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My Only Problem with TOR (but it's a breaker)


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One word and a number: DirectX 9


And I don't mean the graphics themselves but the performance loss on modern DirectX 11 cards.


Now to the OP, while we agree on performance issues, I can say I run this game very well on a HP dv7 2040us laptop with a dedicated ATI 4650 on max settings but shadows. As a suggestion you should post your GF's laptop model so we can see the specs and it's stock crapware and find out how it's causing FPS issues.


If it's a HP or a VAIO, then resetting it to it's factory defaults will only get things worse, as both manufacturers load their Windows installations with lots of crapware you don't need and only makes your lappy run like a crippled slug.

Edited by Orisai
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OP, go to your search box in windows and type "msconfig" (without the quotes) you will be able to see all programs and services that load at start up. Disable everything you don't need to run the game ( this might take a bit of experimentation) reboot test how the game runs.


You might be surprised by the crap Windows loads up and if your on an older instal of windows you likely have allot of background appts zapping your performance.

Edited by LogunOne
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OP, go to your search box in windows and type "msconfig" (without the quotes) you will be able to see all programs and services that load at start up. Disable everything you don't need to run the game ( this might take a bit of experimentation) reboot test how the game runs.


You might be surprised by the crap Windows loads up and if your on an older instal of windows you likely have allot of background appts zapping your performance.


Thanks for the suggestion. UNfortunately, I already do that as a matter of course to make sure that nothing I want off is running. Did it on the gf's laptop first thing.

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well, if WoW is graphically old, maybe Bioware shouldve gone with that, because WoW in my opinion is comparable graphically with this game.


AS for the specs I just don't have them onhand at the moment, I'd have to get her to key up her laptop and she got angry, shut if off and went to bed.


Just ugh. We both looked forward to this so much, and we played together enough to know we'd love it, but now I just KNOW she's not gonna function off the starter world....



stop it this whole run around seems like a paid blizz forum troll.

in other words my systems run wow at highest settings and star wars dont so dont buy star wars stick with wow.

or your systems are old and you want bioware/ea to what exactly. buy you a new comp..........

whatever. oh

cool story bro.

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I read em all it sounds like the OP just wants to cry


I mean not posting the laptops specs? I know I know you want help from Bioware...well guess what your not getting a call from them anytime soon.


So let me make a suggestion, leave now and save yourself some money because if your waiting for a response from Bioware your wasting time.


Now if you want suggestions on how to optimize your experience now then post the specs.


I know I know you took the laptop to your friend that works at a computer store and he is a computer wiz etc bla bla bla


The problem is you cant come in here and make claims and not even post what your using as a point of reference.

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So you expect BioWare to fix the issue, but refuse to say what hardware you run the game on. Considering the majority of players don't seem to have any issue running the game, it has to do with your specific hardware setup. So, is BioWare supposed to just randomly guess what hardware you're using? Without knowing specific hardware combinations there is no way for them to fix it, because they can't know the root cause of the issue. Not to mention that there might already be some known fixes for your hardware that people could tell you if you would just post them.


As for the laptop, did you even try some of the known fixes? Like setting the graphics to high, then back to low (if needed)? There is a known issue with the default settings that are causing problems that switching to high fixes (for both laptops and desktops actually).

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So you expect BioWare to fix the issue, but refuse to say what hardware you run the game on. Considering the majority of players don't seem to have any issue running the game, it has to do with your specific hardware setup. So, is BioWare supposed to just randomly guess what hardware you're using? Without knowing specific hardware combinations there is no way for them to fix it, because they can't know the root cause of the issue. Not to mention that there might already be some known fixes for your hardware that people could tell you if you would just post them.


As for the laptop, did you even try some of the known fixes? Like setting the graphics to high, then back to low (if needed)? There is a known issue with the default settings that are causing problems that switching to high fixes (for both laptops and desktops actually).


No, I didn't know this, and I will give it a try today when she comes home from work.

