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Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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They give reason in quest text, just because people opt not to bother READING (a lost art with this generation) and want everything spoken or read to them is not game companies problem, it is yours and yours alone.


Well, if people opt to only buy those games that have VO instead of text for reading, it will become the game companies problem.

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Well, if people opt to only buy those games that have VO instead of text for reading, it will become the game companies problem.


I'd rather have a quality game with text based quests and story than a subpar game with voice actors.


I guess so but it's not quite the same thing.[/Quote]


Sure it is, think of it like the sequels as expansions because that's basically what they are.

Edited by Gunryu
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Story in an MMO is good for some backstory for a quest or character. For example, in a Harry Potter MMO, you may want a backstory around the new spell you were learning, or the new area you were investigating. But too much story leads to boredom, I agree. Plus, you can't keep adding story indefinitely. We are aware of this in the back of our minds. We may like the story now, but we know its finite. Sooner or later the story ends, and all you are left with is a character with a ton of backstory that you've already played through, but no future (unless you make it). And the game itself better provide some interesting activities to keep you occupied and advancing until an expansion comes around that may or may not add to "your" story.


I don't think SWTOR provides enough "endgame" to encourage playing after 50. But that's a post for another time.


Too much story causes boredom, because if you don't like the story, you're not going to want to play. The story should not be forced on us. It should be expressed in books you find, lost tomes, or a simple conversation with an NPC sprinkled here and there. Lengthy explanations for why you need to kill x or collect y do not add to the immersion.

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You're missing the point where my friends or even random people I meet up with get to participate in my story, and sometimes change the path for better or worse. Can't do that in a single player game.


Some of my absolute favorite moments in SWTOR so far have been in Esseles/Black Talon. That's really the pinnacle of what an MMO can be IMO.

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Yes, story is exactly what MMO players want. It's the main reason I'm playing and enjoying SWTOR. We need story to give meaning to otherwise pointless grinding.


Again, just because you opt not to read doesn't mean there isn't meaning, that's like skipping to the end of a book and saying "Well that person killing this person has no meaning!"

Edited by Gunryu
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Some of my absolute favorite moments in SWTOR so far have been in Esseles/Black Talon. That's really the pinnacle of what an MMO can be IMO.


I want to smash my guildies face in because he keeps picking the let them live options and winning rolls. :mad: I loved Black Talon, and I rather like Foundry and capturing the freighter to get ot foundry too. I missed a few other flashpoints, over leveled them before visiting imp station.

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No, Story is not "that important"


It would've been a nice addition to a WoW-Quality MMO; but making a sub-WoW-Quality MMO, just with story sprinkled on, was a bad idea


Story sprinkled on lol


Slimshady, you ain't even trying anymore.

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See, that's what MMOs do different. I can expect 5+ years of regular content updates from SWTOR. That's why I'm willing to pay $15/month, unlike console games that stop updating.
+5. I think it will go even longer than 5 years for two reasons (1) the core KOTOR/ME sub base will commit to BW and keep it growing & expanding, and (2) TOR's MMO production of the Star Wars legend won't ever die as long as Lucas Valley Ranch has anything to do with it. Anyone who cares to watch the game's credits will see why - that's too much horsepower to ignore. And for that I am grateful because the wife and I are having a blast playing this game. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I want to smash my guildies face in because he keeps picking the let them live options and winning rolls. :mad: I loved Black Talon, and I rather like Foundry and capturing the freighter to get ot foundry too. I missed a few other flashpoints, over leveled them before visiting imp station.


I go back on occasion just to do it differently.

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Originally Posted by Shadysketchy

No, Story is not "that important"


"It would've been a nice addition to a WoW-Quality MMO; but making a sub-WoW-Quality MMO, just with story sprinkled on, was a bad idea"





Have you seen the ideas for wow's next exp. kung fu panda with a dash of pokemon if thats quality i dont want any!

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Originally Posted by Shadysketchy

No, Story is not "that important"


"It would've been a nice addition to a WoW-Quality MMO; but making a sub-WoW-Quality MMO, just with story sprinkled on, was a bad idea"





Have you seen the ideas for wow's next exp. kung fu panda with a dash of pokemon if thats quality i dont want any!



Ah another person who doesn't know anything about WoW Lore yet claims story is important......Pandarians came long before Kung Fu Panda, so you have nothing to bash other than that which just shows you are just trying to be condescending and a jerk.


The story is good for me, and I find the game itself enjoyable as well. What's not to like? Too many spoiled kids in this thread if you ask me.[/Quote]


I am 32, as I said I don't mind the story but I do mind a cut scene and voice acting for every last little thing you do.

Edited by Gunryu
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Full VA and cut scenes are really nice features, but they’re not good enough to be the keystone of an mmo, they're not even important enough to be the second or third most important features imo. I hit 50 and immediately became bored out of my skull because all I had to look forward to was spamming flashpoints and warzones and maybe operations.


I rerolled to curb my boredom while waiting for my friends to catch up and I’m actually having a harder time lvling an alt because 80% of the cutscenes are all the same. BW touts so much replayability in the trek to 50, but in reality only a very small portion of it is unique to the classes. I’m hoping the fact that I’m playing with a lot of my friends will keep me around, but right now endgame is severely lacking in just about everything you can think of.

