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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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I too disagree with these European maintenance times. Most Tuesdays I don't get a chance to play in the evenings, now I won't be able to play all day due to maintenance? I know there are still 6 other days to play on, but not everyone is able to play everyday.
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Tbh, as alot of other people have stated, several maintance schedules for the different regions.


Let EU maintance be from 3am to 11am or 5am to 11 am or 7am to 11 am, depending on how much time they need in order to finish their weekly maintance.


But this is the second day in row they take the servers down without giving notice on how long its going to take, and i haven't seen any extra days added to my subscription.


Its funny how US customers are treated so much better even though they actually pay less pr month than we do, since i pay in the euro because im forced to, and the US customers are paying in their weak dollar which only keeps getting weaker in EU.


So yet here we are again, CCP does it with Eve online , ripping their EU customers for 14.99 euro a month and US customers pay 14.99$ a month, and now we have BW following in the same footsteps, but just with a ****** f.......... EU customer service.


I won't cancel my sub just yet, but BW / EA will never gain the respect of the majority of EU customers if they persist in being idiotic.

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Don't be passive about it.




I did it.


Some other people did it as well.


You can do it to.


If that won't make BW change their policy then they really do not deserve our money.


Rofl... yeah, like im gonna cancel my account for that!


Even if they do it 2 days in a week im not even thinking of cancelling.

So you are basically telling us that you cant survive 1 afternoon/week without your game, but you can quit it overall?


And you money, well lets see, you pay 13 euro/month, that 13 euro for 30 days, so thats 13 euro for 720 hours of playtime, so thats is about 0.018 eurocent per hour playtime.

So for the loss of about 7 hours downtime you lost 0.018*7 = 0.12 eurocent x 4 weeks = 0.48 eurocent.


So you are cancelling your account because you "loose" a HALF EURO in the month at this time.... if you are that stingy then you better off doing nothing that cost money lol


Well have fun on the forums then!


And if you think they will change their policiy only because you and another handfull are cancelling...well....goodluck, lol.

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Rofl... yeah, like im gonna cancel my account for that!


Even if they do it 2 days in a week im not even thinking of cancelling.

So you are basically telling us that you cant survive 1 afternoon/week without your game, but you can quit it overall?


And you money, well lets see, you pay 13 euro/month, that 13 euro for 30 days, so thats 13 euro for 720 hours of playtime, so thats is about 0.018 eurocent per hour playtime.

So for the loss of about 7 hours downtime you lost 0.018*7 = 0.12 eurocent x 4 weeks = 0.48 eurocent.


So you are cancelling your account because you "loose" a HALF EURO in the month at this time.... if you are that stingy then you better off doing nothing that cost money lol


Well have fun on the forums then!


And if you think they will change their policiy only because you and another handfull are cancelling...well....goodluck, lol.


For myself, and maybe others, it's not so much the timeslot itself, it's the fact that the European players are being given the proverbial finger. And it isn't the first time.

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Rofl... yeah, like im gonna cancel my account for that!


Even if they do it 2 days in a week im not even thinking of cancelling.

So you are basically telling us that you cant survive 1 afternoon/week without your game, but you can quit it overall?


And you money, well lets see, you pay 13 euro/month, that 13 euro for 30 days, so thats 13 euro for 720 hours of playtime, so thats is about 0.018 eurocent per hour playtime.

So for the loss of about 7 hours downtime you lost 0.018*7 = 0.12 eurocent x 4 weeks = 0.48 eurocent.


So you are cancelling your account because you "loose" a HALF EURO in the month at this time.... if you are that stingy then you better off doing nothing that cost money lol


Well have fun on the forums then!


And if you think they will change their policiy only because you and another handfull are cancelling...well....goodluck, lol.


It is called Feedback, if everyone thinks the same like you and accept everythings that is thrown at him, nothing will ever change.

And it's his money, he can do with it whatever he preferes.

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Let's be fair here, do Bioware/EA look like companies that want to forge a loyal fan base and are interested in providing players with good customer service?

Just to ignore their attitude,ticket service and general flaws in the game.



- Servers in Ireland aka cheap tax wise but one of the worst locations for the servers in Europe.


- Maintenance is less convenient for the Eu than it is for the US, especially for the GMT +2 and GMT +3 time zones in Europe.

