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Free To Play For Solo/Story, Pay 15/Month For "MMO Features" — Everybody Wins


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Won't happen even with Warhammer, it is still pay to play. If that game is still going by that model, You actually think they would be willing to make their most invested in project go F2p?


You won't ever get that.


you say it like f2p is a poor option for gaming companies, honestly I'm surprised more games don't launch directly into that model seeing how much money there is to be made through microtransaction stores. Many players like it as well, and they usually wind up paying alot more then 15$ a money to the game company.

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...hence you predict a massive financial fail for gw2?


Hey just asking ... because your opinion are based on logic and facts.


If they are following the same model as the original they will be releasing Expansions every 6 months that has as much content as WOW's content patch for 60$ along with monetizing the PVP. THats how they recoup the cost for GW and apparently that worked for that game and I doubt they will be changing it much for the sequel.



you say it like f2p is a poor option for gaming companies, honestly I'm surprised more games don't launch directly into that model seeing how much money there is to be made through microtransaction stores. Many players like it as well, and they usually wind up paying alot more then 15$ a money to the game company.


Because it becomes a cash grab because their game didn't make it as a Play to pay and they are desperate for cash so they go f2p. Some money is better than no money. Most F2P have no innovation that makes any of the game interesting even with their content patches.

Edited by Phoenixblight
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So tired of people saying they should make it free 2 play all because they can't afford the 15 bucks a month and just want to keep playing it for free.


Please read the OP


I can afford the 15 Dollars a month just fine; I played World of Warcraft with the 15 dollar a month model, for about 6 years. I just don't think SWTOR deserves that

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If you can't tell the difference between


a) game which spent hundreds of millions ($300 million by one report) and is designed to recoup it's costs through a monthly fee, then suggesting it might be BAD to remove said monthly fee, and


b) game which is budgeted for about $35 million and is designed to sell 1 million boxes at $65 to recoup it's costs and is built to be F2P


Then you are a troll.


I have no clue how GW2 will turn out. TOR is simply not GW2 and trying to compare apples to bookcases is always an exercise in futility. Try again.


Nah the stile of your posts clearly indicate who is the troll. So spare me your remarks.

Now. Where did you get the "facts" about budgets of both games?

"By one report" for you is a fact?


I am just showing to you how self-centered and egocentric are your posts.

Edited by AlexRose
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Please read the OP


I can afford the 15 Dollars a month just fine; I played World of Warcraft with the 15 dollar a month model, for about 6 years. I just don't think SWTOR deserves that


so what your saying is you you were more then willing to pay $15 a month for a game that had less story elements but your not willing to pay for the game that has more "because" it has more.............. your logic boggles my mind sir.

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So far I love the game,but if it ever go f2p I will quit.I will never play a f2p mmo....ever!


Imo f2p mmo's are for kids.




Except that if you play seriously f2p mmo you end up paying much more than the 12.99 per month. They are just money traps where 10% pay the game's development for the kids.

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So this thread boils down to the simple fact that single player types should be isolated into personal servers (read: their own computers) since they are not paying the monthly fee to maintain public servers.


Yeah, I can see how this would be the best option for everyone involved. :jawa_confused:

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Penny Arcade said it will be free 2 play soon and I think that will be the best option with micro-transactions.


"Penny Arcade" made a non-serious comic about the game going F2P so therefore it must be true.


I have to admit, I lol'd.

Edited by HATREDacolyte
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I can afford the 15 Dollars a month just fine; I played World of Warcraft with the 15 dollar a month model, for about 6 years. I just don't think SWTOR deserves that


For someone that doesnt like the game, you devote a hell of alot of time to talking about it.

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Tycho even wrote the foreword to the "The Art and Making of The Old Republic" book.


And they got to play the very first plash point way back in 2009 when it was revealed at a PAX. So yeah, not surprising they're all over this game since they're some of the first who got to enjoy it.

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This guy has got to be a viral marketer for another company or something. No way does a normal person who apparently has so much dislike for this game just constantly post the same stuff over and over and over and over and over all day every day. Edited by Claymaniac
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This guy has got to be a viral marketer for another company or something. No way does a normal person who apparently has so much dislike for this game just constantly post the same stuff over and over and over and over and over all day every day.




edit : lol i did not even realize it was his thread..


i should have known better.


