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Top 10 criticisms of SW:TOR with responses


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Game is great stylized graphics is crap. If you play on a PC for gods sake make a damn setting for me to take advantage of DX11 and every other setting without forcing it through Catalyst or NVIDIA control panel. I play BF3 BTW and there is no reason this should look like cartoon ****. Besides that great game. Bioware should kill who ever made that discision. If you want to apeal to the poor than just make a setting cvalled "I AM POOR AND SHOULD NOT PLAY PC GAMES". The rest of us can enjoy our eye candy.
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I don't mean to be captain bringdown here, but you're the one who made the initial claim, that bioware is an above average company, coding wise, and only cited that you know as evidence (fallacy of argument from authority) it is your burden, actually, to provide evidence that bioware is an above-average software developwer within the scope of "how many bugs" their games have at launch.


Otherwise, the statement may be dismissed without any evidence, as this poster has retorted.



Disclaimer: i like the game, i just noticed some fallacious argument there.



THAT was the fallacious quote you picked up on? Read the ones that the OP was responding to in that post on the first page. They were in red because "LukeRPWalker" doesn't know how to use </quote>.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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No, you are a "fanboy" because you take any criticism of the game as a personal affront and respond like someone *****-slapped your mother.


I like this game, in concept - but even I am able to recognize that it is far from perfect and that it has some serious issues.


Yeah because this game is perfect...


No, it has bugs, glitches, I am fine with that. I am fine with criticism, but people like you calling other people fanboys is sad really.

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it is NOT an mmo


Again, based on what standard?




1. A persistent, MASSIVE universe.

2. Remembers your characters state and status when you log out.

3. Has large, shared zones able to support MULTI-PLAYER.

4. Has a shared storyline and experience with multiple factions.

5. Is an internet ONLINE game.

6. Has ROLE-based PLAY-able classes.

7. Is definitely a GAME.


Yep, SWTOR is an MMORPG by any definition.

Edited by Samaul
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Game is great stylized graphics is crap. If you play on a PC for gods sake make a damn setting for me to take advantage of DX11 and every other setting without forcing it through Catalyst or NVIDIA control panel. I play BF3 BTW and there is no reason this should look like cartoon ****. Besides that great game. Bioware should kill who ever made that discision. If you want to apeal to the poor than just make a setting cvalled "I AM POOR AND SHOULD NOT PLAY PC GAMES". The rest of us can enjoy our eye candy.


I am sure that DX11 is planned for a future release. There are a lot of people who still play pc games on WinXP.

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1. Bad or cartoon-y looking graphics.


> Its called stylized graphics. SW:TOR's graphics are not designed to be photo-realistic so that they will not look dated in a year or two. If you want photo-realism, play BF3 (great game EA).




2. Linear storyline.


> SW:TOR is a story-line driven game. All MMORPGs with experienced-based character leveling are by nature linear to some extent. SW:TOR is unique in that at each step in the storyline, you can make decisions from multiple paths that will affect the destiny of your character.


Mostly agreeable, but the effect on destiny is quite limited. If a certain story needs to go in a certain direction, it will happen, regardless of what you choose.


3. No open world. I dont like exhaustion or boundaries.


> Its a big galaxy, did you expect to be able to ride a speeder from one planet to another? Exhaustion and boundaries are part of every MMORPG including WoW. No game world goes on forever.


Your rebuttal doesn't really address the complaint. Many simply feel that even within the themepark sub-genre, SWTOR's exploration is extremely lacking.


4. No dungeon finder.


> Type /who and hit enter. You can find people who are LFG and in the zone where you are questing or doing heroics. Dungeon finders, especially x-server destroy MMO communities and distort character progression by removing players from the flow of the game and rewarding bad behavior. Server communities are self policing, if you behave badly, you will be removed from your flashpoint or heroic group and likely remembered so be a team player and help your group.


Don't care enough about this subject to respond. It's debatable, anyway.


5. No x-server warzone finder.


> Just click the Republic or Empire button and wait, you can queue with a group from your guild or server. See #4 for x-server issues and their effect on server communities. If you want a mindless, anonymous pvp grind, SW:TOR is not the game for you.


Not a PvPer, so don't care enough about this subject to respond. It's debatable, anyway.



6. No flying mounts.


> You have your own space ship, you can go anywhere in the galaxy in an instant. What more do you want?


