid, and that is not an approach that is welcoming for me, personally. It's just way way WAY too easy now. I remember when I used to play this game one of my favourite things to do was level. I would quest, get to a decent level (back when the tiers were 10 levels apart for bgs) and try my hand at PvP. I would hit level 36 (say), hit the AH, train my new spells, check out some enchantments for my gear, pick a TP, and queue up for AB and WSG for a while. Then I'd quest again, hit 37, pick a new TP, equip another piece of gear I had been saving, then queue up again. I used to love testing myself with each new level against other players, and also against the environment. I'm 37 now, maybe I can take on that level 40 elite npc now? The quest says "suggested players: 3", but idc... I'm gonna solo it. So I'd try, then fail, but come *oh so close*... so I'd get a new piece of gear, get to 38, buy a food buff and a scroll or an elixir, think of a new strat, then attack again. And prevail! It felt good. The game beat me at first, but I buffed up, rethought my strategy, tried again, and now I beat the game. THAT is how video games have always been, ever since I was a kid. (Have any of you ever played Ninja Gaiden for the NES? How about Mega Man 1? TMNT? THOSE were hard games, but it made it feel so much better when you won!) But look what they've done to that experience. They've completely squished it. They buffed our health pool, our damage output, they give us all our abilities at lvl 10, all our low level quest rewards have stats on them... and the npcs are a COMPLETE JOKE. That same lvl 40 elite npc that used to kick my !@# when I was 37 is now killed in 4 hits when I am 34. Packs of npc mobs that used to all aggro and kill you inside that cave in Loch Modan are now twice as few, twice as far apart, have half the aggro range and do half the damage they used to. And they die in 3 hits. There is almost literally no chance that anything can EVER kill you while levelling. So I ask, what is the point of it? Why bother picking tps? or gear? or learning my new spells? Everything has become so faceroll - even the dungeons - that your choices are irrelevant as far as pve goes. Doesn't matter what stats you pick, what enchantments you choose, what tps you have.... you will always win unless you are a total clown who can't find the autoattack button. The game became WAY too easy, and I don't like easy games. Maybe a lot of you out there do, and thus disagree with what I am saying... but this is my point of view and this is one of the reasons I'm leaving. 3. The world, and world pvp, are completely dead. EDIT - Yes I know we can "make our own world PvP". My point is not that it is impossible, but that, post-4.0, there have been drastic changes to the game which have all contributed to the destruction of spontaneous, unscripted PvP in the world; not just for lvl 85s, but even for lowbies who used to run into other lowbies, sparking back-and-forth exchanges which would bring about an avalanche of guildies, friends, Mains, and entire pitched battles in places like TM and xroads, all from seemingly nowhere. Before 4.0 hit I used to have 2 different "mains" for pvp. My "main main" was this hunter, and I had a second sort of pseudo-main which was a fire mage (fire for pvp? I know, what was I thinking... lol). My hunter always had his hearth set to the xroads, and my mage always had her stone set to Tarren Mill. On *all" my characters, whether it was my main or my banking alt, had the world defence channel open at all times. Thus, any time some unfortunate Alliance player was foolish enough to attack the xroads or TM, I would instantly log and hearth on one of my mains to whoop some $%^. Let me tell you, I remember having some frigging EPIC battles and grief-fests at both those towns, with some random horde and alliance attacking TM then counterattacking Southshore, or Xroads as it happened. That was SO FUN. To say nothing of the random encounters while levelling one of my many alts, or while getting a group together at a summoning stone, or while just running somewhere, anywhere, on my *non-flying* mount. It was spontaneous, unexpected (well, not entirely), random, and FUN! And they've totally killed that. Like, TOTALLY. Yes, they killed it, the devs did, NOT the players. I've heard people say ad nauseum "well just go out and find world pvp! it's easy!". Wrong answer. Spontaneous and frequent world pvp used to be a mainstay for me on all my toons, and it just vanished literally overnight with the "upgrade" to 4.0. It was a complete distaster. This segways into the next point... 4. Immersive feeling is completely gone. EDIT - I know it's an old game and I've been playing for a long time, but I have rolled countless alts before 4.0 and *never* even came close to getting bored with the game, because it still challenged me in different ways, and different things like travel-times, no LFD, the world actually being populated, and so forth, all made it immersive, challenging, interesting and fun. Due mostly to the previous 3 points, I no longer feel immersed in a role playing game with good guys, bad guys, and walruses, but instead when I log in I feel like I'm going to work. I log in, check my auctions, repost things, then switch between my 85s to make sure they get their daily BG in. Lately I mostly enjoyed playing my enh shaman, but then I join a random BG and their team has 3 frost mages, 2 rogues and 4 blood dks. (who do you think wins those fights? see point 1.) So it's just a grind over 3-4 bgs in a row to get my win. So I get tired of that and decide to try out some levelling on an alt. I join a dungeon (almost instantly) and it has 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 dps. It is the most boring half hour of my life. I am the healer, you see, and the tanks just don't take damage anymore. At all. Sooo... "hooray" I level and i pick my next tp. Then I go to quest, and it feels like a giant chore now. Nothing can ever kill me (see point 2), nobody else is around anymore (who quests now anyways?), the zones