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PvP in Quest/PvE areas on a PvE server, why?


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So, I'm minding my own business, questing, just so happen to be near another guy doing the same quest I'm guessing who is flagged as PvP. Next thing I know he's attacking me and I'm dead. OK, fine, these things happen, wait a bit, respawn, he shows up again and kills me again... at this point I'm in *** mode, confusion and slight irritation. This time I respawn to a medcenter and head off back to the quest I was doing and run into one of his guild mates whom is 10 lvls higher than I and kills me. Now I'm at rage quit mode and extreme disgust with the game.


I'm playing on a PvE server, I specifically play this game on a PvE server because I dislike PvP. I don't go into PvP arenas since those are designated for those that do... so why am I being attacked for no good reason in a quest area simply because someone else is flagged for it and I'm not? Just because my AoE or my companion's AoE happened to hit him or his companion due to his being flagged PvP?


Frankly speaking this absolutely has to change, if I'm not flagged as PvP then I shouldn't even be able to hurt someone that is. If you want to do PvP anywhere, get on a PvP server and let it be open season for all I care, just leave me alone and my PvE self alone.

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So, I'm minding my own business, questing, just so happen to be near another guy doing the same quest I'm guessing who is flagged as PvP. Next thing I know he's attacking me and I'm dead. OK, fine, these things happen, wait a bit, respawn, he shows up again and kills me again... at this point I'm in *** mode, confusion and slight irritation. This time I respawn to a medcenter and head off back to the quest I was doing and run into one of his guild mates whom is 10 lvls higher than I and kills me. Now I'm at rage quit mode and extreme disgust with the game.


I'm playing on a PvE server, I specifically play this game on a PvE server because I dislike PvP. I don't go into PvP arenas since those are designated for those that do... so why am I being attacked for no good reason in a quest area simply because someone else is flagged for it and I'm not? Just because my AoE or my companion's AoE happened to hit him or his companion due to his being flagged PvP?


Frankly speaking this absolutely has to change, if I'm not flagged as PvP then I shouldn't even be able to hurt someone that is. If you want to do PvP anywhere, get on a PvP server and let it be open season for all I care, just leave me alone and my PvE self alone.


QUite agree. This needs to be fixed if its happening. There is ZERO reason why a person not flagged for PvP should have his flag turned on against his will.


I'd be just as happy if PvP was entirely removed anyhow.

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It's a bug. If I understand it correctly, uf someone is flagged for pvp, and your companions AOE hits them, it flags you and they can kill you. If someone is standing next to you waiting to get hit by an AOE so they can gank you, they should be reported for exploiting.


- David

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Not going to lie, I hate being auto flagged for PVP as well and would support such a thing going away. However did you speak withthe palyers in question? Le them know that you were not interested in PVP. Did you speak to others in their guild if they persisted? Neither may have done nothing, or it could be that they all felt you were wanting to PVP. No idea.
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I'm being told that it's actually SUPPOSED to be like that and it's not going to change no matter what I do or say. If this is the case then I'm canceling my subscription, I don't play MMO's to play against other people I play MMO's to play WITH other people.


It would be nice if any kind of official response to this is given...

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Not going to lie, I hate being auto flagged for PVP as well and would support such a thing going away. However did you speak withthe palyers in question? Le them know that you were not interested in PVP. Did you speak to others in their guild if they persisted? Neither may have done nothing, or it could be that they all felt you were wanting to PVP. No idea.


Would it really matter. Most of the PvP people I have met over the years would not care. If you are flagged you are dead... that is a PvP mentality and they will use every advantage they can find to win.

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Seems intentional.


I can see the problem, what with you being on a PvE server and all, but then again - you do an AoE skill on a character that is flagged for PvP, thus damaging him... Of course that will flag you as well.


I wouldn't even call it an exploit. People have been trying to trick other people into getting flagged since the dawn of time.


In open world PvP you don't fight for honor, commendations or valor ranking. You fight because you like battling and killing other players. If you find some way you can do that, you do it.


But again, I sympathize given the PvE nature of this server.

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Seems intentional.


I can see the problem, what with you being on a PvE server and all, but then again - you do an AoE skill on a character that is flagged for PvP, thus damaging him... Of course that will flag you as well.


I wouldn't even call it an exploit. People have been trying to trick other people into getting flagged since the dawn of time.


In open world PvP you don't fight for honor, commendations or valor ranking. You fight because you like battling and killing other players. If you find some way you can do that, you do it.


But again, I sympathize given the PvE nature of this server.


It doesn't seem intentional and I would call it an exploit. Obviously, it would have never been intended for a player on a pve server to hit another player when not flagged for pvp yourself.

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It doesn't seem intentional and I would call it an exploit. Obviously, it would have never been intended for a player on a pve server to hit another player when not flagged for pvp yourself.


There was quests on pve servers in wow that would flag you . A little PVP going to hurt you guys my god I got PVE to level to 50 to pvp

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Honestly I rolled on a PvE server and I kinda regret it. The first time my Sith ran past a Jedi and I couldnt attack them It just felt wrong. Its nice to know there are semi open areas for PvP even on PvE worlds. Obviously it sucks to be on the receiving end of that but I would suggest avoiding griefers by switching instances or just taking a short break. Those types generally seem to lack patience and will move on pretty soon (lack of pvp areas limits this a bit i admit).
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Honestly I rolled on a PvE server and I kinda regret it. The first time my Sith ran past a Jedi and I couldnt attack them It just felt wrong. Its nice to know there are semi open areas for PvP even on PvE worlds. Obviously it sucks to be on the receiving end of that but I would suggest avoiding griefers by switching instances or just taking a short break. Those types generally seem to lack patience and will move on pretty soon (lack of pvp areas limits this a bit i admit).