Personal starship is not a flying mount. At least not in the context as intended by the above complaint.


Oh, and just to expand, and answer your question, I would like multi-person combat support, limited exploration, ie. space zones, group combat missions, flashpoints. In short, I would like the same kind of experience that we have on the ground, but in space. Hopefully that will all come in time.



7. Companion crafting and gathering.


> You have more than one of your own personal valet, bodygaurd, cyber-@#$ toy, servant or slave. Yes, you have to equip it and give it gifts. What more do you want?


Your rebuttal doesn't seem to respond to any actual complaint.



8. SW:TOR is boring, cut scenes and voice acting are time consuming and a waste of time.


> Voice acting and cut scenes are a key part of the game. If you have MMORPG ADHD, try ritalin. If that doesnt work, SW:TOR is not the game for you. Group or social gameplay is strongly encouraged. If you dont play well with others, there are some parts of the game that you will not experience.


Agreed. Those who aren't interested in stories and cut-scenes probably shouldn't pick up SWTOR.



9. SW:TOR is not a true MMORPG.


> By whose standard? It may not be the MMORPG you are used to but SW:TOR is definitely an MMO-ROLE-PG. Take it from a role-player, SW:TOR is a role-players wet dream.


I agree on the first part, but not on the second. Wet dream is a huge overstatement, in my opinion, considering that the game currently contains ZERO features that cater to roleplayers. There is also a huge list of missing features with regards to roleplaying (chairs, chat bubbles, lack of social clothes or appearance tabs, etc etc). That doesn't stop us roleplaying anyway. Roleplayers have been winging it since MMOs first came out.


10. SW:TOR is buggy.


> More than 3 years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development. Take it from a software developer, software development is an imperfect process. BioWare does it better than most. Given the size and scope of SW:TOR, the game is remarkably stable and bug free. If you find a bug, report it. Remember that THE LACK OF A FEATURE THAT YOU WANT IS NOT A BUG. BioWare's programmers are bug-stomping as you read this.


3+ years and hundreds of millions of dollars should be more than adequate resources to endure that core systems and key abilities function. Seriously, we don't even have a basic guild window that functions as intended. Inexcusable, but forgiveable.


Some of your rebuttals are fair, OP, but on some of them you appear to just be 'having a go' at those with complaints about SWTOR.


Everything is subjective, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with people wanting a dungeon finder, or a night and day cycle. It is simply their opinion, and is in no way more or less valid or important that yours or mine.

Edited by Errathe
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6. No flying mounts.


> You have your own space ship, you can go anywhere in the galaxy in an instant. What more do you want?


I'd love to see some actual space combat/flying, the rail shooter has its charm but it does get old quick.


Cant wait to see what they do with it in the future.

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I'd love to see some actual space combat/flying, the rail shooter has its charm but it does get old quick.


Cant wait to see what they do with it in the future.


3D 360 degree space combat is very disorienting for some players. I think that for many MMORPG-ers, the current implementation is appropriate. For those of us who love to fly and fight, we would rather see something like Tie Fighter or Wing Commander.

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1. Bad or cartoon-y looking graphics.


> Its called stylized graphics. SW:TOR's graphics are not designed to be photo-realistic so that they will not look dated in a year or two. If you want photo-realism, play BF3 (great game EA).


2. Linear storyline.


> SW:TOR is a story-line driven game. All MMORPGs with experienced-based character leveling are by nature linear to some extent. SW:TOR is unique in that at each step in the storyline, you can make decisions from multiple paths that will affect the destiny of your character.


3. No open world. I dont like exhaustion or boundaries.


> Its a big galaxy, did you expect to be able to ride a speeder from one planet to another? Exhaustion and boundaries are part of every MMORPG including WoW. No game world goes on forever.


4. No dungeon finder.


> Type /who and hit enter. You can find people who are LFG and in the zone where you are questing or doing heroics. Dungeon finders, especially x-server destroy MMO communities and distort character progression by removing players from the flow of the game and rewarding bad behavior. Server communities are self policing, if you behave badly, you will be removed from your flashpoint or heroic group and likely remembered so be a team player and help your group.


5. No x-server warzone finder.


> Just click the Republic or Empire button and wait, you can queue with a group from your guild or server. See #4 for x-server issues and their effect on server communities. If you want a mindless, anonymous pvp grind, SW:TOR is not the game for you.