Thanks. As for the rest of your post, and several above, the majority of players I know have issues with the game, as well as tons of other people who I have seen post here and other places. We aren't all running the same rig, so no, there is a more general problem, as several people have already said in this "wall of text" (in reality, very short and easy to read for anyone with attention span and patience) thread.


And yeah, I'm a paid Blizzard forum troll who just happens to loathe that company for what they did to their own intellectual property and for how they sold out their real fans years ago for $$$. And who just happens to not play any of their games. Don't be ridiculous. There is a problem with the engine that runs this game, don't get insulting and stupid just because someone levees some justifiable criticisms at it. I love Bioware, and I love the game. There is just an issue they need to address. It's not a crime to point it out; so stop acting like it is. ;)

Edited by fruitofvictory
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The problem is not with the OPs hardware, or his settings.


As a person who is having the same issue on a high-end Alienware Computer that I have optimized, updated drivers, and spent hours attempting various tweaks I've found on the internet across multiple websites, I have concluded that the choppiness in this game is not due to insufficient hardware.


The worst part is, the choppiness is the same if I run the game settings on high, low, or even go to an extreme and

I suspect that a lot of people here who claim to run the game fine are not mentioning the sporadic choppiness that they are likely experiencing, particularly in high population areas or War Zones.


I could demonstrate on my computer how great the game runs in certain areas too (with the occasional chop here and there), but that is not representative of trying to walk through the Imperial Fleet's Market, or engage in a War Zone.



The only thing about this that blows my mind is that Bioware would beta test a game they knew 90% of the gaming community would have trouble running smoothly, then market and sell it anyways. To everyone else trying to fault the customers, you are wrong. No one with a multi-thousand dollar gaming system should have to purchase a game, then spend hours searching various media sites to try and find out how to tweak their already more than sufficient gaming computer to be able to play a game whose graphics are inferior to many other games currently on the market.


Regardless, even these tweaks will not fix the problem thousands, upon thousands of gamers with high-end computers are citing. This problem, if unfixed, will destroy this game, and it's a shame because it is one of the better MMOs I've played over the years.


Even in your unwarranted theory that 90% of the people complaining have inferior gaming systems, this game still fails. What kind of company would honestly invest 300 million dollars developing a game whose target audience could not afford to play? How many people are going to spend $4K to play SW:ToR when their current system runs every other game on the market. This, while not the case, is one of the biggest problems with the insinuation of faulting hardware.

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Yes. I'd post my specs, but it's not going to help unless I post mine, hers, and the ten other people I know with issues. It's nothing to do with my computer, her computer, their computers. It is something about the game itself.


She isnt overclocking, we checked her energy settings - she keeps it plugged in and has the settings to high usage. She is running a cooler board, so it stays chill. Our drivers are up-to-date.


Same with all my friends who have issues.


I'm sorry, but if I can run Skyrim at max on this PC, I should be able to run TOR. If she can RAID on Warcraft with all settings up, she should be able to run TOR. Warcraft may be older but let's face it, the graphics aren't worse than this game. If anything, between spell effect, sheer number of people playing PLUS all her addons, it should be MORE intensive if anything, than running TOR on low settings.


I just hope they fix it.


At this point, we both badly want to play, but for her its upsetting her badly even trying, and for me, its upsetting me that she cant, enough to where I don't have fun playing when I try.


Love the game but they need to do something about this.


We dropped 120 on this during the holiday season when both my kids have birthdays near Xmas, too. And we aren't rich. So it's more than disappointing. At this point, it is also a huge waste of money we could have used for other things....


I'm calling TROLL again.


A word of advice, either do better trolling or don't do it at all.

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well, if WoW is graphically old, maybe Bioware shouldve gone with that, because WoW in my opinion is comparable graphically with this game.


Funniest thing I've read all day. You must never have done anything complicated, like... oh... look at your character's face.

