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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This is by far the worst PvP I've experienced in an MMO


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In the span of about a week, PvP has gone from decent to intolerable.


PvP has always been "who has the most 50s" but it's gotten a lot worse now that people at the level cap are decked in PvP gear and feasting on people 30 and 40 levels below them.


Just finished a series of three matches where we got absolutely rolled, including a Voidstar where we got spawn camped for the entirety of the match. We had no 50s on our team, while the other team had six of them decked in PvP gear and two pugs along for the ride.


They slaughtered us, and slaughtered us, and slaughtered us some more, 'cause hey, we had to leave the safe area.


In Alderaan, I was defending a node alongside a level 19. A level 50 sauntered up and was extremely lazy about killing both of us, not even bothering to get out of melee range and allowing us to swing futilely while he gunned us down. We barely scratched him.


I'm not here to debate who knows how to play, or the logistics of single-server battlegrounds -- I am here to say PvP is not fun. It's frustrating, it feels meaningless when you cannot impact the game as a participant, and I really have no desire to requeue.


Please move to a bracketed system and end this absurdity before players abandon PvP en masse.

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I hate to break it to you but BioWare isn't a PvP developer so therefore this isn't a PvP game.


I, personally, love PvP and had hoped that BW/EA would of atleast looked at how a fluid, responsive and moderatly engaging MMO is like before they tacked PvP on their brand new co-operative single player RPG.


But they didn't.



So it sucks.

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Pretty much, add to that the fact that Empire has almost a perma win rate due to vast number of 50s they have over Republic means that all their lower levels who prefer PvP will level up faster than our lower levels who enjoy PvP (not to mention collect PvP gear faster when they do hit 50). It's not even that they are good, most of the 50s are bad from what I have seen. It's just that they have the abilities, more stats, and expertise to hold their hand for them.


Also, you are right. Before Empire had all these 50s, win rates were at least reasonable and PvP was a lot more fun. Yesterday between 2 people queuing at the very least a minimum of 30 WZs we only saw a total of 2 wins, and both of them were when we ended up with a large number of 50s on our team and one was fighting our own side in Huttball if I remember correctly.

Edited by Ashanor
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Oh, odd. You must be pretty new to mmos?


Because I've played runescape. The pvp in this is definitely better than that. Also played WAR; that was just spamming one/two abilities with zero CC or any skill requiring abilities. I also played AoC which was awful for PvP to begin with, although that did pick up. I also played AION, and if you want to talk about unbalanced PvP due to level/gear, go there.


I think you have only played WoW and maybe Rift.

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Haven't they already said they are introducing bracekts?


Please stop making these threads, they are utterly pointless. They clog up the forums, the same damn thread 100 times, it doesn't make things come any quicker.


Just wait.

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Haven't they already said they are introducing bracekts?


Please stop making these threads, they are utterly pointless. They clog up the forums, the same **** thread 100 times, it doesn't make things come any quicker.


Just wait.


I'd rather make sure this is constantly at the forefront of developer attention honestly. We also need more than just a 10-49 and a 50 bracket.


10-24, 25-39, 40-49, and 50 is the best solution, imo.


Or, if they don't want 4 brackets (which I really think is the best option) then they could do:


10-29, 30-49, 50

Edited by Ashanor
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you know what i love the most about being lvl 50, and vsing a lvl 50 premade, is beating them with a bunch of low lvl pugs :)



trust me it happends, and quite alot, especially when im playing :)


so have no fear, a lvl 50 is here! to carry you ofc, just be my meatshield and guard the points i take, and ill do all the work :)


i think i should start frapsing all the wins i get with low lvl pugs vs lvl 50 premades, it does happen guys, you just need 2 try harder :)

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I'd rather make sure this is constantly at the forefront of developer attention honestly. We also need more than just a 10-49 and a 50 bracket.


No, we don't.

