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My Only Problem with TOR (but it's a breaker)


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Whatever, I'm downloading World of Warcraft to my new Alienware as we speak. I can't stop laughing hysterically at how bad the lag in this game was, especially since I gave my Warcraft guild a speech about how I was never coming back. Worst part is, I 100% meant what I said, but that was before it became apparent that the game is too choppy to play during any critical moment. Great game, horrible lag, 60 dollars down, 30 in a 60-day game card. Nice $100 investment for a game I never got to play, and a lesson learned about future Bioware products. Edited by RecondoJoe
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I didn't see your specs, but if you run an ATi vid card. Try rolling back the driver version to 11.10. I had a huge FPS issue with 11.11 and 11.12 where I could only get 10-20 FPS with my laptop set on low settings and everything off. But when I run SWTOR with 11.10, my laptop runs the game on high (bloom off) at 60-80 FPS. Another guy on the forum had this same problem and I gave him the same suggestion. When he rolled back his ATi driver, his FPS shot up to the 60-70 range.
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here my spec and it mid range pc,


Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: HP-Pavilion

System Model: NC816AAR-ABA m9528c

BIOS: BIOS Date: 02/23/09 14:47:06 Ver: 5.37

Processor: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.3GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 8192MB RAM

Page File: 2507MB used, 13873MB available

Windows Dir: C:\Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode


I run this game at 60+fps on high but with bloom turned off. but if the op really want help he run a dxdiag and at least post it in the proper forums. who know on a laptop could be a heat problem.


But I feel he just want to add to the angry crowd that troling theese forums.

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I honestly don't see the issue. I've got everything maxed and even upped the anti aliasing and I run at 50+ frames everywhere I go.


Same here. I run everything maxed except shadows and I get 75 fps consistently.

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The problem is not with the OPs hardware, or his settings.


As a person who is having the same issue on a high-end Alienware Computer that I have optimized, updated drivers, and spent hours attempting various tweaks I've found on the internet across multiple websites, I have concluded that the choppiness in this game is not due to insufficient hardware.


The worst part is, the choppiness is the same if I run the game settings on high, low, or even go to an extreme and

I suspect that a lot of people here who claim to run the game fine are not mentioning the sporadic choppiness that they are likely experiencing, particularly in high population areas or War Zones.


I could demonstrate on my computer how great the game runs in certain areas too (with the occasional chop here and there), but that is not representative of trying to walk through the Imperial Fleet's Market, or engage in a War Zone.



The only thing about this that blows my mind is that Bioware would beta test a game they knew 90% of the gaming community would have trouble running smoothly, then market and sell it anyways. To everyone else trying to fault the customers, you are wrong. No one with a multi-thousand dollar gaming system should have to purchase a game, then spend hours searching various media sites to try and find out how to tweak their already more than sufficient gaming computer to be able to play a game whose graphics are inferior to many other games currently on the market.


Regardless, even these tweaks will not fix the problem thousands, upon thousands of gamers with high-end computers are citing. This problem, if unfixed, will destroy this game, and it's a shame because it is one of the better MMOs I've played over the years.


Even in your unwarranted theory that 90% of the people complaining have inferior gaming systems, this game still fails. What kind of company would honestly invest 300 million dollars developing a game whose target audience could not afford to play? How many people are going to spend $4K to play SW:ToR when their current system runs every other game on the market. This, while not the case, is one of the biggest problems with the insinuation of faulting hardware.


What then is your explanation to the majority who do not have FPs, lag, or loading issues?

Trust me, most people are running this game fine. a relative few are the ones with issues, that leads me to believe it's not the client per se but an incompatability with hardware or software already on a machine.


Or did they all just get a different version of the game than you did?


On your last paragraph, you needs to read more, this game didn't cost 300 million that was debunked months ago.


Also you don't need to spend 4k on a PC to run SWTOR. I spent around a total of $800-1000 in small chunks at a time and it runs at max everything just fine. $350 was how much my original rig cost near the beginning of this year. I then upgraded to my HD6950 which was about $250 and upgraded MB and CPU +4gb more ram in October which was another $350.


