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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please allow me to turn off XP


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I'm on Alderaan. I'm currently level 31. Every Alderaan quest is green to me. Nothing is a challenge, I just leap in, swing my lightsaber around, and everything dies. In many fights I could sit down and let my companion do the fighting. There's almost never a challenge, because I have outleveled most of the content.


In order to keep this outleveling to a minimum, I'm not doing the bonus quest series, I'm not running any space missions, I'm staying out of cantinas and my starship to prevent bonus rest XP from accumulating... in short, I'm avoiding playing the game so that I can enjoy the main story at least a little bit.


I understand that some people want to rush to level 50, and that's fine -- if it's how they enjoy playing the game, I say let them play it that way. But don't force me to do the same! I'd like to take my time, enjoy each world in turn, level slowly, be at the level appropriate for quests so they're challenging and interesting.


So BioWare, please give us the option to do something to reduce the ridiculously rapid pace of leveling.


Thank you.

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If the quests are as low as you say they are then you'll get so little experience from doing them that its not much different than turning XP off.


Also even if the Heroics are lower in level they will still be difficult with you being higher.

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I 100% second this.


There is too much XP gain, especially if you do Heroics/Flashpoints/Space Combat on top of normal quests. And why more XP if in a group? Surely it should be less.


A lot of players, like me, are completionists, so it would make sense to allow them to turn off XP at times in order to keep the content from becoming too easy (it's easy enough at the right level, never mind being over-level).

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If the quests are as low as you say they are then you'll get so little experience from doing them that its not much different than turning XP off.


Also even if the Heroics are lower in level they will still be difficult with you being higher.



It's actually a lot different. Green quests offer little to no challenge. If you lock your exp when the quests are still at lvl you gain the challenge back.

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Only do class quests?


You'll get your *** handed to you eventually and will not be able to complete any content.


Or move on to orange quests as soon as you start outleveling your current content.


But if you want to:


Clear all the content

Have it all be level appropriate

Always feel like you're underpowered


I dunno. Play vanilla Oblivion?

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You know, I was just wondering about this myself the other day. My brother and I divied from questing and storyline to do some PvP for awhile. What ultimately happened was that we out-leveled the next couple worlds worth of missions/quests. They became so easy it was boring and we found ourselves /not/ enjoying the story and such as much as we would have.


Opting out of XP rewards in PvP and Flashpoints would be a good start (optional).

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It would make me so happy if they allowed you to turn off xp. I also go through the game wanting to complete everything. It just gives me a great feeling when I leave a world. However, by the time you get off of Tatooine (as a Republic player), a person who has done every heroic quest and flashpoint is almost beyond Alderran's range (28-32 I believe). This is without space missions or PvP. It seems like it would be very easy to add this feature, and it would only affect the players who wanted it. The rest could just ignore it.


And the benefits...some of these are probably more important to me than others, but again, there's no downside. For example, I loved the way the Clan Varad set of armor (from Mandalorian Raiders) looked for my smuggler, and I would have liked to do the flashpoint repeatedly until I got all the orange pieces, but I didn't because I didn't want to level. The same thinking kept me from doing PvP or space missions.


I realize that not everyone cares about being over-leveled, but for those of us who do, BioWare's experience system is preventing us from enjoying other systems in the game to a certain extent. I'm not one to get on here and complain, but I do think this would make the game more fun.

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I noticed this problem in beta, so I decided to take a different tact in live. When I notice I am outleveling content on my main, I switch to doing just my class quests until I am the correct level again. Then, I take note of which planets I skipped heroics and bonus series on. When I level an alt, I will try to complete those planets while skimming some of the planets my main character completed.


This way, the side quests will be largely new stories for me on my alts.


I agree an option to turn off xp gain would be a simple fix for people that want to do everything on one character though.

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Will never tell someone how to play and if you gusy want to turn your exp off then so be it. However from a programming standpoint just introducing that code is not a mixed bag but rather a bag of dead kittens. I can see the bugs from here. Mass people getting know exp for days or weeks at a time. Emergency fixes and patches. Cause whil I can see that the exp is pushing my character further and further above the content. I don't really care. If you want a challenge, play a more challenging class. I hear Sentinels are all the rage for being high challenge.


With the companion system it will make it hugely easy for some to press through the content with little issues. I say find something else in the game to challenge yourself with, but I do understand your point even if I do not agree with it.

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If the content is not challenging, leave your companions on your ship and do the quests really solo!


Every time I find an area too easy, I just dismiss my companion or send him on a crew skill mission and sweat a little bit by myself (and it really is extremely hard without a companion, I'm playing Jedi Sentinel, so I get my dose of challenge and fun).

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