Once the search fonction is back people will be able to identify the troll more easily.

Edited by boobaffet
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Mostly because you came up with it. You're pretty much ignored by 90% of these forums outside your little club of extremists who, when you get right down to it, are just as bad as the fanboys who can't recognize the few flaws with SWTOR. As a rule of thumb anyone touting "this is how to fix the game, listen to my great ideas" is not worth the energy it takes to read the post.


Edit: You know this is an MMORPG right? Just because you think it's single player doesn't mean it is. Your logic is flawed, I'm afraid.


You do know the forums aren't just for mouth-foaming fanbois to pledge their allegiance, right? They are also for folks to share what they think are good ideas for improvement. He isn't even bashing the game here. I think this is a valid suggestion.


BTW you are appropriately named....

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No. Because the F2P players would benefit from the patches that the other people are paying for. Simple as that. The $15 per month isn't for the "luxury" of playing with other people. It's for the ability to play on Bioware's servers, use Bioware's bandwidth, use Bioware's data storage, use Bioware's customer service, and most importantly, pay for Bioware's development time. The only way to implement this fairly would be to cut the F2P players off from downloading patches and that would cause more problems than it's worth, because then people would essentially be playing two versions of the same game on the same servers. Edited by Kraylessa
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No. Because the F2P players would benefit from the patches that the other people are paying for. Simple as that. The $15 per month isn't for the "luxury" of playing with other people. It's for the ability to play on Bioware's servers, use Bioware's bandwidth, use Bioware's data storage, and most importantly, pay for Bioware's development time. The only way to implement this fairly would be to cut the F2P players off from downloading patches and that would cause more problems than it's worth, because then people would essentially be playing to versions of the same game on the same servers.


take your logic outta here! cant you see your going to upset shady!!!

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I don't always agree with you either, and sometimes you often seem a bit grumpy, but I've been in your shoes with hoping a game was something a bit better, so I let that slide.


This...is not a horrible idea. :)


Not sure I'd go as far as 'good', maybe 'decent'?


I'm trying to wrap my head around what some of the side effects of this might be, as a person who would continue paying. Would I suddenly find myself having an even 'harder' time finding flashpoint groups? Would they ever change flashpoints to scale them? Should they? What about social points (which I'm addicted to!), if there are less people for me to loiter with, how am I going to earn those? Should they lower the curve on those then, to reach each social level? Should they 'include' more social elements in flashpoints after BT (which, your idea aside, I think they should do, b/c flashpoints are the only place I've been able to get social points, and running BT at 27 is getting silly).


But on the surface, it seems like a cool model. I'm a lifer in LotRO, and while some of the 'in your face' selling is a 'tad' bit of a bummer, it seems to work really well.


The only thing I 'might' add, is to meet certain profit expectations, they might need to give you Act 1 (as an example) out of the box, and make you pay a small fee each for the remaining acts, or a reduced price if you bundle them. Would you be willing to do that?


I suppose they could also figure out a way to let you 'buy' access to flashpoints and heroics along the way, which would allow you to group participate in the ones you bought. Or maybe 'rent' them?


But sure, on the surface, not too shabby there.


And cheer up, and happy new year! ;)

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Please read the OP


I can afford the 15 Dollars a month just fine; I played World of Warcraft with the 15 dollar a month model, for about 6 years. I just don't think SWTOR deserves that



So if in your opinion this game does not deserve your 15 bucks why dont you cancel your sub and look on the market for a game that suits your 'needs' , 'style' , and any other reasons that are appealing to you from an mmorpg.


And I bet there must be a mmorpg suit to your taste and ideas about what a mmo suppose to be for you.


Whats the point to open such thread do you really think it will change something, that your so called opinion counts into something flower?


If you really want this game free, here a piece of advice. Wait a bit longer till the 'guys' will make some private servers around the world and go there and play it for free. Dont waste your time making threads so preposterous like this.



Edited by Phenyr
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