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Anyone wonder why the empire on most servers is so much bigger than the republic?


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The dialogue only makes it worse. My wife is about as 'good-guy-greg' as they come, but she absolutely loves playing her dark-side Sith Inquisitor because she enjoys all the witty, sarcastic things her character says. It's easier to write humorous dialogue when someone is being a dick, so dark side characters ended up with more fun dialogue.


Can't argue that.

My SI story is more interesting than my JK by far.

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Note that in WoW, the Horde weren't evil; they were just the underdogs who used to be evil a long time before in the game's timeline. So you can't say that evil=awesome came from WoW - it's a game with a purposeful 'shade of grey' spin.


Also, the Sith seem pretty awesome and flexible (it's expected you do evil but you can also do good); the Republic seems to have the opinion that you're a criminal if you do evil and doing good is a must. It's more ... constrained. That's at least one reason to go Empire.


The undead are evil. The orcs during the RTS games were being mind-controlled by demons. With their free will they're mostly good though. The blood elves are evilish magic-addicted junkies. Trolls are mostly evil, except the playable tribe. Orcs and tauren are pretty much the only horde races that aren't either evil or at best chaotic-neutral.

Edited by Vastalee
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Maybe there is a hidden meaning to society if so many want to be them. Hmm


Yes, and that hidden meaning is "people want to be told what to do and to be reassured that it's OK no matter how evil the action."


Look up the Milgram experiment. As long as an authority says it's OK, the vast majority of folks will gleefully torture and even kill someone for no reason.

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PvE servers the alliance outnumbers the horde

PvP Horde outnumbers alliance


I think it's more the "evil" side attracts more PvPers.

And the good side attracts more PvErs.


That's all well and good, but everyone knows the Alliance is the evil side. So your point is moot.

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PvE servers the alliance outnumbers the horde

PvP Horde outnumbers alliance


I think it's more the "evil" side attracts more PvPers.

And the good side attracts more PvErs.


Here on SWTOR:


PVE servers: Empire outnumbers Republic a bit.

PVP servers: Empire MASSIVELY outnumbers Republic.

RP-PVP servers: Empire outnumbers Republic, but not as much as PVP.

RP-PVE servers: The only place where Republic outnumbers Empire.


So in this game, Empire manages to attract almost everyone unless you plan to RP and don't like PVP. Good job Bioware.

Edited by corebit
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If you're curious, go check out the classes section of this site, and look at sorcerers, then look at sages.


It's kinda ridiculous how much better the art for one side is.


Got any proof to back up that claim that the Empire pop's are bigger? Because as far as I know, there is no population graph anywhere on this site for each indivisual server that shows that actual population numbers.

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Got any proof to back up that claim that the Empire pop's are bigger? Because as far as I know, there is no population graph anywhere on this site for each indivisual server that shows that actual population numbers.


Use the /who function, don't call us liars

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I'm betting a good portion of each sides are Jedi/Sith


The flaw with that is that the Jedi Code is total BS and disgusting. I don't see how anybody with even a remote personality would want to be a robot with a lightsaber.


So, Jedi = bad, Sith = good

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Hmm, more fiends more honor. In the end the smaller faction gets more skilled since they have too organize to win and know each other all by name. Just funny to play with the same 16 people for the last 2 hours in PvP against roundabout 80 different Imperials:rolleyes:


Somehow we won against that unccordinatet hump of IMPs in 3 of 4 Games^^

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