So a lot of good spending several thousand dollars did you on your overpriced alienware turd.

Edited by HavenAE
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False. When you develop a video game, test, and release it and thousands of players have issues running the game on low settings while far exceeding the RECOMMENDED system requirements you are doing something very wrong.


Can't say this enough.


The issue isn't with our hardware. I have done as much tweaking, driver changing, investigation into possible issues on my end as is rationally expected of me with no change.


I will later on post my information for Bioware (not here, of course, as I am not going to give the "omg Bioware are gods your machine is crap" idiots any ammunition - but I'll send it to tech support) and hope that the compiled information from everyone with this issue gives them some idea what they did wrong. I'm not going to withhold that info from them if it can help us all get a change we desperately need.


But it's their problem.


In the meantime, girlfriend reset her laptop to factory settings, going to give it a go tonight and hoping she can AT LEAST run the game on low settings well enough for us to play together. If not, I guess I won't be playing either. Knowing how upset she is over having bought this game and being unable to play it totally destroys any fun I could be having with it :(

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False. When you develop a video game, test, and release it and thousands of players have issues running the game on low settings while far exceeding the RECOMMENDED system requirements you are doing something very wrong.


You're simply incorrect. There is no way to test every possible combination of hardware, software, OS and so forth. It is simply not possible to do. Some people whose systems exceed the minimum specs will still have problems.


And if the number of people having problems is thousands, out of the over 1.5 million subscribed, that's still less than one tenth of one percent having trouble.


Again, I realize that it is frustrating. Screeching in rage about it won't help. You can post your system specs and DXDIAG info in the recommended locations so BW can work on the issues or you can shake your tiny fists in rage.


I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader as to which will be more likely to produce results.

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Folks, this is classic FUD trolling at it's worst. The troll formula is simple:


a) claim a problem

b) claim emotional duress

c) claim that it's not your fault

d) shed some crocodile tears

e) get another shill account to pat you on the metaphorical back

f) watch the interwebs explode in assumed validity of your junk claim


If the problem was REAL the OP would have posted specs. They refused, hence case closed. Nothing to see here, go back to your drinks.

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Folks, this is classic FUD trolling at it's worst. The troll formula is simple:


a) claim a problem

b) claim emotional duress

c) claim that it's not your fault

d) shed some crocodile tears

e) get another shill account to pat you on the metaphorical back

f) watch the interwebs explode in assumed validity of your junk claim


If the problem was REAL the OP would have posted specs. They refused, hence case closed. Nothing to see here, go back to your drinks.


No trolling here. Huge fan of Bioware, huge fan of the game.


Specs have been sent to Bioware customer support. I will not post them here for trolling and/or using them as a focus to ignore the real issue :)

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i7 2600 cpu

evga gtx 570

8 gigs DDR3 RAM

windows 7 home


play on an east coast server, even though located in mountain time zone

everything on high settings


zero lag ever

no issues in warzones

constant 60fps

100ms ping (normal from my distance to server)


logic would indicate it is a pc hardware issue

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There are many people reporting similar problems. Many of these people are posting their specs which exceed the requirements to play this game, many being very high end PCs. There is a problem with the engine. If you dont believe me, do some google search and search these forums, there is a FPS issues post in the customer support section with 100s/1000s of people complaining about this issue.
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She constantly also plays World of Warcraft (I dont play it, she does) on this same laptop with all the settings turned up and in areas with 50+ people running around. She raids on it, again, running tons of mods and with settings turned up - with no issues.


I don't know enough about the computers in question to have an opinion on your technical problems, but I did want to point out that a 7 or 8 year old game is completely irrelevant as a performance benchmark. My phone could probably run WoW.

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Can't say this enough.


The issue isn't with our hardware. I have done as much tweaking, driver changing, investigation into possible issues on my end as is rationally expected of me with no change.


I will later on post my information for Bioware (not here, of course, as I am not going to give the "omg Bioware are gods your machine is crap" idiots any ammunition - but I'll send it to tech support) and hope that the compiled information from everyone with this issue gives them some idea what they did wrong. I'm not going to withhold that info from them if it can help us all get a change we desperately need.