Also adding that an extended maintenance cuts far into our prime time.


- No Eu forum aside from the German one and French.

It's nice to see every Eu post being spammed away next day because we share it with the US.



I think people will enjoy this game for 3-4 months, even with the poor Eu treatment.

After it they probably look for something better and don't buy any MMO published by EA.

Bioware might get a small hit on their name but that's it, people rather blame EA some how.


That's all SWTOR is, for a short time good fun but it has no long lasting appeal.

The way they treat the Eu just confirms it for me.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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For myself, and maybe others, it's not so much the timeslot itself, it's the fact that the European players are being given the proverbial finger. And it isn't the first time.


Certainly isn't, BW/EA has been doing this with ME also.


Europe = Too bad. We serve Americans first here, and be grateful if we serve you at all beacuse we likely won't. Remember that lil 'bazaar' occasion? Get used to it.

Edited by Beansoup
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For myself, and maybe others, it's not so much the timeslot itself, it's the fact that the European players are being given the proverbial finger. And it isn't the first time.


So true. Taking the servers down once a week for scheduled maintencance in europe daily time? Annoying, but i can live with it. Do it twice in a row? It's annoying AND not acceptable, we are paying customers too, after all.

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where are the EU servers? if there in yankie doodle land then the times are to suit there employees, but if there in the EU then there not being fair on who looks after them, late shift :/



Precisely. The European servers are in Ireland. Are the European servers only maintainable from America, and only with American maintanance crew? If so, why on earth?

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55 pages of people whining? right.. Well from coming from a server admin I know the pain of time zones and maintenance.


We shouldnt have one zone up and the other down for the reason of all the US people come to the already loaded EU Servers when theirs are down and visa versa, it just adds queues and QQs from everyone who wants to play but cant get in to their server because its loaded with lvl 1's who have nothing better to do.


Do you really think that is the EU servers are up for a few hours when the US servers are down people will roll new chars on them? Those people will stay or leave when the US servers go back up?


People are not leaving their own servers when there are queues as it stands. Your argument is baseless.

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Their whole maintenance process was probably built around the fact that all servers are offline at the same time and that there is only one valid version of the client and the server at the same time (so there can be no version conflicts).
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Their whole maintenance process was probably built around the fact that all servers are offline at the same time and that there is only one valid version of the client and the server at the same time (so there can be no version conflicts).


Well then they need to realise they made a mistake and rectify it.

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I think in another company offering services in Europe, disabling its service at mid day and it make me laugh.

And the worst of all it's that BW is selling it to us like a favor to us.


I don't know what kind of drug are smoking in Austin, but It's high quality for sure.


Yeah, I'm paying for a game that is apparently still in beta testing, and I can't even play it during daytime. Nice.


They could atleast give some free days or something to compensate.

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Their whole maintenance process was probably built around the fact that all servers are offline at the same time and that there is only one valid version of the client and the server at the same time (so there can be no version conflicts).



Good to see someone try to use logic and not be hateful, thank you



Now one small thing to consider: Trion (Rift) have worked around this issue and found a way to have 2 seperate M times and still allow players to play both EU and USA servers or both if they choose to. So I am sure BW has devs who are equally smart and could also do the same should they decide to be a real global company.

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Good to see someone try to use logic and not be hateful, thank you



Now one small thing to consider: Trion (Rift) have worked around this issue and found a way to have 2 seperate M times and still allow players to play both EU and USA servers or both if they choose to. So I am sure BW has devs who are equally smart and could also do the same should they decide to be a real global company.


Logic is; That I'm paying for something. Something that I don't have or get to use?


How's that a logical?

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You know what it is.

Back in the days the Eu customer service and patching was horrible.

In fact quite some times there was no Eu service.


Blizzard is a good example of a company that raised the bar and showed that it's possible to give the Eu player base the same quality service as the US.

How did it paid off well, WOW has more subs in the Eu than in the US.



So what does Ea/BW do?

They put the servers in a horrible location and go back to the stone age.

That's why Blizzard remains a better company.

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I think in another company offering services in Europe, disabling its service at mid day and it make me laugh.

And the worst of all it's that BW is selling it to us like a favor to us.


I don't know what kind of drug are smoking in Austin, but It's high quality for sure.


I like this summary a lot :D

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