6. No flying mounts.


> You have your own space ship, you can go anywhere in the galaxy in an instant. What more do you want?


7. Companion crafting and gathering.


> You have more than one of your own personal valet, bodygaurd, cyber-@#$ toy, servant or slave. Yes, you have to equip it and give it gifts. What more do you want?


8. SW:TOR is boring, cut scenes and voice acting are time consuming and a waste of time.


> Voice acting and cut scenes are a key part of the game. If you have MMORPG ADHD, try ritalin. If that doesnt work, SW:TOR is not the game for you. Group or social gameplay is strongly encouraged. If you dont play well with others, there are some parts of the game that you will not experience.


9. SW:TOR is not a true MMORPG.


> By whose standard? It may not be the MMORPG you are used to but SW:TOR is definitely an MMO-ROLE-PG. Take it from a role-player, SW:TOR is a role-players wet dream.


10. SW:TOR is buggy.


> More than 3 years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development. Take it from a software developer, software development is an imperfect process. BioWare does it better than most. Given the size and scope of SW:TOR, the game is remarkably stable and bug free. If you find a bug, report it. Remember that THE LACK OF A FEATURE THAT YOU WANT IS NOT A BUG. BioWare's programmers are bug-stomping as you read this.


These aren't the major concerns. Not even close. Stupid responses too, it's not just been more than 3 years, it's been more than 6. The fact that this has gone through beta, has been worked on for 6 years, has had more money thrown at it then any other video game that has ever been developed, and came out like this is just sad, honestly. These aren't the major concerns, these are what the noobs, casuals, and wow fanboys might say.

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Great post, keep up the good work. Panda will come to your house to kill you if you say too many good things about the game however.


I want to bring back arthas, the true lich king and give him back the helm of Nerh'zul, then have him lead the scourge against Pandaria.


Undead pandas FTW :D

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These aren't the major concerns. Not even close. Stupid responses too, it's not just been more than 3 years, it's been more than 6. The fact that this has gone through beta, has been worked on for 6 years, has had more money thrown at it then any other video game that has ever been developed, and came out like this is just sad, honestly. These aren't the major concerns, these are what the noobs, casuals, and wow fanboys might say.


Clearly, you did not understand my post. Have a nice day :)

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These aren't the major concerns. Not even close. Stupid responses too, it's not just been more than 3 years, it's been more than 6. The fact that this has gone through beta, has been worked on for 6 years, has had more money thrown at it then any other video game that has ever been developed, and came out like this is just sad, honestly. These aren't the major concerns, these are what the noobs, casuals, and wow fanboys might say.




Drive by critique as to what is/is-not "major concerns" expressed by the haters and QQers, without any substance or specifics to back up critique.


Now, if you had said: "Im disappointed in this game, it does not meet my needs or requirements in an MMO", then I would be more inclined to take you seriously.


As it stands, you just blended yourself with those that you appear to disdain (noobs, casuals, and wow fanboys).

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The exhaustion boundry on tat is a complete joke. One of the first things you want to do on tat when you first go there is walk out into the vast desert from the starport and if you do, you die within seconds.


Actually, that's kind of simplified realism for Tat don't you think? Fact is if you just walk out into any vast desert, you are probably going to die, and die quickly and hideously. Even more so on an alien planet. Don't ya think? Unless of course you're a droid. :D

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Not really the biggest issues and I wouldn't say your explanations really give good answers to the problem.


Eg. No flying mounts


You answered this one poorly.


No flying mounts is to do with the scale of the game not be abused. They want people to go into a big city on a speeder and grasp the scale of it rather than just fly over it which totally ignores the art.


It also prevents world pvp because people are never meeting each other.

Edited by SnoopyDoo
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Not really the biggest issues and I wouldn't say your explanations really give good answers to the problem.


Eg. No flying mounts


You answered this one poorly.


No flying mounts is to do with the scale of the game not be abused. They want people to go into a big city on a speeder and grasp the scale of it rather than just fly over it which totally ignores the art.


It also prevents world pvp because people are never meeting each other.


Actually, flying mounts is just an aberation in the genre introduced by Blizzard. It's neither necessary nor consistent with the lore of this game.


Of course once a piece of cake is put on the table by one food establishment, the cake eaters demand it of all food establishments.

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