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It doesn't really mean anything when you say you're able to run other games like WoW perfectly fine. My dinosaur desktop can run WoW without a halt, because WoW is a very graphically old game. However, I definitely see where your coming from when you bring up the recommend specs of the game. However, my desktop is around the recommended settings as well, and it CAN run the game, just not as well as I'd like (primarily large fps drops in warzones). But regardless of all this, I'm just saying that it might help for you to post the specs of the laptop, so that people with similar/the same hardware as you can maybe speak up and say "Hey, I seem to run the game alright, maybe try xxxx" or "Yeah, I have the same specs and I can't run it at all, let's attack BW hq". Ya know?


What don't you get? if the specs are above the minimum why do you care what they're? Bioware SET the min, if you're above them you should not have any issues. Stop trying to pin this on the player and not on bioware.


It's so blatant its funny

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I'm not having much trouble. I haven't attempted a 4 player heroic or any flashpoints since I doubled my RAM. When I had just 2 gigs, It was horrible running a 4 man heroic.


I can play solo just fine.

All I have is;


XP 32

Intel Core Duo 2.2GHz

Radeon HD5770

4 gigs of DDR2 PC2-6400 RAM



20-60 fps


Bloom off

Shadow Quality Low

Shader Complexity Low

Texture Quality High

Character Detail High

Texture Anisotropy Low

Grass/Trees at 50%


1680x1050 on a 21" Monitor



I may have to adjust these settings after attempting group content.

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What don't you get? if the specs are above the minimum why do you care what they're? Bioware SET the min, if you're above them you should not have any issues. Stop trying to pin this on the player and not on bioware.


It's so blatant its funny


I don't know about you, but when I buy a game, if my machine's at the minimum specs, I expect issues.

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It is something about the game itself.



Not necessarily. There are myriad reasons why one hardware/driver combination may have problems and others do not; not all are going to be flaws in the game. Some may be; others will be driver bugs, OS issues, or other software being run on your system. It is impossible to test every possible driver, GPU, software and OS combination reasonably, so when issues like this arise, they are generally corrected within a reasonable timeframe.


Please note that "reasonable" does not mean "right now". And no, this soon after launch is not either.


Also "my system runs other games just fine so this can't be my system" is also not necessarily correct.


We all realize it's frustrating. I've had similar problems with other games in the past and it was enough to make me want to tear my hair out, but it's not always the developer's fault.

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Regardless of who the blame for the issues is, you post specs. Period. Refusing to do otherwise is refusing to look at all options. I have a computer, and laptop for that matter, that are better than what most people have. I haven't played on the desktop yet, but I get the overheating GPU issue on the laptop.


It's a Sager NP7280


i7 980X Hex Core


2x nVidia GTX 480M (Updated drivers after hard locks on char creation, which turned out to be overheating. Even re-applied the TIM)

Ran it at the built in screen's resolution of 1920x1080 and on my desktop's monitor @ 2560x1600.


Again, refusing to provide it, is refusing help. Maybe it's a bug with certain types of hardware... but we don't know the hardware so we can't tell. Maybe it's a certain setting, or certain program, or who knows.

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This. Exactly. There's an engine issue. And yeah, I didn't even mention how I can't alt-tab out of the game to look things up, check mail, messages etc. This game won't let me. It either just doesn't work, even in windowed fullscreen, or it takes an eternity. And forget doing anything else - no multitasking. If I even try to check my email it takes forever to type my password in, there's huge lag on anything else I try to do, which is hugely frustrating because I am used to being able to multitask, with several tabs, voice chat, messengers etc running while I play ANY other game. On my girlfriend's laptop, she hasn't even tried it. But I don't doubt her laptop would just burst into flames, heh.


Well that is a useful bit of info.


When you do that what does task manager say is going on? Start with what task is taking the most CPU, then what task is using the most memory. Then switch to the performance tab and take a look at the CPU and memory history. Then look at your total memory, available, and free memory. While you are there may as well take a look at the Networking tab too (though I doubt that will be overly informative).


As for not posting the specs because you are not asking for help... if you don't post the specs for Bioware to see then they are going to have a harder time addressing the issue that you are having. You would be surprised what things can go wrong with software wrt hardware. Take the time to go to the customer service thread that you have been pointed to and post your DxDiag results there, it cannot hurt but can help a lot.

