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Ideas to improve the game. From the fans


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This is gonna be a bit of a long preamble but I think it’s important to start this thread properly.


I’ll start off by saying that if you think the game is perfect as it is and don’t want to see any improvements, or if you intent to use the words whining or QQ then this isn’t the tread you’re looking for, you can go about your business, move along. I’ll also add that I’m really enjoying the game at the moment but I’m concerned about its long term appeal.


I’ve seen countless posts suggesting improvements/changes to the game, just about every suggestion is met with a lot of sensible replies but also a lot of negativity and rudeness.


Time for a quote:

“I'm not in charge of any design decisions on the game - if you are looking to get something changed, ask nicely on the official Forums :)

Senior Community Manager for Star Wars: The Old Republic


In the spirit of this I suggest we *try* to make a thread where the adults can consolidate what they think would improve the game in both the short and long term. Some of the stuff I’m going to put I know BW are already looking at but I don’t think it hurts to reiterate (what I consider to be) the importance of them. This is a list of what I think would make the game better, some people may disagree but all any of us have to go on is our own opinion.


Now it’s a free forum and people can of course post what they want but I’d suggest that people only post disagreements in replies if there is a logical reason for it. E.g. “Player housing wouldn’t work because there’s not enough freely available land in the gameworld.”


My list off the top of my head. Please comment/add to.


Fix the bugs (no brainer)

A guild vault system

Overhaul crafting

More social activates in the cantinas (Pazaak etc)

Some reward for playing neutral

More customization

I wider range of coloured lightsaber crystals (people do keep asking, especially for purple)

Some downtime activates (e.g. Fishing, some people will say it’s not Star Warsie but it’s a basic survival skill)

The ability to customize the inside of your ship.


A guild flagship (possibly one for an official expansion)

The ability to change hairstyles

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A lot of non-specific things regarding changes that would require revamps, whole new design elements, inherent changes to the way the game is balanced and updated...


Also, fix the bugs is not a suggestion. Suggesting that things that are broken be fixed is just douchey.

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There will always be things to add into a game. Most of the things that peple list is on the board for some point and time in the future, but it could be a year or longer off. Thats the nature of the Beast. WoW took years to get to were it is now and there are still constant threads of things people want to see added. The initial months of launch will consist almost soley of Bug fixes and working towards a decent amount of PVE end game content as mroe and mroe players reach max level.
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Improve the Galactic Market.


It isn't totally unusable, but it is confusing and frustrating to search for things or quickly figure out what you should be selling things for. BioWare knows what the competition does... if they can't do better, this game will fail.

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A lot of non-specific things regarding changes that would require revamps, whole new design elements, inherent changes to the way the game is balanced and updated...


Also, fix the bugs is not a suggestion. Suggesting that things that are broken be fixed is just douchey.


First reply, overly negative and fundamentally flawed, the only thing that would provide a balancing issue would be the crafting and a lot of what is on there BW have insinuated they’re already looking at. Nice try.

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This is a really good list and I would like to see any or all of them added. I would also like to see them make a real effort to open up the world and space a bit more. If this game had more sandbox elements on top of what it currently has, it would be a phenomena.


After watching one of BioWares videos here about the production of this game, and hearing them speak so passionately about Role-play Games and their future, I trust BioWare will listen to fans about what we find important to that end. The ability to move about as we wish and involve ourselves with the world in fun and meaningful ways, in addition to the ability to customize our characters and certain aspects of our environment are crucial to long term emotional investment in characters and lasting appeal.


So I hope they will continue to focus on the amazing stories in new content but also make their world more inviting to the characters they are spending so much time developing. You've made them, now let them breathe.

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Fix the bugs (no brainer)

A guild vault system

Overhaul crafting

More social activates in the cantinas (Pazaak etc)

Some reward for playing neutral

More customization

I wider range of coloured lightsaber crystals (people do keep asking, especially for purple)

Some downtime activates (e.g. Fishing, some people will say it’s not Star Warsie but it’s a basic survival skill)

The ability to customize the inside of your ship.


