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Tips for Tanking in "Mandalorian Raiders" FP?


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My friend (Sage) and I generally duo every heroic and FP that we come across at level (or when we find it) and we attempted Mandalorian Raiders at about level 27. We've not failed a FP or heroic until that point so we were fairly confident going in.


We took out the first boss after an initial failure - those dogs don't seem to respect threat generation or something. Second time they went down decently simple.


We continued on to the point of the second boss ... the 4 Empire guys. No matter what we did, there was no way I could keep up my defenses long enough or keep everyone on me with a single target 15s CD taunt. The best we got was the SW and Inq down, but then the BH and Agent burn us down too easily.


After failing ... 10 times? ... we gave up and decided to come back at 30 for revenge when it is green, which to us was fairly sad.


How did you tank this encounter? Does anyone have any tips on how I could have tanked better? We thought about killing the SW and then damaging all of the 3 others close to death before taking them out quick to avoid the buff, but that went worse.

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First boss:

The dogs only do a lot of damage when they are in the circle the boss creates around himself. The dogs can't be taunted either, and seem to randomly switch aggro. Keep them separated from the boss and you can either kill the dogs then boss, or the other way around. I've found it easiest to kill the dogs first, then it's just a straight fight.


Second Boss(es):

Crowd control is the key here. Keep as many of them CC'd as you can, and I suggest killing the warrior first, as his knockback/aggro wipe is very annoying. If you don't CC at least 1-2 of them, it's an incredibly healing intensive fight. Also--use your interrupts to stop their channeled specials.


Last Boss:

Kill him, kill turrets, move out of his targetted AE. Rinse repeat.



Regarding the Flashpoint as a whole, while I do flashpoints with my guildmates (we've been playing MMOs together since EQ) on a Guardian tank, Scoundrel heal, and Sage damage, plus one PUG member, I think folks need to understand that TOR tanks more like Champions Online of City of Heroes/Villians.


You don't need to aggro everything you see--just the dangerous stuff. One of the first packs in Mandalorian Raiders is 2 elite droids, 2 strong humanoids, and 3 standard humanoids. We CC'd one elite, I did Force Leap into the other, ran to the strongs and did Force Sweep, then we killed off the strongs first, then the elite, then the last elite.


I didn't even give the standards a second glance, the commando dropped them before they moved. Your healer can drop a standard if needed. I lose aggro on a strong? Probably won't even bother with a taunt--it will be dead before it even hits whoever pulled aggro most likely. Elite+ is what the tank needs to keep on themselves, and then strong if you have room left in the healers ability to keep you alive.


I'm not saying never worry about non-elite mobs, but if there's a pack of 3-4 Standard mobs off to the side and 3 elites for the main pack, just worry about them, your Damage (and healer) can drop them so fast they aren't an issue.


(That said, in Cademimu last night I started a pull by Force Pushing an elite into a pack of standards, followed by Force Leap to Force Sweep. The healer says, "Okay, that was pretty awesome."

Edited by Eugee
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Did they change the CC on the 4 man strike team? Cause before, you couldn't CC any of them, and the Marauder aggro wipes.


Also, the first boss the hounds actually SAY that they cannot be taunted. Just like the strike teams SAY that they could not be CCed (though I saw something in the recent patch about this).


Before they were un-CCable, we would CC all but the Marauder and burn him down. When they were all Un-CCable, we would burn the Marauder down first, then the sorc, then the hunter, then the agent. It worked well for us, but it was a very difficult fight (I think I did it with a full team at 24 and 26).


It's really just not a good instance to try and 2 man as there are mechanics that are difficult to do. It's really the first instance that starts to require that you have people that are capable in their roles. Everything before that is ridiculously easy, and everything after that -starts- to require tactics and skill.

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  • 1 year later...

I am new to tanking. Level 23 Jugg, specc'd immortal for now. I ran my first Madelorian Raider's last night. Made our way to Braxx.


So, someone in the pug group politely pointed out "Great, another #%$%&^#$#^ tank who doesn't know how to !@$($%@* tank this. $#@*%^!) idiot!"


We burned 'em all down, but I guess without the expert surgical precision that one of the dps's demanded. Athiss was a breeze and a lot of cool folks have given me tips along they way which have really improved my play. But since I had stretched my teammates' patience beyond breaking last night, I got no constructive advice. I am coming here for some help.


Regarding the first boss, do you tank Braxx and kite him away, specifically when he drops the red circle on a dog? I understand "yes." But now I am hearing, "focus on the marked dog" first, focus the second, and then take on Braxx straight up. Any thoughts? In a pug group, where communication can at best a series of after-the-fact insults, it's hard to determine if marking one dog means everyone focus, or just dps focus. I'd think that instinctively, a tank would always go for the guy you can taunt.


While it would be nice to figure out if this is a fast run or ask "what's the plan?", sometimes you just fall in a group of angry, impatient c*cksuckers and so I'd like to figure out what the consensus is before clicking group finder again.

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Regarding the first boss, do you tank Braxx and kite him away, specifically when he drops the red circle on a dog? I understand "yes." But now I am hearing, "focus on the marked dog" first, focus the second, and then take on Braxx straight up. Any thoughts? In a pug group, where communication can at best a series of after-the-fact insults, it's hard to determine if marking one dog means everyone focus, or just dps focus. I'd think that instinctively, a tank would always go for the guy you can taunt.



You are right, the tank takes the boss and the rest of the group will focus the dogs. The red circle buffs the dogs for doing more damage to the group so it would be wise to tank the boss far away from them.

They change their target random so they may attack the tank and get the buff sometimes, but at least try to keep the boss away from them. Save your taunt for the boss as he also resets aggro from time to time (at least he does on hard difficulty, not sure if in story too).


The problem is that in story mode the mechanics aren't as deadly as in hard mode, often you can ignore parts or all of them and still succeed. Sometimes it's easier just to dps the boss fast instead of playing the encounter as intended. Especially if there are players on the higher end of the level range the mechanics loose their danger. In hardmode there are enrages of adds or bosses to punish wrong tactics, but story there is only more work for the healer or you need better dps or tank.


If you don't know the tactics, ask for advice. There will be some idiots who will flame you nonetheless, but most people will explain things and are more tolerant if something doesn't work out in the first try.

In my experience there are many people who react really agressive if there is someone who didn't tell he has no idea of the tactics and therefor wipes the group. Had he stated it at the beginning though, they would have explained things nicely.

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That 4 boss Sith fight is one of the tougher fights in those early flashpoints, so if you're only doing it with two players, it doesn't surprise me that you're having issues with it. Four player groups can have issues there, especially if you're not very coordinated (and even more so now that you can't CC).


Coordinate as people have suggested here, and that should help a lot.

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Regarding the first boss, do you tank Braxx and kite him away, specifically when he drops the red circle on a dog? I understand "yes." But now I am hearing, "focus on the marked dog" first, focus the second, and then take on Braxx straight up. Any thoughts? In a pug group, where communication can at best a series of after-the-fact insults, it's hard to determine if marking one dog means everyone focus, or just dps focus. I'd think that instinctively, a tank would always go for the guy you can taunt.


"Focus on the dogs first" is command for damagers only. As a tank, you always stay on boss and take him as far from dogs as you can, If he runs to dogs (he likes to do it every now and then), taunt the boss back. And if dogs run to you, you run away with boss on you, so his red circle does not buff the dogs.

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