But it's their problem.


In the meantime, girlfriend reset her laptop to factory settings, going to give it a go tonight and hoping she can AT LEAST run the game on low settings well enough for us to play together. If not, I guess I won't be playing either. Knowing how upset she is over having bought this game and being unable to play it totally destroys any fun I could be having with it :(


I've seen this same statement from you throughout this entire post about not giving your specs because you don't want to give people ammo. Well, then your computer is probably on the lower end, but refuse to believe so or want people to actually see that your either at the minimum specs or just above, and if your at that end then you can expect problems...period.


Minimum specs are just that, your going to run the game like crap. I don't have a single issue with this game, nor know anyone personally that has a single issue with this game. I'm sure there are 1,000's of people having problems, and I'm guessing a good 75% of the people are just like you...say your computer is WELL above specs but they really aren't.


Bioware isn't going to answer this thread and you knew that before you made it, if you wanted help from Bioware then you should of called them or emailed them directly. So until you post specs so people can actually..help you which you refuse to believe you need help, but it's more than obvious you do...then it is just that, it could very well be your machines...and I don't care what game it runs just fine, because for all we know that's bs as well. But for the love of god, stop comparing to WoW because a Tandy1000 can run WoW just fine, so it's is absolutely 100% irrelevant on how well your or her pc can run wow.

Edited by Nidien
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F series Sony VAIO laptop



6gb ram

1080 hd


internet connection - crappy cell phone tether normally under 120kb/sec


SWTOR runs fine on any setting. - only slightly noticable lower framerate on highest settings.


And I actually have played WOW on my phone - (over wifi with remote desktop)

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lol. I dont like WoW, don't like Blizzard, but it's amazing how many people here are venomous and make unrealistic statements about it. I can't stand that game or the company that made it, but the graphics on it are far from bad. They aren't much below the ones on this one, if at all.




As for posting my specs, I sent them to Bioware.


There's nothing to accomplish by posting them here. If my friend who builds/repairs/sells computers for a living worked his *** off and got nowhere with it, there's nothing anyone here can do.


Just hoping the issue gets enough attention Bioware rushes out some fixes.

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Must be doing it through VMware or Parallels?


Bootcamp probably. I tried parallels on my Mac Book Pro... horrid experience. Don't have Bootcamp installed on that one, but I would expect it to work fine under that (it works fine on my Mac Pro and my sons iMac under Bootcamp).

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Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but if you run the game any any settings besides MAX, it's runs like crap.


I'm using a Centrino2, Nvidia 9800M GTS, 4GB RAM and on MAX I'm getting 25-30 fps.


But on lower settings, I get under 10fps.


From what I've heard, it's a glitch in the settings.

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There are many people reporting similar problems. Many of these people are posting their specs which exceed the requirements to play this game, many being very high end PCs. There is a problem with the engine. If you dont believe me, do some google search and search these forums, there is a FPS issues post in the customer support section with 100s/1000s of people complaining about this issue.


That does not mean it is a problem with the engine. I could mean that there is a problem with the drivers or a particular DirextX call with some hardware. If that is the case then it can likely be fixed by changing the engine to not do whatever it is that is causing the poor performance to be experienced.


If the game works fine on, say 99 hardware/driver/OS configurations and has an issue with 1 hardware/driver/OS configuration then it is probably not the fault of the engine but a fault of some combination of hardware/driver/OS. The fix, once they find out what it is, would be to tell customers to either change to a different driver version, report the issue to the driver vendor, or report the issue to Microsoft. Hopefully if it is the later two they can also change the code in the engine to work around the bug.


Given that the vast majority of players do not have these issues the logical conclusion is not that the engine has an issue but that the engine is exposing an issue (or issues).

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I get 15 fps in warzones and on the imperial fleet, 110 fps everywhere. Updated my drivers to the most recent beta version and now I get CTDs. It's terrible and is definitely a dealbreaker.


Geforce 560 ti @ 4 gigs memory, if you care.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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