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Top 10 Reasons Why You Hate This Game (not a troll post)


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There's no world PvP and ilum is pointless. If anything this game is a fraud. "Nobody will 1 shot eachother" No you'll 2 shot them.


The game just launched. The huge, vast majority of players are not at level cap yet. They can't balance a PvP world until people are actually engaged in, ya know... PvP.


What more inane QQ do you have?

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No way man. GW2 is an actual living breathing world where the NPCs all have artificial intelligence


Kinda yes, the world/Maps change, the NPC talk to you differently depending what is your personality:D


The game just launched. The huge, vast majority of players are not at level cap yet. They can't balance a PvP world until people are actually engaged in, ya know... PvP.


I don't know what you're talking about,. They did everything they could to stop world PvP from happening. Also even if the whole community were 50, Ilum is pointless, there's no reason to ever go there other than for your daily/weekly. It's ok if you're a fanboy but atleast open your eyes. World pvp is even worse than Aion.

Edited by mastersloup
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1. It takes up all of my free time.


2. My wife wants me to do stuff while i am playing swtor. I hate that.


3. I have to sleep. I hate that it takes time away from playing swtor.


4. I have to work which also takes time away from swtor. Hate that too.


5. There is no /pizza command.


There are my top 5 reasons i hate swtor.


^^^^ this!!!:D:D

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I've already engaged in world PvP on tatooine and alderan. What are YOU talking about?


I went from 1-50 without encountering a single republic.


I rerolled a sorc to lvl 31 and i pvp'd ONCE and it was a lvl 50 on tatooine. just go to the PvP forum and tell everyone who are complaining about PvP(which is over 90% of the thread there) they're all a bunch of idiot and world pvp happen often, Do it, ill read your thread.


Ive never seen such a harsh case of pot calling the kettle black, lol.


You might want to visit the wow forum, you're called a idiot for asking tips about your class.

Edited by mastersloup
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Please post the top 10 legitimate reasons why you hate this game.


1. Pretty-painted backdrops to disguise how small the world/planets really are.


2. Level based instead of skill based system


3. Warzones where lvl 10 competes against lvl 50


4. Too many catch/kill/fetch quests


5. Class mirroring


6. Lack of Crafting


7. Boring space missions


8. Horrible UI / lack of ability to re-size/reposition.


I could only think of 8.


If you hate this game, then why are you here? I have suggestions and annoyances with this game like most people... but if I thought it was so bad that I actually hated it? Well, why would I bother paying $15/month for a game I hate? If you really have that much disdain for the player experience here... shouldn't you at least cancel your subscription and either:


(a) Never come back

(b) Come back when you feel like appropriate changes have been made


FYI, I have issues with this game just like the next guy. But if I felt as strongly as you, most normal people would just quit.

Edited by MichellMich
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1. Pretty-painted backdrops to disguise how small the world/planets really are.


Player didn't make it past lvl 7.


2. Level based instead of skill based system


Welcome to 99% of MMORPGs.


3. Warzones where lvl 10 competes against lvl 50


Don't PvP until 50. Translated: "If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen."


4. Too many catch/kill/fetch quests


With engaging stories. What would you have them do? Make you a Sue Chef on an Imperial Destroyer?


5. Class mirroring


You don't know what you're talking about. :)


6. Lack of Crafting


You need to make it past level 7 and off noob planet first. See response #1.


7. Boring space missions


See response #1. Obviously you haven't tried Space missions.


8. Horrible UI / lack of ability to re-size/reposition.


Opinion. UI works even if it could use more love.


I could only think of 8.


I'm surprised, even without your shoes off. :):p

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The things I posted are legitimate.


I'm sure they are...to you. That's the nature of opinion.


So would you mind linking me to the place where you posted all your great (and realistic) ideas to fix these problems? Oh...

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I went from 1-50 without encountering a single republic.


I rerolled a sorc to lvl 31 and i pvp'd ONCE and it was a lvl 50 on tatooine. just go to the PvP forum and tell everyone who are complaining about PvP(which is over 90% of the thread there) they're all a bunch of idiot and world pvp happen often, Do it, ill read your thread.