If you're level 25 and can't beat a level 40, that's a L2P issue

2 or 3 tiny abilities aren't going to save your life

The 10-49 and 50 brackets allow anyone leveling to play with any friends they have that are leveling at any time

That far outweighs the QQ from bads who think that one little cooldown ability is going to make them play a less awful game

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I hate to break it to you but BioWare isn't a PvP developer so therefore this isn't a PvP game.


I, personally, love PvP and had hoped that BW/EA would of atleast looked at how a fluid, responsive and moderatly engaging MMO is like before they tacked PvP on their brand new co-operative single player RPG.


But they didn't.



So it sucks.


They hired a bunch of people from Mythic to work on PvP. While WAR kind of flopped (sadly), they did a really good job on Dark Age of Camelot's PvP.

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They hired a bunch of people from Mythic to work on PvP. While WAR kind of flopped (sadly), they did a really good job on Dark Age of Camelot's PvP.

Until you remember it took them three years to fix 3 min mezes. Oh and Bonedancers... lol


Just saying.

Edited by Sardoni
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DaoC and to a lesser extent WAR had the battleground system. Brilliant on level fun, I've spent many hours in there on DaoC but big boy RvR was open to all. You just got massacred if you were below lvl 45 or you kne what you were doing.


If they introduced a BG/gating system in SWTOR it would dramatically help the pvp as you'd be playing against people closer to your level. They would also be able to scale back the pvp buff to the top level for the BG.


Here's hoping they take the idea up.....

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DaoC and to a lesser extent WAR had the battleground system. Brilliant on level fun, I've spent many hours in there on DaoC but big boy RvR was open to all. You just got massacred if you were below lvl 45 or you kne what you were doing.


If they introduced a BG/gating system in SWTOR it would dramatically help the pvp as you'd be playing against people closer to your level. They would also be able to scale back the pvp buff to the top level for the BG.


Here's hoping they take the idea up.....


They already use soft gating to get people of generally the same level, but they don't do hard gating

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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They hired a bunch of people from Mythic to work on PvP. While WAR kind of flopped (sadly), they did a really good job on Dark Age of Camelot's PvP.


I know that, look at the terrible job they did with Warhammer Online and they progressed into making SWTOR crap aswell.

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I know that, look at the terrible job they did with Warhammer Online and they progressed into making SWTOR crap aswell.


Because everyone is level 50 and you have the insight to make that kind of generalization

Kudos for having the ignorance to think that you know more than you could possibly know

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Cancel your sub.


List PVP as the reason


If they add brackets (which they have said they will do for long before open beta) in the next 17 days, re-sub. Your game play will not be interrupted until that time.


No one from Bioware reads this forum. There has never been a dev post. You need to send the message some other way.

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Sorry, but if after about level 16 your still having problems then it won't get any better at level 50 (from personal experience). It's purly down to your own skill. It will actually get harder as you level up due to how the bolster system works, at 50 in pvp each ability does less damage than the few you have at 15.


Having brackets in pvp won't do anything except make queues long and eventually kill off warzones at low/mid level. All that will happen is the experienced pvp players will make "twinks" and dominate the lower brackets for easy rewards.

Edited by NasherUK
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I think your pvp concerns are valid. I believe bioware knows about this issue and will attempt to make it more fun for players. You just gotta have faith that they'll fix it. Came only came out two weeks ago, gotta give them some time to tweak things. PvP in this game is fun, just needs to be tweaked.
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They could get by with two brackets, 10 - 49 and 50. Bolster does a good job of narrowing the gap, at least until expertise gear appears.


Alternately, they could make expertise gear and mods available from level 20 on.

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Because everyone is level 50 and you have the insight to make that kind of generalization

Kudos for having the ignorance to think that you know more than you could possibly know


I have made that generalisation, why? Because it's true, only fanboys could not see the terrible, tooth-pulling ******** that is SWTOR pvp both in warzones and win-trading Illum

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