A guild flagship (possibly one for an official expansion)

The ability to change hairstyles




Guild Vaults. It's not as easy as just saying "Here's another bank tab!". It requires bank databases to bounce back against guild membership databases and providing tiered access. It's more pressure on the server, and as guilds grow will require some real state redesigning as the two cargo bays on any given bank that is DK would be crowded quickly. Big change.


Overhaul crafting. Big change, 0 suggestions. Just "Fix it"


Add a card game. That's not time consuming, pointless, would require further balancing, or if it's irrelevant, would require support for something that doesn't matter in the first place.


Already being added. Unless you mean an in-game reward just for being neutral. In which case... what in-game reward do you get for being LS/DS? Should they just add that across the board too and spend the time balancing that?


There are already purple crystal. They're hard to get. That's the point. What other colors? Pink saber? How do you hold that up to the lore? Whatever, colors! And now you have artificers making more gear than anyone else? More recipes means more money. More mat grinding. Artificially change one crafting profession. Why not!


Space combat, PvP, companion quests, crafting, LS/DS stuff... none of that comes to mind?


Look at your Codex.


And yes. They should probably add a barbershop. Which they probably already will.


So... nice suggestions bro.

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This is a really good list and I would like to see any or all of them added. I would also like to see them make a real effort to open up the world and space a bit more. If this game had more sandbox elements on top of what it currently has, it would be a phenomena.


After watching one of BioWares videos here about the production of this game, and hearing them speak so passionately about Role-play Games and their future, I trust BioWare will listen to fans about what we find important to that end. The ability to move about as we wish and involve ourselves with the world in fun and meaningful ways, in addition to the ability to customize our characters and certain aspects of our environment are crucial to long term emotional investment in characters and lasting appeal.


So I hope they will continue to focus on the amazing stories in new content but also make their world more inviting to the characters they are spending so much time developing. You've made them, now let them breathe.


Yes I completely agree, id love to see a “Jump to Lightspeed” type expansion in the future. I’m with you on the sadbox stuff as well. No good reason why a “theme park” type game can’t benefit form sandbox elements.

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So... nice suggestions bro.


As I’ve said, some of the stuff you’re saying is too dificult to add is almost certainly already being worked on. As for your other comments , I don’t believe purple crystals are currently in the game at all. Just a few difficult to get purple sabres that can’t have their crystals removed.


Finlay, saying something is a waste of time is just your personal opinion, you are the sort of poster I tried to discourage from taking part in this.

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Improve the Galactic Market.


It isn't totally unusable, but it is confusing and frustrating to search for things or quickly figure out what you should be selling things for. BioWare knows what the competition does... if they can't do better, this game will fail.


Ah yes I forgot about that when I did my list. Agree 100%

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There will always be things to add into a game. Most of the things that peple list is on the board for some point and time in the future, but it could be a year or longer off. Thats the nature of the Beast. WoW took years to get to were it is now and there are still constant threads of things people want to see added. The initial months of launch will consist almost soley of Bug fixes and working towards a decent amount of PVE end game content as mroe and mroe players reach max level.


Yes I understand this, but I don’t think it means we shouldn’t start giving feedback now.

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Fix the bugs (no brainer)

A guild vault system

Overhaul crafting

More social activates in the cantinas (Pazaak etc)

Some reward for playing neutral

More customization

I wider range of coloured lightsaber crystals (people do keep asking, especially for purple)

Some downtime activates (e.g. Fishing, some people will say it’s not Star Warsie but it’s a basic survival skill)

The ability to customize the inside of your ship.


A guild flagship (possibly one for an official expansion)

The ability to change hairstyles


Wait... what?! The crafting system is awesome. There is no reason to change it.


The rest its ok.

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Wait... what?! The crafting system is awesome. There is no reason to change it.


The rest its ok.


I think the crafting may be a bit of a marmite thing. (You either love it or hate it if that reference doesn’t travel well.)

