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Everything posted by Keldaur

  1. Stopped reading there. I will give you two hints, 1 - Force leap 2 - Stun/knockbacks are the best CC's in game, not roots. You should be inmune to roots, but roots shouldn't increase the resolve bar.
  2. You are wrong. My current champion weapon/offhand and full cent one week 50 sorc has 1300 willpower (with stimpack ofc). A BM geared is around 1600-1700 (with 2-3 PvE pieces). If you know some math, you will realize that isn't a roughly 15%, more like a 20% (20% more damage or heal). And that isn't for someone "not wearing any pvp gear. Not only that, the power and surge (which centurion doesn't deliver) are much higher. Getting more than what i got on a week, is being already battlemaster rank nowaydays. And in before you say "lol u want free epix", i have 2 full BM toons. I know my ****.
  3. You clearly don't have a lot of knowledge of the game.
  4. Should we start argueing about it's real definition on this subject ?
  5. It does if they buff it to a 20%, only problem i see, is how healing would escalate that way, since damage/mitigation remain more or less the same.
  6. You would be right if it was because "expertise". It was because most pvp'ers couldn't get the top end gear and the ones with the skill (or friends to carry them) had a even bigger advantadge, so average and bad players who couldn't compete before, now they didn't even stand a chance gearwisely.
  7. I have played a lot on the lowbie bracket. Best lvl is by far 49 geared with epics lvl 41-49. Talents and more skills are BIG and mean a lot. For example, with my sorc i couldn't get 300k before getting wrath, at lvl 38, when i got chain lighting , barrage + wrath i was doing 400k-500k on voidstar. Same for mando, my pyrovanguard and my shadow. If a lvl 10 kills you, it's not because the bolster give them better stats, it's plainly because you suck. There's a lot of misconception about bolster, if you are geared at your lvl with just an epic weapon, you are a freaking beast. To OP, start whenever you want, but get your pvp gear lvl 20.
  8. Me ? Sorry man, i yet have to see somebody who wins me 1vs1. And surely an scrub like you who doesn't understand that on PvP player skill should be the primary and only factor to achieve a victory or go defeated, wouldn't put a dent on me. Now go try again little piece of shiat. What i want is start to face more geared players so they can't blame gear and i can take real challenge.
  9. PvE progression = Gearing up to be able to do more challenging encounters. PvP progression = Improving yourself to face better players. Gear on PvP shouldn't matter. Yes, everybody loves to get new gear, and there needs to be new sets so PvE gear isn't better than PvP's gear, but the grind should be doable for everybody. That way, people can only whine about lack of class balance, and most issues would be just L2P issues.
  10. So are you telling me that my rating on sc2 isn't a real rating because i don't get more units and resources at the beginning of a match because of that. You are a joke.
  11. Actually if your only argument is hoping Gabe isn't stupid... But yeah, it makes sense.
  12. Is this true ? May you provide a link ? I like it to be honest, atleast till they get the 8man queue up, it's quite decent.
  13. So you didn't understand me. At all, and came to the conclussion of resolve bar. Okey, i will explain. Voidstar is small. Small enough so you can directly push at the bottom of their respawn, and still, menace the doors. Note, i didn't say "lolol run to the mid", because it isn't. A - AOE cannon fodder. B - Easy to mezz before stopping a bomb. C - Unable to kill your healers and rangeds who can LOS easilly. Your rangeds and healers will be the ones planting, or fake planting to grab attention. Now we are getting into strats, but i know you won't accept it anyways, so i give up, have it your way.
  14. Do i have to argument against you ? There all already tons of posts with sense of how good pvp is done, and how poorly not fair pvp works. You are just another PvE'r on disguise mode. Any PvP'er wants challenging fun fights and improve themselves as players to be a b4d4ss. You want unfair playing fields via gear progression to be able to be a b4d4ss.
  15. I do it all the time. With my sentinel too (stun then awe if trinket, if not, i can pacify too and laugh ;d). And surprisingly ... i kill them easilly. Noone said... "stand there and do no damage". That's *********** retarded. CC and kiting 6 seconds isn't that hard. Hell i even feel bad when i am on a sniper with cloak up, and he knockbacks me and keeps shooting, instead of waiting for it to wear off. Yes, some classes specs can't do it, but doesn't mean omgawd noone can.
  16. Well, you are talking about 1on1. 1on1 scoundrel/operative with cooldowns kills marauder/sentinels with cooldowns, atleast the ones with brains. Same for an assassin/shadow specced bursty, they just have the right tools to burst you to the point you are forced to camo/invuln and survive long enough to finish you off after those.
  17. Yep, for example sorcs tend to DoT you from the beginning, when it's just stupid, the best way to kill a marauder/sentinel, is to force him to use rebuke/cloak and THEN CC/kite till it's over. When it's over, you can go all in on him.
  18. Going right/left, is stupid, you need to push them out of both pillars, that way, they can't run to assist the doors and they are fragmented enough to be able to pick your side and get, you need to gain of the mid to control the pillars so they can't defend and LOS, how you do it, is the strat itself, aoe's, well placed disruptives melees with situational awaraness, etc etc... I get it, you think you are right and will continue this ad infinitum, so i won't care anymore. Because, what do i know, just had beaten the suppossedly best Empire premades on TOFN that way repeteadly.
  19. Yes, because RNG was what majority wanted. Stop being so naive, the guy who they trusted for the PvP gear system, is the same guy they trusted for the PvE gear system. That's why we got a stupid RNG system, because he is lazy as ****.
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