You not being able to find the opposing faction on your server is not my problem.

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You two must be 2 special snowflakes. i've not read one single good pvp feedback.(other than operative saying killing people in 3 GCD is fun)


Yes, we are the only two people in the world who have encountered world pvp.

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You two must be 2 special snowflakes. i've not read one single good pvp feedback.(other than operative saying killing people in 3 GCD is fun)


When you make blanket statements such as "nothing good has been said about PvP," which everyone knows is false. It just ruins your credibility that much more.


Good day.

Edited by ratfanatic
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Yes, we are the only two people in the world who have encountered world pvp.


It seems like it yes


It's to a point where people have to tell eachother WHERE their world pvp happened. when people say "you have to find your world pvp" they were not kidding. When you're able to count the amount of world pvp you've had with your two hands until 50 there's a problem.

Edited by mastersloup
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1) It's a small world ... The world and the galaxy feels small, like running up a long tunnel


2) Music...The music is either poorly picked for the location or the timing is off, ie when it cues


3) non-heroic...

a)My sidekick seems so much better than my charchter

b)dieing to a story elite...just doesn't feel right

c) flow is slow(ie "strong Mobs" , elites) tried to level outside the story and return , still flowed the same just slow

d) Jumping for Datacrons...seriously ..Mario Bros?


4) Weak stories...

a) Kira raised as a Sith and no freaking one figured it out until now??

b) why are there 2 flirt options. I'm a freaking Jedi..Warrior Monks don't flirt grasshopper!

c) Wow the empire is always one step ahead of me ...Did they find the script or something?

d) does it actually matter what I choose? DS/LS choices just change the "look" not the story.


5) Visuals.

a) does this robe make my butt look big? No I look like a female with a big butt!!

b)Green lazer beams shooting out at weird angles...

c) Obviously painted horizons

d) Jawas are NOT plush dolls!

e) Tatooine looks crowded with all the structures scattered around...


6) Put that anywhere!!

a)Geonosians, reeks, Nexu, ackleys ect..If you want Geonosians to be in the game...Put Geonosis in the freakin' game!!

b) Hoth....realy , you couldn't come up with something better than that.


7) class structure... Why stick to a class structure (trinity) in a setting that doesn't support it? The healer-tank-DPS is visually absurd in this setting!! If you couldn't come up with Game mechanics that fits the setting...find a new line of work!!


8) Clashing storylines... Not everyone can be the "Best" or the "chosen one", the story is presented like it takes place in a vacuum, like it is unique...doesn't wor in this medium (a MMO).



I don't know why I bother , none of this can be changed, MMORPGs will continue to made by Morons who don't understand basic storytelling never mind complex storytelling, Massive amounts of capital will be mismanaged on poorly planned projects and the genre that holds so much promise will eventualy fall out of favour due to gross incompetence....Great..Is there any market left for "Choose your own adventure" books?

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It seems like it yes


It's to a point where people have to tell eachother WHERE their world pvp happened. when people say "you have to find your world pvp" they were not kidding. When you're able to count the amount of world pvp you've had with your two hands until 50 there's a problem.


You linked a thread of a guy claiming he found no world PvP on nar shadaa...Really? Lol.


But seriously, play most MMO's on a PvP server, the chances of you having 10+ pvp random encounters by the time your cap is pretty slim.

Edited by Jaku
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You linked a thread of a guy claiming he found no world PvP on nar shadaa...Really? Lol.


But seriously, play most MMO's on a PvP server, the chances of you having 10+ pvp encounters by the time your cap it pretty slim.


Actually i did.


Aion : world pvp happen most the time, to a point people started to cry about it

World of warcraft before flying mount : world PvP happened quite often

World of warcraft after flying mount :BC : not bad./ Wrath : bad/ Cata : i've had a few but not enough to be considered good

Rift : i've had a lot of world PvP specially after lvl 15

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#2 is opinion. The rest are facts


Facts are subjective in this case. Your facts are really what you perceive as being the correct value based judgement of the content which you're criticising. A perfect example is the crafting system. You consider it lacking, insubstantial, or just not rewarding of skill or something (you didn't flesh out your reasons so nobody really knows which is my #1 internet pet peeve when people go to complain). However, this is a casual targeted game. They designed it to be this way. Your criticism really is criticising not the system itself, but the entire design philosophy behind Bioware's creation.


