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Everything posted by Keldaur

  1. He is pointing out what is obvious to most people who actually have experience doing pvp. A CC breaker plus inmunity is one of the best suvirval tools you can give to a ranged class or a healer. Stuff you can use it for on top of my head : - Force a target switch, since you can be healed, therefore, every damage dealt to you before and after you used the skill, was pointless damage. And that sucks - Wait for CC cooldowns/shield, to continue to mess with melees. - Avoid high hitting skills. Look the guy is going to smash me... NUPE. - Anti CC building up resolve. To be fair, most of the complains about classes 2.0 on this forum are totally clueless. With this kind of feedback, i would not have a PTS.
  2. Have you actually tested this ? Do you have numbers to compare ?
  3. That post reminds me of what mages where complaining about ice block at WoW on early stages. Some of them even created long "well thought" posts about it. Except they were wrong.
  4. They had been always really thick about this. 10-29 is good. 30-54 is crap, atleast that's how it is going to be on release and a few months afterwards with only alters 50+ who already had lvl 50 gear grinding them out. 10-29, 30-49, 50-54 then 55 is how it should be. After a few months you can revert this, but not in the first wave.
  5. Keldaur

    Remove Phase Walk!

    More likely... your marauder finally gets full resolve against the stunbubbler and then he goes into "ice cube" for 10 seconds to re-start the pain.
  6. So according to a few guys asking for ... - Cross server (not my favorite since it finally destroy any kind of community pvp'er on that server, but it has its own upsided, give you that) - Proper Matchmaking (my favorite, some people will hate it because it push your winrate to 50% except if you are exceptionally good or bad, that means, premade or not, most warzones will be challenging). ... is just beind a baddie. Full of genius.
  7. Nop. The real fix is real matchmaking too for regular warzones. People who often play on premade will be on top normally will be on top, and people who doesn't won't. You can also add a coefficient to multiply the average of the team queueing depending on the group size.
  8. A hidden matchmaking value even for nonrated would help possible progamers to have an easier time to get practice. Anyways as an avid SC2 follower, withouth a good way to observe, a game is condemned to fail on that department, and as far i know, there are no observing mod.
  9. While it would be awesome, you would need to change the minimap to fit the whole warzone for this to actually work.
  10. I don't play commando // merc, but it makes me cringe a few things i read on this forums. Why is people even talking about "the old days 1.2". The class was always ****, i remember how ****** it was on beta, and still people complained about the "spamming missiles" which were totally countered by somebody with half a brain to interrupt. Hell when i played at release with watchman i could totally counter a single merc so they wouldn't get a single cast off. It was always the OBVIOUS focus since they did decent damage if left alone, but with somebody on top of it it did nothing and could not escape. Every teamfight involving a merc means they got one guy less. The problem with the class it needs a ROLE as a ranged DD nuker and fulfill it. Snipers are the best at burst with a decent CC and suvirval toolkit, sorcerers at mobility and crowd control. Mercs ? At having heavy armor, which is totally overrated.
  11. Hi, i haven't played since well... a bit before the legacy update, and i am right now wondering about what happens when you max companions. It says that it gives you a flat bonus, to all characters. Does it work this way ? If i play in both sides (sith, rep), can i stack the bonuses ? Are they also for pvp ? Thank you in advance guys.
  12. I have a Naga too, the only problem i have, is if i am using the buttons as "numpad" instead, because of the arrows. If you just re-bind either the Naga buttons or the swtor keybindings that could affect it you shouldn't have any problem.
  13. @OP "Antighost" Only works with ASWD and a few more keys as far i know. If you want to have a real "Antighost" get a keyboard with NKR0, since they have NO LIMIT to the amount of keys you can push at the same time and will still get feedback from them. I *********** love my Noppoo Choc Mini with Browns ;p This is a guide for mechanical keyboards, but you can understand way better how keyboards work from it. http://www.overclock.net/t/491752/mechanical-keyboard-guide
  14. So marauders need it to be able to survive and kill something after all the CC. See ? Everybody can play that game too.
  15. But you really don't need thousand keybindings. I play a sentinel and a gunslinger. Both are the classes with more useful skills on game, and i still got more room on my "usual" keybindings for more stuff. I mean, instead of asking them to dumb it down, you have two option: - Play a class dumbed down from a keybinding standpoint (like merc or sorc, if you don't believe me, do a spreadsheet simulating how you would configure your keys with those classes). - Or get better.
  16. How do you know this ? I mean, pulling arguments out of your *** doesn't count. Many games had proven you wrong btw.
  17. PvP =/= PvE Don't you still get it ? Your godmamned freaking reward for PvE is being able to access next tiered encounters. That's what ELO rating does while matching you with harder and harder opponents, no gear checks or entry barriers.
  18. Your fiance called. The divorce papers are on the table. Good troll attempt thought.
  19. It wasn't. People saying otherwise are just nostalgic. The good thing was everybody could get crafted gear and go pvp, and the RvR was quite good, but the PvP had insane amounts of overpowereds CC's.
  20. Yes, bad players. I thought the same with my sentinel, no sorc/sage could take me 1on1, even both on same BM gear. Then i played sorc too, and now i know the **** i am speaking. Ofc, most sorcs don't have a freaking clue about how to kill a sentinel like i do
  21. Yeh, also a few months ago you were saying the same about "hybrids being weaker than 31 talentpoints" saying i was clueless. Sorry, but you are worthless to any discussion. And btw, no BS, you are just that bad.
  22. Others has answered, but noone (as far as i had read) had spoke really about Diversion. It works to remove people from cover for 6 secs, but also leaves a -45% accuracy debuff. This accuracy debuff, isn't ranged/melee, is EVERYTHING, so it can make tech/force powers to miss aswell. Use it. A lot. It's quite gamebreaking 1on1.
  23. I LoL'ed, because i did exactly the same thing because all of the "l2p" "u suck" "we are the worst 1on1 class", rolled one to see if i was wrong. Truth is, i can even take down BM sentinels with my cent gear and 0/20/21 spec. Now some people will say "whaawhaa sentinels are 1vs1 thats impossible", "they are bads". If you can't kill a sentinel with your sorc, L2P, takes time, but it's way easier than most of you think (and i am not gonna lie, a 20/21 spec is required)
  24. There's still configuration on how mods/enhacement. So your knowledge and effort getting best mods/enhacements for your gear isn't wasted. Also vanilla wow didn't have any real competition with ELO rating to find you good matchups. Edit - And by the way you are wrong, the point, is getting better rating on the ELO with your group/guildies, not gear management which a spreadsheet can do.
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