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WoW vs. TOR: Comparing game launches


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I was not there launch days... but probably a week or two after WoW launch. Have done launch windows for AOC, LOTRO, and Guild Wars. Did a long beta with Rift and the launch day.


A few weeks after launch, WoW was not perfect by any means but it still had gameplay that was fairly deep and rock solid compared to even most MMO's launched today. I remember loot lag, or database lag essentially being the biggest issue when you pick stuff up there was a delay putting it into your ineventory. That was a problem on and off through the first year or so but still, the game offerred a lot for the day. WoW had the animations down well, the timing of the sounds and a feel for 'killing' and fighting that was accessible. AOC was a disaster for me partly because the client would always overheat my video card. I was not alone in this.


What i will say about WoW is they always seemed to have large servers. The worlds were big and each race had their own areas. I don't know the total server count but it has always seemed to me that many MMO's miss just because they don't have quite the right feel and their populations are small. Rift had a long beta and very few actual 'errors'... but the servers themselves feel cramped and small compared to WoW. Like they perhaps could hold only 750-1000 per server while WoW may have had 3k or more. Not sure, but even in the early days the WoW universe felt big.


Now SWTOR... I did the beta first week of Dec. The game definitely grew on me and there are a lot of good mechanics. Played pretty much all the classes up to level 10+. Looking forward to the game. I think it will do well. But I think the community can only be hurt if the people from WoW are attacked as fanboys (seen it in Rift) when they point out some of the weaknesses. SWTOR for me was in fact quite awesome because it has amazing 3D vision support and i have 3D vision. My friends who also played were a bit underwelmed by the graphics. They all have played WoW extensively as I have and we came to the conclusion. that SWTOR is worth playing because it is so much different... not that it is necessairly better out of the gate. We agreeed that the Trooper class was a bit blah. Shooting at stuff in this game is just not all that fun. Liked the melee units much better.


So launchwise I expect this is going to go well. WoW did well for its day considering. But there has been a lot of years and expectations are higher. While I'm happy with the graphics because amazing 3d vision. My friends are not. I LOVE the cut scene videos. A few of my friends just wanted to push past them. So overall I think this game is going to have some hardcore fans... but it still doesn't feel quite as polished as Rift did in terms of the engine itself. I don't feel like I get as much out of my rig as I can with Rift. But I'll also say after my 6 months of Rift was up... I did not renew. Yet I still have a WoW sub and my friends still start up new characters and play old ones all the time. I'm looking forward to having the same longterm relationship with SWTOR. But that remains to be seen.

Edited by DuaneDog
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WoW was released several years ago...


Why would you compare a 2011 MMO release to a 2004 MMO release?


So you are saying after 7 years no progress has been made in launching MMOs lol?


I love when people compare new MMOs to the early WoW.


Sorry doesn't work that way, people will compare the latest WoW because that is what is up for grabs and that is where people are spending their money nobody is going back in time to play vanilla WoW and deciding "hmmm, vanilla WoW or SWTOR" nope. People are deciding whether to play the latest version of WoW or SWTOR and that means comparing Cataclysm launch or Rift launch, etc. to SWTOR's current launch.


And as of right now, this is just sad that wave invites are stopped so early in the day when servers start to lose population gradually. There is not enough staff to monitor and continue sending waves? Sad. BioWare and EA should definitely have enough money to provide waves throughout the entire day and if that was the case everyone would be playing today or at least by tomorrow.





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And by December 21st, you should be able to play this game, also.


Funny how characters in the early access before December 20th are permanent...


Hmm... Well if it is beta characters get wiped... If it is not beta characters do not get wiped...


Hmmm... Wait a minute! Does this mean that the people playing before the 20th are actually playing the game and not a beta? Oh my... Impossible the LAUNCH is the 20th... Let's pretend the early access is not even real.

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Well I'm going to go play some Cata! Thanks for the reminder OP. By the way, WoW launch had just as many whiners and complainers as this launch had. The only difference? We were all united.


lol yeah! Its nice to complain together as in EVERYONE...


Not just passing out golden tickets to a select few and alienating everyone else.

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"Uh there wasn't that much of complaints when WoW was released nor' in beta."


Hahahahah are you serious? Dude the forums and in game were non-stop whining about the constant lag-fests, server crashes, downtime, and bugs. I actually played back then, I'd know. And yes, that stuff continued for MONTHS afterward. You didn't play back then if you don't remember that - it was endless whining. One of the worst launches in history.




Was there OP is right

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Seriously, if you wanted to play so bad why weren't you in line to preorder day 1?


Oh right you had no time then but you have the time now to wait around and troll the forums.





- December crew

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lol funny thread... plain and simple... you are lying or were on a VERY unusual server if you claim WOW launch was smooth... I like WoW... but the truth is the truth... it was a horrid launch... and for anyone complaining about this launch and not getting in yet... you were given the opportunity to play "UP to 5 days" and they started it 2 days early... so put the tissues away and relax... you'll be in game soon enough
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My standard for an apocalyptically bad recent launch remains Final Fantasy XIV, if Bioware somehow manages to surpass that then I will begin to get mildly peeved. However, I think it would take the Four Horsemen to achieve that.


Personally, I think the launch thus far has been incredibly smooth. They provided FAQs months in advance, the physical pre-order case stated that entitlement was contingent on the date of pre-ordering months ago, they’ve used social networking to distribute information, there were prominent advertisements detailing conditions of Early Access, they pre-emptively stated that individuals would be informed of their Early Game Access on the day, and they even extended the Early Access period so that the vast majority of people will effectively get the entirety of the original five days rather than 'up to.' I fail to see how this could have been better.


Alternatively, they could have thrown the floodgates upon and used the power of prayer to overcome the limitless number of negative outcomes that could arise.

Edited by Sufran
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The MMO market was also a lot different than and Blizzard could not have forseen how many people would jump aboard back in '04-'05.


I wanna use this post to backup and illustrate the OP's overall point that a lot of you (in the first few pages anyway) seem to have missed. Yes, it was 7 years ago, yes, technology and the MMO market were in very different places they are today. The POINT is that WoW survived, and thrived, in spite of a rocky start and an outcry from players, therefore SW:TOR will survive and thrive too. Its launch technique may not be an exact replica of WoW's, as the knee-jerk reactions from people felt compelled to point out - yeah, and? That wasn't the point; technology and MMO history aside, there IS an absolute ton of whining, crying, and cursing at BioWare even when the EA had been extended two days early... after the first few days of EA, and one look at the EA threads that hit over 1,000+ posts in mere hours, that point is thoroughly backed up.


Again, I think the original point behind this is that all of the bashing, overreacting and "bad move BioWare, this is gonna cost you subscribers and you will fail" is going to completely disappear by the end of the first year. Just watch. Embrace the TOR era. :)

Edited by KyrusValo
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You are lying. I played since WoW closed beta until recently. Their launch had it's problems, but not on the magnitude you are describing. And also, everyone was treated / suffered equally.


Oh and let's see the clear statements of those hundred people you referring to. Or we should take your word on it? Yeah, sure.


No he isnt. I played from day one. Hellscream server. Make me 101 since I dont know him. You're an idiot.

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