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Everything posted by Kibaken

  1. I will definitely concede that the community, in no way shape or form, could handle nor would want a grind a la Vanilla WoW. However that feeling can still be artificially created through steady and gradual gear progression. As it stands now they could have easily made Normal, Hard, and Nightmare difficulties along with Hard-Mode Flashpoints difficult to the point where normal gear progression could take place. Do HMFlashpoints and then start Ops. Instead they took the approach that NOps and HMFlashpoitns were on the same level and handing everyone the professor plums off the bat. Take into account the ease of HMOps coupled with the absolutely stupid premise that NM gives no gear benefit whatsoever leaves little to desire for an end-game geared player. A relatively skilled group of players who are fresh 50s being able to walk into 8-man HMKP and one-shot everything isn't fun. At all. The novelty of "lol we one shot it" quickly loses its luster after the group realizes "this is the only content." I feel BioWare removed any availability for upgrades to feel "epic." This is already a story-driven sci-fi game. There aren't going to be any legendary, magical weapons for us to get. Sure, we can pick up an ancient Sith Lord's saber or something but why go through all the trouble of giving us "our first saber" - whether crafted, gifted, or looted - and then have us replace it because one with better stats dropped. "This weapon is your life," said Obi-Wan. Why does this statement lose its meaning if the game was specifically advertised as the "new, story driven MMO from BioWare and Lucas Arts?" I'd have to argue that, in ToR's case along with several other games, it is the developer's fault that this phenomena has occurred. Note how in early BC having the full, blue heroic-dungeon class sets was a sign of status pre-Kara. You needed that gear to even think of getting Attumen down, and once you moved in there you got much better, epic gear with a new set bonus. The entire idea that blue = bad spawned after the changes to heroics and the expansion of the Badge of Justice system, essentially causing the formation of the faux-elitist mindset the majority of players have. They have epix, that means they're good. BioWare could have easily made it so NOps/HMFlashpoints dropped blue gear, HMOps dropped the first wave of purples and then finishing it off with better purples in the form of the current Rakata gear from NMOps. In my opinion as a fairly seasoned gamer it wasn't fun at all to hit 50 and get swamped with epics in a few days. Upgrading an epic with a barely better epic is only fun when they're significantly better epics (barring breaking set-bonuses) from a newly released content tier. Hard and Nightmare mode sharing loot and the overall, relative simplicity of the content in general has, in my opinion, removed any 'epic' feeling raiding in this game could have had. I've been on board with this game since the first whispers of it and I absolutely hated myself for admitting it, but at the current rate the game is headed I can and have already started to see a lot of semi-hardcore/hardcore raiders leaving due to boredom.
  2. Both Molten Core and Onyxia were in at launch. Strat and Scholo were 10-man raids and UBRS was 15-man. The problem is the current content is either riddled with bugs or too easy to take anywhere near seriously for competitive endgame. The difference between end-game at WoW's launch and endgame in ToR now is that gearing was gradual. You had to run UBRS over and over and over and over just for that one chestpiece. It required a huge time commitment to do so but the fact remains that finally killing Drak when your hunters didn't suck and finally seeing your chestpiece was an achievement and felt epic. And, while doable with pugs, the difficulty and skill required in, for instance, kiting Drak, made it very easy to weed out people who didn't know what they were doing. 'Puggable' wasn't originally a synonym for 'faceroll-able;' it used to mean that - if everyone did their job - the content was clearable and didn't require a huge time commitment like 40-man raids did. After finally getting a mix of blues and greens you ran into MC only to wipe to the first pull for 20 minutes while your raid manned up. The next several months you were going to be progressing - slowly but surely - through the content before finally getting enough loot to gear out 40 people (don't forget your fire-resist set too) and kill Ragnaros. Every boss kill was a clutch moment and that "epic" feeling was there. Not once did I or anyone I was playing with feel that epic feeling with any boss so far in SWToR. There was no gradual build-up or progression. We one-shot every boss in NMKP without doing normal. It was just "clearing content" and turned into farm content - read boring - much too quick to be considered fun, imo. You can hit 50 and run a few flashpoints and have a handful of epics already, no questions asked, and that's not even counting using PvP gear. Anyone wearing a blue or green is rarely taken seriously. The level cap in this game is 50. I can get 1-60 in WoW right now in a weekend as a Prot Warrior spamming the LFG tool, and I can get 60-80 in another weekend after that. Leveling speeds have absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the endgame at all and has no basis in any discussion in a thread about said endgame.
  3. Camo is a 4 second stealth that doesn't break combat. It's a threat dump for PvE and a target dump/get away button in PvP. If you're looking to play a stealth class Marauders are not for you.
  4. Ressing while in combat is one thing. Not being able to gather in combat is just dumb.
  5. If you think it doesn't feel like raiding now just wait. This indicates that smaller raids will be the new benchmark for world firsts in SWTOR. http://www.gamebreaker.tv/mmorpg/operation-easy-mode/ The hardest content is going to be 8-man KPNM: the raid that was one-shot within 2 hours of it being available.
  6. This indicates that smaller raids will be the new benchmark for world firsts in SWTOR. http://www.gamebreaker.tv/mmorpg/operation-easy-mode/ With the current difficulty of 8-mans if 16-mans are easier combat logs really won't be necessary at all.