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Biggest problem that you described is that she's playing on a laptop. Check the energy saving settings, it might be that her cpu/gpu constantly under-clocks and only goes to normal speeds when necessary.


For wow being a game thats out for quite some time now, and thus has less 'demanding' graphics, thats not a big problem, but for newer games that can be a problem.


THIS. A thousand times this.


I had the same problem right after I got my new laptop. There was no way in hell that thing should be running as badly as it did. It is an Asus gaming rig for goodness' sake!


Turn off those energy management settings completely for gaming! For sure. You will be shocked at the difference.

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If you really cared about whether or not BW is going to do something about the issue, as you have stated over and over again in this thread, you would help them do something about it by posting DXDIAG information in the Customer Service forum.


My computer isn't a super powerful rig, and I am able to run it with maxed out settings. Obviously, some people with different hardware/drivers are having different issues. So.....if you actually want to help them fix it, do your part by submitting detailed information on the appropriate forum.

Edited by belialle
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I'm afraid neither of you have very good machines, it's that simple. SWTOR is not an intense game by any means. It's certainly more intensive than WoW, but WoW also looks like crap in comparison (not saying the game is crap, just visually speaking, one game is CLEARLY superior unless you're biased and it's not WoW's fault, it's a 7+ year old engine after all).



Other than absurdly long load times when visiting a planet, I run with everything maxed, 12 AA and shadows included with 50+ FPS constantly, all while using a 2 year old computer and a 1 year old laptop. Neither of which are anywhere near top of the line anymore.

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I've had similar problems with other games in the past and it was enough to make me want to tear my hair out, but it's not always the developer's fault.


False. When you develop a video game, test, and release it and thousands of players have issues running the game on low settings while far exceeding the RECOMMENDED system requirements you are doing something very wrong.

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The problem is not with the OPs hardware, or his settings.


As a person who is having the same issue on a high-end Alienware Computer that I have optimized, updated drivers, and spent hours attempting various tweaks I've found on the internet across multiple websites, I have concluded that the choppiness in this game is not due to insufficient hardware.


Yet me running on my 4 year old non-gaming Mac Pro (how people can say that I'll never know) with just an updated video card (it ran ok before the upgrade, but it was under the min specs so I decided to upgrade) has zero issues at all. My son finds the game choppy sometimes on his 3 year old iMac, but that has such a low end card it it I expected it not to play at all - but for the most part it plays just fine.


It very well could be your hardware or drivers. A number of years ago our students were given laptops to use. For one programming course (using Java) there programs would all crash the laptops (blue screen). This one was easier, given that it was all the same model of laptop. Was it hardware? No. What it Java? No. Was it a driver issue? Yes. Turns out that some changes Java made were really pushing directx and the driver was buggy. Could it possibly be a driver issue in this case? Sure could be.


There are a whole lot of people running the game without any issues. The obvious place to put the "blame" is on the systems of the people who are having problems. The best thing to do at the moment is to give Bioware the DxDiag info that they asked for so they can try to figure out what is the root cause of the issue. Once you have done that then set off on the quest to tweak settings etc... keep upgrading drivers as well as new ones come out.

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It very well could be your hardware or drivers.



Your post pretty much confirmed what I said. You could have a piece of crap computer like the one you have, or a high-end gaming computer like I do. This is completely irrelevant as to how well this game will run. Thus, not a hardware problem.

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Your post pretty much confirmed what I said. You could have a piece of crap computer like the one you have, or a high-end gaming computer like I do. This is completely irrelevant as to how well this game will run. Thus, not a hardware problem.


Ummm, you 100% missed my point. My point is that the interactions between the game and specific hardware could expose bugs in:


- hardware

- driver

- game

- operating system


I doubt it is a hardware problem, in that it is a problem with your physical hardware.


I do think it is likely a hardware problem, as in the game, driver, or OS, is having an issue with your specific hardware.


I spent $X and got A, B, C components so my machine is some god-like machine doesn't mean that it won't have issue with some things at some times.

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