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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I hope they never release a DPS meter


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Those are the single most useless things ever implemented in an MMO. When DPS meters are put in, people forget their class, forget their intended roles, and sometimes wipe entire groups just so they can say 'my numbers were higher than yours'.


Please BW, and modding community (if there is one for this game), I beg you not to create any form of damage meter so that the classes focus on getting the job done, and not getting the insignificant numbers higher than other people's insignificants numbers.



You are stupid... Yes i said stupid.. You have no clue what a parser is all about. You sit there in your group with no info, the only thing you know is what you see when you inspect someone, you dont know if they do good damage, you dont know if they heal good, you dont know what killed you, you dont know if you are tanking good, having high AOE threat..


Everything that happens in raids and PvP is left for perception, its what you can see and tell is right or wrong.


And for example if you do a random group raid, and you keep failing and failing and failing even tho everyone has the gear that should be anough for the encounter, but it just seem that you guys can beat it.. How can you tell if you are the one sucking or if it is someone else? How can you tell if a class might be underpowered, or maby OVERpowered..


You dont have a clue why parser is a MUST for these kinds of MMOs

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Thank you for proving my point. My damage is just fine thank you. I'm just worried about people like you putting too much importance on something pretty insignificant.


This game is being played by people just fine without those pretty little numbers you find validation in.


There are hard enrage timers that you have to put out a certain amount of group dps to beat, so what the hell are you talking about?

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I do miss a dps meter. I dont really care if I can see what damage others are doing, but when I am playing a dps class I like to examine if how well my rotation etc is working out.

A dps meter makes that alot easier. Its not a gamebreaker for me that there isnt one, but I would still like it.


I understand why some people are concerned about the mentality that sometimes tend to come along with this kind of tools, however there are jerks everywhere. Simply dont group with them.


If somebody is bragging or spamming dps meters he is a bad player anyway.


But dont blame the tool. DPS meters dont kill the community, the community kills the community ;)

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The target is dead. That's usually the best indicator.


Boss enrages at 15%, all your "lol lets make it count guys" don't work, and i'm using wrong spells, they do damage and shiny stuff, but they are wrong, doesn't match with your spec, don't apply some effects. And most important of all - I will think i'm doing everything right.

Your group will fail because of idiot who don't like to use his brain then.

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Bad tanks get kicked.


Bad healers get kicked.


Bad DPS? Well, you can't tell which one it is unless you have a damage meter.


Yes, a damage meter will get you kicked. So will being a bad tank, or a bad healer. The only difference is, you can TELL when a tank or healer is bad without a meter. You can NOT tell which DPS is bad without one. You just can't.


Being able to tell which DPS sucks is only fair to the tanks and healers who have to prove themselves already. Nobody wants to give DPS a free ride. Pull your weight or get the hell out of my group.

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Well, you have this wonderful skill called "accurately assuming" and "Lying". When you measure something it becomes invalid to use such skills to proof things.


What a load of rubbish. I can assure you I've come accross many unskilled players who use damage meters. IF you want to believe meters remove skill to simply justify your dislike for them then go ahead. I just sit back and continue to laugh at these threads and peoples invalid arguements

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Bad tanks get kicked.


Bad healers get kicked.


Bad DPS? Well, you can't tell which one it is unless you have a damage meter.


that's why the op doesn't want it. the entire group will know that a dps companion does better than him

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What a load of rubbish. I can assure you I've come accross many unskilled players who use damage meters. IF you want to believe meters remove skill to simply justify your dislike for them then go ahead. I just sit back and continue to laugh at these threads and peoples invalid arguements


I kinda think you misunderstood what I was going for let me try again:



People who do not have meters or anything to verify their statistics use up "skills" such as "assuming", "lying", "estimating", "pulling out of their bumhole" to make up statistic.


Once you receive a tool to measure something these skills are obselete.

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How does damage meters remove skill?


If you feel you can't play without additional quantification, you obviously have lost the grasp on how to use abilities and observation properly. Things even a child can manage.



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How do you what your dps is without one?


BecauseI have this amazing ability to watch the little yellow numbers (my damage) float up on the screen and can figure it out from there. Not my fault they do not have damage meters, I have no problem with them if that is what you want. Long as they have an option to turn the thing off so it is not in my way on the screen.

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bad tanks get kicked.


Bad healers get kicked.


Bad dps? Well, you can't tell which one it is unless you have a damage meter.


Yes, a damage meter will get you kicked. So will being a bad tank, or a bad healer. The only difference is, you can tell when a tank or healer is bad without a meter. You can not tell which dps is bad without one. You just can't.


Being able to tell which dps sucks is only fair to the tanks and healers who have to prove themselves already. Nobody wants to give dps a free ride. Pull your weight or get the hell out of my group.




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If you feel you can't play without additional quantification, you obviously have lost the grasp on how to use abilities and observation properly. Things even a child can manage.




Please introduce me to this child who can parse damage over a ten minute fight accurately, as well as the damage of all of your other party members. Quit trying to sound intelligent while backing an idiot's cause, it just makes you look worse.


Bad tanks are obvious.


Bad healers are obvious.


Bad DPS deserve the same accountability.

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If you feel you can't play without additional quantification, you obviously have lost the grasp on how to use abilities and observation properly. Things even a child can manage.




Maby you suck and you destroy the group im in. I want to be able to tell so i can kick you the heck away from my group. That goes for ALL DPS, they should have to prove them self to, not just the tank or healer.

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If you feel you can't play without additional quantification, you obviously have lost the grasp on how to use abilities and observation properly. Things even a child can manage.



Who feels he can't play without a DPS meter? Being able to play and being able to intelligently optimize own and group's performance are not the same things. Thing even a child can understand. ;)

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Those are the single most useless things ever implemented in an MMO. When DPS meters are put in, people forget their class, forget their intended roles, and sometimes wipe entire groups just so they can say 'my numbers were higher than yours'.


Please BW, and modding community (if there is one for this game), I beg you not to create any form of damage meter so that the classes focus on getting the job done, and not getting the insignificant numbers higher than other people's insignificants numbers.



Damage meters create prejudice in groups, and if your not doing like 10k damage more than required your trash. I've been there and done that with groups.

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Maby you suck and you destroy the group im in. I want to be able to tell so i can kick you the heck away from my group. That goes for ALL DPS, they should have to prove them self to, not just the tank or healer.


You can also "measure" the impact on the community, by looking at the attitudes that comes with obsessive quantification, your reply should be a fine case in point.



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There is no way you can be both someone who is serious about doing the best you can in the game and someone who is not in support of some type of damage meter.


It is the only way to really tell.


That's not true at all. Back in the old days, you just took your combat logs as txt files and did the math on your own.


Damage meters promote laziness.

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