  7. Oh, just wait. This indicates that smaller raids will be the new benchmark for world firsts in SWTOR. http://www.gamebreaker.tv/mmorpg/operation-easy-mode/
  8. Thought I'd share this here for a Marauder-only discussion. This indicates that smaller raids will be the new benchmark for world firsts in SWTOR. http://www.gamebreaker.tv/mmorpg/operation-easy-mode/ Thoughts? Comments? General ramblings?
  9. Or there aren't 16 people there due to massive server population issues.
  10. I do hope they're aware this will hurt the game more than almost everything they've done to it so far. Appealing to the more casual population with a subscription based model is not how to do it; there's going to be absolutely no competitive end-game. The content race is going to turn into 'who can get 8 people on right after servers come up on Tuesday.' Pathetic. This Amatengalo guy really needs to find a new career path. Maybe insurance.
  11. If you're just using Sweeping Strikes in-between fights to drop Rage and build Fury then I absolutely applaud you for being in the top percentile of our class. The rotation for Carnage - rotation of course being the Burst Phase order I have - will work in both PvE and PvP. As I say in the guide the order in which you perform Scream and Ravage is, timing-wise, much easier to get off by using Ravage first. You may, in PvP situations, in find yourself unable to do so for whatever reason so I just wanted to stress that it can go either way.
  12. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZhGrbddMorsZG.1 Considering I have both Quick Recovery and Malice I don't really need to justify anything and have no idea where you're coming from. Displacement is absolutely worthless in PvE. You won't be able to root bosses and you can no longer use Obfuscate and, even when we could, getting an extra 6 meters added to the range is insignificant since we're melee to begin with. It's 100% a PvP talent. Unbound, like Displacement, has absolutely no place in a PvE spec. If you're talking about PvP you're doing it wrong if you're even thinking about using Sweeping Strikes and this guide has no PvP functionality at this time. The PvP spec is incredibly easy to pick up and, oddly enough, my Carnage PvP spec has the exact same talent choices in Rage and Annihilation - the only thing that changes is my filler. Edit: For the record, it's an additive 6% increase and that is by no means 'measly.'
  13. The Juggernaut Heavy Armor complaint in 1v1 is completely unsounded. The defensive cool-downs we have at our disposal make Juggernauts look like paper. On top of that Annihilation is internal damage, Carnage ignores 100% armor for 6 seconds and Rage has 20% passive Armor Penetration.
  14. Just because there is no Weaponmaster main-hand doesn't mean we got shafted. If you think about it Weaponmaster gear was added later because Marauders and DPS Juggernauts shared the same Heavy Armor. On top of that, the DPS-Jugg power generator is, in fact, a Weaponmaster Power Generator. Vindicator is a DPS Stat main-hand, so why would we need a second - more than likely identical - Main Hand specifically for us? It's completely unnecessary. Take the weapon with DPS stats.
  15. Melee/Ranged damage = Attacks, Force/Tech attacks = Spell Damage. That's pretty much what it comes down to. Get a green piece of gear with Willpower and look at the tooltips.
  16. Any time you see yellow damage fly across your screen that is a Force Attack. Rupture and Deadly Saber ticks, Ataru procs, Scream and Smash, Pommel Strike, and Savage Kick are all Force Attacks I can think of off the top of my head. For a full list the first post in my guide lists all of our abilities and which category they fall under. I've explained in my guide why in PvE you should be doing Ravage before Scream, but in PvP situations are never ideal and you may need to switch things up. For the purposes of answering that question I simply stated all 3 in no particular order. In essence Scream/Gore/Ravage and all other variations can be simplified to 'Burst Phase.'
  17. Deadly Throw and Ravage are both talented to include a root effect in Carnage. No Marauder spec really has a "rotation;" it's a priority based system. You should be using Massacre and, when you know you can get the full affect of it, use Gore/Scream/Ravage as your burst rotation. This is a known bug and is gamebreaking for Carnage in Nightmare modes, imo. If you are too close to Karagga on Nightmare I've found you get hit by his frontal cone attack. Whether that's a bug or not is up in the air at this point, however you can't afford to be taking that damage. On the same note on a fight like Bonethrasher being at max melee range is vital for positioning and survivability. At this point it just really isn't worth going with Carnage. I of all people am probably most disappointed about it, but if you go Annihilation once it's almost impossible to go back.
  18. Arms and Fury are both pretty viable for leveling but it ends up being a lot faster to just go Prot and spam the LFG tool.
  19. There is a general assumption that movement speed increases do not stack. It is that way in almost every case in other games and it's safe to say - with testing in ToR - that BioWare has also adopted the practice. Get a friend and do a race while both of you have Sprint off and I guarantee you're faster. It's a noticeable increase and, coming from someone who played Carnage 1-50, is quite hard to get used to not having.
  20. Turn Sprint off and race a friend. It doesn't stack with Sprint.
  21. The Crit gained from Strength suffers no DR. You should be augmenting Strength.
  22. 1) Leap/Charge is not a stun. 2) We don't need one. I'd love one, but it's definitely not needed. And to the above: Stasis/Choke counts as half a stun since it stuns us for the duration as well.
  23. This. Basically the only time you'll want to use it is if everything you have is on CD and Vicious Slash won't refresh the CD of Rupture (within the 6 second Pulverize internal cool-down). Because of the very small window it is less of a headache if you choose not to use it and the overall DPS difference is negligible at best.
  24. This. All classes are treated as if they're using only one weapon to make it a lot simpler to balance.
  25. Why would you bump this? We're not overly squishy and you're obviously not using your cooldowns and abilities right.
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