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1) space combat....include it to flashpoints/raids/operations....should be easy....and in the future open world... Its star Wars...no space combat...is just wow in planets instead of islands.... and not a good wow if I can add...the only + is the story line and the crafting.


2) not a fan of the instancing also..seriously..2012...and instances ...? instances kill mmo's in my humble opinion..not more than 200 people in one instance area/planet..is I believe ridiculous for a company with the finances and staff of bioware... unless its just a quickie for them...


3) Keep up the unique stories..I hope to be able to play all 8 of them..never change that and even add more classes/races unique stories..but make the choices more important. WoW had instanced areas where your choices opened them up...and thats 2 years ago..y not implement them in swtor as well.. for example you decide to ( dark) give up the camp with the rebels.. for you that camp is ruins when you return...for others who take its side..its still there offering them shelter/merchants etc....

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Fix the bugs (no brainer)

Uhmm Ok why even include this?

A guild vault system

Yeah OK. Would be nice, but wouldn't call this a high priority.

Overhaul crafting


More social activates in the cantinas (Pazaak etc)

Yeah maybe. Not high on the priority list.

Some reward for playing neutral

Yeah I agree.

More customization

Ambiguous request.

I wider range of coloured lightsaber crystals (people do keep asking, especially for purple)

Yeah OK. Not a high priority.

Some downtime activates (e.g. Fishing, some people will say it’s not Star Warsie but it’s a basic survival skill)


The ability to customize the inside of your ship.

Why? What? I could do without it.


Like? and Why?

A guild flagship (possibly one for an official expansion)


The ability to change hairstyles




Nothing on your list do I consider anything better then neutral on other then neutral gear, and a few I am opposed to. So how is this anything other then your opinion of what the game should be? It is absolutely not "from the fans". Ask 100 people and you will get 100 answers on what improvements they would like to see.

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Nothing on your list do I consider anything better then neutral on other then neutral gear, and a few I am opposed to. So how is this anything other then your opinion of what the game should be? It is absolutely not "from the fans". Ask 100 people and you will get 100 answers on what improvements they would like to see.


I'm typing this on an iPhone so there may be the odd typo.


Thanks for the reply, any reasons you are against nearly all the improvements I listed? As for it being my opinion. Yes it is, that's why I clearly stated it as such in my original post. As for it being from the fans, the point was, if you'd understood it, that the fans consolidate ideas in a single thread away from the fanboys and trolls. As for get 100 answers, I'm guessing you don't know what consolidation is. You don't seem to think the game needs much in the way of improvement so I do wonder about your reasons for replying. I'm thinking you might fit into one of the catagories I mentioned earlier.

Edited by msales
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Pazaak. Seriously, real Pazaak. With the option to create your own side decks with all kinds of different cards and the ability to play against other players.


Some kind of arena would be cool, imo.


Mounts. Not speeders, mounts. I can't be the only one who wants a Dewback or a Tauntaun, right?


And, maybe for a bigger content patch, more choice when it comes to weapons for all classes.

For example, I really want a Sentinel with a double-bladed lightsaber. When I think Sentinel I think Bastila, thus a Sentinel without a double-bladed lightsaber is not quite a Sentinel.

I also think that a Bounty Hunter specializing in Vibroswords would be really awesome.

Though, as I said, this would need to be part of a big content patch bit it is nonetheless something I really want to see at some point.

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Long thread and I am sure someone mentioned it before me, but...


Does my ship have to take off every time I get on it? It is an annoying delay when I am just going on to find a rest area, use my holoterminal or anything else...


Also, can we have an off button for the Jar Jar Binks like android...or at least move him somewhere else on the ship so that every time I move past him I have to hear for the umpteenth time one of his annoying comments?


We should also have the option of turning off the scenic route when we use transport.

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So far this has been a constructive thread and I'm really glad to see folks putting forth Ideas; I also encourage you guys to join google+ many of the devs hang out there and they are very active and you get some really great insights to what they are thinking.


And for the record most of the stuff in the OP's list is ether on their to do list or being considered....I don't think they will change crafting though as too many people love it.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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