all look really drab and generic now, and phasing has basically precluded the possibility of picking my own quests or of running into another player. It's the exact same quests that I just did on another alt with the exact same outcome: victory, every single time. Just mindlessly pressing 1, 2 and then 3 on my keyboard until the npc dies and I loot the bear -*! for my "collect 10 bear asses" quest. YAWN. As BB King said, The Thrill is Gone . So I decide to log back into my main and finally try the Deathwing encounter. The Madness of Deathwing. I'll spare you the details and cut to the chase: I won. Not a single person died the entire time. I didn't know a single person in the raid (used the raid finder tool), nobody really said anything at all actually, I just attacked the things that the raid leader put Skulls on. And I methodically, boringly put on my dps "rotation" until the stuff died. I didn't win any gear, nor did I care; I just finished 3rd on the dps chart using my PvP gear and pvp rotation. (See point 2.) Why would I *ever* want to do this again? I just don't see how it's fun. To grind out until I get a full set of something and some achievement to go with it? No thanks... 5. Pandas. EDIT - I am not insecure or childish, I am just voicing my opinion about Pandaria expo. Feel free to disagree. I personally think that they are just too silly to be the "face" of an entire expansion. When I watched the first trailer, I and many, many other people thought it was just a silly joke for Blizzcon but was dismayed to realize it was not. I am allowed to play a "childish" game with talking cow men and space goats, but still find another aspect of it over the top. It's just my opinion. Yes yes, I know pandas were already in the game, they are part of the lore. I also know that I am a talking cow. I also know that it's fantasy and I am supposed to suspend my disbelief. But I'm sorry, "Pandaria" (LOL THEY ACTUALLY NAMED THE ENTIRE EXPANSION PANDARIA LOL). When I tell people at work that I play WoW, they already laugh at me for being a nerd. I don't care, I do what I want. We have a laugh about it together, and we still get along fine and have a beer after work, no problem. But you should have seen everyone lose it when I told them that the new expansion was centered around a place called pandaland with talking pandas called Pandaria where a big fat "brewmaster" Panda turns into a monk and defeats his foes by drinking beer. Ninja pandas, kung fu pandas... IDGAF what you call them or how you justify them, this talking cow just can't take that crap seriously. I can suspend my disbelief, but only up to a certain point. If pandas were in the game already (in WoW I mean) and it were done in a good way I could accept it. As I can accept talking cows. But keep in mind that taurens weren't introduced into Wow with an expansion called Mists of Bovinity, and our homeland is not called Cowland, and we do not strike fear into our enemies by squirting milk on their faces. Also, our racial ability is called War Stomp, not Cow Tipping. (i mean really... BOUNCY is their racial... *shudders*) There are many other smaller complaints I have, but none of them were ever deal-breaking by themselves. I'm not going to list every single thing wrong with the game, that would just be ridiculous. I hope this is constructive. Who knows, maybe Ill eat my words and be back in a month playing again. I can't make any promises. But I have deleted all of my alts on every server. I just couldn't bring myself to delete my main though, I have too many fond memories and achievements, and just can't bring myself to do it. Maybe they'll take things in a new direction and I'll try to come back someday... then again maybe I'll just find a new pastime. Again I'm sorry if I offended anyone out there (serious players, PvEers, devs, trolls, Blood DKs), but I tried to make it honest and constructive. Good luck to everyone. P.S. (edit) - I don't want to end on a bad note, though. This post comes across as quite negative but I just want to say Thanks Blizzard for once again providing a very fun, awesome, top-notch game. I had fun playing it, and the service was just great. It was definitely worth every penny. I just hope you guys can manage to pull it together and bring back the old magic for me and so many others who have quit. gg! *EDIT* While feedback is valuable it is important to remember that the use of obscene language will often just get a post deleted. If you want to be heard then please refrain from using it. -Grimiku
  10. From the first time I zoned it I was hit with obscenities. All because of my gear. Mind you, I am wearing exactly 353 which is the minimum for Twilight heroics. Only one person died during the whole run, and it wasn't even due to me, he stood in fire. This druid though, from the Draka server, is easily the most rude and obscene player I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Even when no one was dying and we were progressing perfectly fine he would not let up. In no particular order: http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP1.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP2.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP3.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP4.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP5.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP6.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP7.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP8.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP9.jpg http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h319/Bob5280/UP10.jpg This wasn't even all of it, just what I manage to screenshot. One of his favorites was I must have gamed the system because there's "no way you should be healing ANY heroic". This character is wearing the best gear it has. My ret set in my bags is worse. This behavior is the worst I've run into since Cata began. I can see why there is a lack of healers or lack of faith in the community in general.
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