Facts are not facts when you're judging whether something is good or not. A fact is that X mission is bugged in Y way and has yet to be fixed. Thats a fact. An opinion which may or may not be considered popular (meaning many or more than half of all people asked would agree) also does not equal an empirical fact.


Also, I have a HUGE problem with people who complain about how boring questing is. I challenge you to find me an MMO that had questing in a substantially more interesting way in quantity, meaning where the bulk of all quests were not grinds or collects or kills or etc.


I challenge you to find me an MMO that did questing differently for the bulk of its content. If you can't then you have no basis for saying its really a problem. Its like saying you wish FPS games weren't from a First Person perspective. It flies in the face of what defines it. This is a grinding/questing MMO, it only adds story and voice acting to offset the otherwise bland nature of this. This is how modern MMOs work. If you want something different go get flamed for talking about how good SWG was (I think it was a cool idea, but in a completely different niche).

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Actually i did.


Aion : world pvp happen most the time, to a point people started to cry about it

World of warcraft before flying mount : world PvP happened quite often

World of warcraft after flying mount : i've had a few but not enough to be considered good

Rift : i've had a lot of world PvP


Well first of all, WoW pvp happened a lot in vanilla because there was really no other form of PvP. We are talking about PvP servers nowadays. Second of all, you barely find ANY world PvP in WoW today, even on the most popular servers, leveling or otherwise. I know because I recently leveled a Warrior.


Aion: I had maybe 3-5 encounters in that game from people Rifting, most of the PvP was in the Abyss.


Rift: You're full of it, I played on the Briarcliff which was one of the most popular PvP servers at the time, and I maybe got into four random fights.


TOR is really no different. Don't blame the game because people would rather quest than start skirmishes.


But considering that GW2 has no world PvP in the sense that you can be attacked almost anywhere, I'm not sure what your point is. It will have one large, instanced zone where people will funnel into. So from level 1 to 80 in GW2, you will also have about 0 random PvP encounters.

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1: people posting on the forums about minor problems and treating them as game breaking problems.


2: people posting on the forums about minor problems and expecting them be fixed within the hour.


3: people posting on the forums about major problems and expecting them to be fixed withing the hour.


4: people posting on the forums about why such and such game is/will be better.


5: people posting on the forums about why they are quitting in a non constructive manner.


6: people posting on the forums about problems in a non constructive manner.


7: people posting on the forums about endgame in a non constructive manner.


8: people posting on the forums about balance in a non constructive manner.


9: people posting on the forums about what is and is not fair in game.


10: C2-N2/2V-R8.

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But considering that GW2 has no world PvP in the sense that you can be attacked almost anywhere, I'm not sure what your point is. It will have one large, instanced zone where people will funnel into. So from level 1 to 80 in GW2, you will also have about 0 random PvP encounters.


The fun thing about their WvWvW system is you can level from 1-80 without ever having to do PvE, since the WvWvW maps are very huge you won't feel like you're doing a battlegroud. but leveling while doing PvP. Kind of like world pvp.


Also idk what you're talking about with rift, the pvp forum was floaded with QQ about being ganked

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The fun thing about their WvWvW system is you can level from 1-80 without ever having to do PvE, since the WvWvW maps are very huge you won't feel like you're doing a battlegroud. but leveling while doing PvP. Kind of like world pvp.


You can also level from PvP in every other game? What's your point?


You can still only have world pvp in one instanced area. So I don't see why you're complaining about TOR's random encounters and putting GW2 on a pedestal.


Also idk what you're talking about with rift, the pvp forum was floaded with QQ about being ganked


People complained on the forums about being ganked? I'm just shocked someone complained on the forums, that never happens.

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