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Too much story causes boredom, because if you don't like the story, you're not going to want to play. The story should not be forced on us. It should be expressed in books you find, lost tomes, or a simple conversation with an NPC sprinkled here and there. Lengthy explanations for why you need to kill x or collect y do not add to the immersion.


That sounds like WoW and a few F2P games to me. = boring


To me this game is like a classic 'chose your adventure' book. I want to reread it. I want to see what happens if I make that other choice. I love the VO because it adds something wonderful to it, much like Dragon Age or even Elder Scrolls games. So maybe that makes me 'That Nerd'. Great. I support BW 100% on this. I think they will only improve and I sincerely hope that they won't 'dumb down' their creation just to make a few ADD kiddos happy.

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Full VA and cut scenes are really nice features, but they’re not good enough to be the keystone of an mmo, they're not even important enough to be the second or third most important features imo. I hit 50 and immediately became bored out of my skull because all I had to look forward to was spamming flashpoints and warzones and maybe operations.


I rerolled to curb my boredom while waiting for my friends to catch up and I’m actually having a harder time lvling an alt because 80% of the cutscenes are all the same. BW touts so much replayability in the trek to 50, but in reality only a very small portion of it is unique to the classes. I’m hoping the fact that I’m playing with a lot of my friends will keep me around, but right now endgame is severely lacking in just about everything you can think of.


I see it this way too. It's going to be hard for BW to put out content at a pace to keep up with players getting to 50 and finding nothing to do. I don't think they can just pop out the VO, cutscene, acting and story at the speed to keep up with demand. Other MMO's can simply throw out a few new instances and make fans happy.

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That sounds like WoW and a few F2P games to me. = boring


To me this game is like a classic 'chose your adventure' book. I want to reread it. I want to see what happens if I make that other choice. I love the VO because it adds something wonderful to it, much like Dragon Age or even Elder Scrolls games. So maybe that makes me 'That Nerd'. Great. I support BW 100% on this. I think they will only improve and I sincerely hope that they won't 'dumb down' their creation just to make a few ADD kiddos happy.


It's not ADD and I am not a kiddie I am 32 and my highest level is 25, I decided to try other classes and I can't bare to get them above 15 because other than the class story it's the SAME THING EVERY TIME which is BORING! Heck you are almost forced light or dark side if you want your companion to like you, or pick a certain answer if you want them to like you, so it is like your choices are narrowed down to "Do I make my companion think less of me or do what I want?"

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And you say I know nothing about making money? Over the course of 5 years, the maintenance costs of the game will greatly exceed the initial development cost. WoW cost about $60 million to make, and 6 years after release Blizzard reported they had spent about $200 million maintaining the game. So are you sure you want to accuse me of not understanding business?






Please stop forming opinions before you have ANY facts to back them up.


Oh, and an interesting little tidbit from that article: "Most MMOs require around 250,000 subscribers to cover the direct operating expense of the server farms. "




In order to have "millions of copies sold already" Bioware would have had to sell at least "2 million" units. But they have not. As of a week ago they were still bragging about "over 1 million players." That's not "millions of copies sold."


Please don't accuse other people of failing to understand something and then responding with an opinion that is totally backed up by NO facts.



dude, first, i am really sorry i got into arguing with you. after that already have happen, i've read your other replies in different threads and right now i sincerely regret taking you seriously enough to argue with.


second, if you would be just a bit more focused on your own "evidence" you would have seen that those 35% goes to Lucas after EA gets their money back. This is absolutely real, and what you've been saying was not. OK.


next, and last. WoW 200 million to "support", i think, i would say - i almost SURE - includes not only running servers, but developing patches, bugfixing, and may be even developing expansions, but not sure about that to be honest.


Development, coding, localizing, marketing, costs a lot. running and managing a stable server farm doing weekly maintenance to cleanup/backup - costs comparatively not much.


Also WoW had so much servers that i can believe it might be a bigger sum then i suggest - it just came to me that they had a lot of subscribers in China, and thats like another huge MMO. Also i bet a decent chunk of that sum is forum team - WoW forums were huge, and they tend to keep everything under control, bringing people to France to work for Russian WoW support.


but, again, dude, i am sorry, we really should stop it. i just cant take you seriously after your golden comments, one of the many i actually took close to the heart - the one about Blizzard didnt CHEAT its launch, thats because it was horrible, absolutely unplayable at some points, with no real endgame and world pvp as a famous ashenvale tennis games.


So Bioware did a perfect launch - thats because they CHEATED. hell yeah. see you dude, lets part our ways now.

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Ah another person who doesn't know anything about WoW Lore yet claims story is important......Pandarians came long before Kung Fu Panda, so you have nothing to bash other than that which just shows you are just trying to be condescending and a jerk.




I am 32, as I said I don't mind the story but I do mind a cut scene and voice acting for every last little thing you do.



Im about the story inside the game would rather play it and for some reason in all my 15 lvl 85 i have yet to see 1 stupid panda in game! and inserting a random panda in warcraft 3 and in portraits for warcraft as well as an april fools joke does not count by any means as thought out!

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Heck you are almost forced light or dark side if you want your companion to like you, or pick a certain answer if you want them to like you, so it is like your choices are narrowed down to "Do I make my companion think less of me or do what I want?"
Too bad you don't like that, for me that's one of the most fascinating and compelling things, navigating companion affections and light/dark side.
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