The problem is that the player in question was not intending to PvP and probably NEVER intended to PvP. PvP flagging should ALWAYS be voluntary on a PvE server. There's no excuse for any other options.


Griefers should be banned.

Edited by VorpalK
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There was quests on pve servers in wow that would flag you . A little PVP going to hurt you guys my god I got PVE to level to 50 to pvp


And I skipped those quests.


The problem here is a ganker griefer exploiting a loophole and taking a PvE player by surprise.


I didn't roll on a PvE server to deal with that kind of crap. I could care less about factions. I just want to play my game and group with friends.

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Seems intentional.


I can see the problem, what with you being on a PvE server and all, but then again - you do an AoE skill on a character that is flagged for PvP, thus damaging him... Of course that will flag you as well.


I wouldn't even call it an exploit. People have been trying to trick other people into getting flagged since the dawn of time.


In open world PvP you don't fight for honor, commendations or valor ranking. You fight because you like battling and killing other players. If you find some way you can do that, you do it.


But again, I sympathize given the PvE nature of this server.



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Needs WoW feature #123581: AoE shouldn't hit people flagged for PvP if you aren't, it stops people intentionally eating AoE to flag you - or you accidentally hitting them and getting flagged.




If you're not flagged for pvp, then your companion shouldn't be able to hit them, and you shouldn't be able to cast heals/buffs on a flagged player either.


Game should simply make it impossible for you or your companion to either hit or heal/buff a flagged player when you're unflagged.


Fix the bug BioWare!

Edited by lollie
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I'm being told that it's actually SUPPOSED to be like that and it's not going to change no matter what I do or say. If this is the case then I'm canceling my subscription, I don't play MMO's to play against other people I play MMO's to play WITH other people.


It would be nice if any kind of official response to this is given...


What you described is how it's worked in alot of other games with flagging systems, I don't see why it's such a shock here.

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If you're not flagged for pvp, then your companion shouldn't be able to hit them, and you shouldn't be able to cast heals/buffs on a flagged player either.


Game should simply make it impossible for you or your companion to either hit or heal/buff a flagged player when you're unflagged.


Fix the bug BioWare!


+1, this is the only option here.

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What you described is how it's worked in alot of other games with flagging systems, I don't see why it's such a shock here.


Well this bug if it's passed off as "working as intended" is enough to make me unsub - I would call it gamebreaking, and not what I'm willing to pay for.

Edited by lollie
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What you described is how it's worked in alot of other games with flagging systems, I don't see why it's such a shock here.


Because it is unacceptable on a PvE server. I'm with the person you replied to. if this exploit is permitted and greifing of this sort is allowed, I'll leave and never look back. I'll also warn people who are not interested in PvP to stay away from this game.


this exploit doesn't "foster PvP" it allows *******es to gank.


that's it.


there's nothing positive about it.


It makes people quit and costs BW money.

Edited by VorpalK
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Needs WoW feature #123581: AoE shouldn't hit people flagged for PvP if you aren't, it stops people intentionally eating AoE to flag you - or you accidentally hitting them and getting flagged.


This is really such a basic feature now and has been in if I recall all recent MMOs.


I like how Rift took it a step further and allowed you to block all casting on a PvP player enemy or ally.

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I'm being told that it's actually SUPPOSED to be like that and it's not going to change no matter what I do or say. If this is the case then I'm canceling my subscription, I don't play MMO's to play against other people I play MMO's to play WITH other people.


It would be nice if any kind of official response to this is given...


It's not supposed to be like that, the person you're talking to is trolling you because he's enjoying seeing you get worked up. You won't get an official response, official responses are extremely rare. It's possible you could get lucky and they would decide to comment on your thread... But it's not going to happen.


Eventually they will patch it out, it's hard to know when that will happen. They probably have their hands full. Your best recourse is to report the players abusing the bug and move on.


- David

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How is playing WITH players against OTHER players bad? To me thats more fun than playing against some pretty weak AI.


I feel or ya if ur on a PVE server. That sucks. But dont go crying saying you wish PVP was removed all together. I bet you dont watch sports or arent even into anything competitive. Hell if this were the movie Labyrinth and David Bowie saw ur toon he'd slap you and say "Such a Pity!"


No joke!

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Flagging for PvP then standing near another player in the hopes of getting hit by an AoE so they can auto-flag and you can kill them is griefing, which is a reportable offense. It is considered to be an exploit of the game's mechanics.


Open a ticket. I have witnessed this before and filed a ticket myself to back up another player's report, and the GM who replied confirmed to both of us that it is considered griefing. I was not told what action was taken (which is typical), but I assume the player at least got a stern talking to.


For the record, I never turn on any AoE abilities from my companions. They are buggy and often conflict with the use of more effective single-target abilities. If I need my companion to use an AoE to establish initial aggro on a pack of enemies I click on it by hand.

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