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The Endless Abyss


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Sucks ***. Stuck at the Skavak fight. Didn't have trouble with the quests so far, but going up against a 33 elite who hits harder than the quest boss dude I defeated a minute earlier while being level 28 myself? This crap is impossible. I guess I get to grind out a bunch of levels now, or what? I'm neither impressed nor amused. "fun" is something else. Edited by curzen
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at 28 it's a very short fight.


but seriously, I play as a healer. I let Corso do the dirty work. With all the class quests leading up to this one it hasn't been an issue, things went smoothly for the most part. THis fight just tears Corso and me to shreds like nothing.


I feel like the game is showing me the middle finger and has me go grind XP and come back later. Something is off here.


I'd not be as annoyed if the start of this story ark would have been this difficult and had me go level up elsewhere. But beating the quests leading up to this fight and Skavak being a serious roadblock? Feels like very bad design.


If I beat the droid a minute earlier, I should be able to beat Skavak. Anything else makes no sense.

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I was 30 when I did it just now. While I did have some trouble (kept failing at around 4-5k hp and corso would fall dead), one thing you can try that worked for me is kiting him around the boxes. Not sure how good you are but I literally did 10k of his hp just with my bleed and running around boxes and healing.
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Sucks ***. Stuck at the Skavak fight. Didn't have trouble with the quests so far, but going up against a 33 elite who hits harder than the quest boss dude I defeated a minute earlier while being level 28 myself? This crap is impossible. I guess I get to grind out a bunch of levels now, or what? I'm neither impressed nor amused. "fun" is something else.


I did this at level 29. It took a while to figure out how to do it, and as a gunslinger, I couldn't even heal myself or Corso beyond use of a medpack and All In.


It IS possible.

I basically did it by actually "tanking" skavak myself - I turned off all of Corso's high threat abilities and put him into his dps stance. I then rolled into cover behind the boxes directly behind Skavak and started blasting to get as much threat as I could while I had dodge up. Then, because Skavak is ranged and I was in natural cover, most of his attacks missed me - aside from his grenades, which I just soaked up, used a medpack, throwing my own grenades and bleeds out on him when I could, and let Corso dps him down. When I coudn't take any more damage I taunted with Corso and started doing more dps.


My first few attempts I died with Skavak at about 50 percent, the 3 after he was around 25 percent when I died, and then a couple more tries later I had a string of lucky crits/hits.



Not sure if that would work for a sawbones or not, but I know I got lucky - and annoyingly enough the quests after Skavak are so much easier it made me roll my eyes.

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Killed him with 32 (after finishing all of Alderaan), after he wiped the floor with me at 30, outdamaging my heals on Corso, but at 32 it went ok, had a lot of Equipment-Upgrades in those 2 Levels... so with 32 i was able to heal Corso, and damage/interrupt Skarvac.


Kinda very hard fight, as i dont see any clear Tactic that would make it easier, like Lightwell.

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Killed him with 32 (after finishing all of Alderaan), after he wiped the floor with me at 30, outdamaging my heals on Corso, but at 32 it went ok, had a lot of Equipment-Upgrades in those 2 Levels... so with 32 i was able to heal Corso, and damage/interrupt Skarvac.


Kinda very hard fight, as i dont see any clear Tactic that would make it easier, like Lightwell.


Probably the best thing is to make sure that you spend time on tattooine/alderaan picking up commendations to give yourself upgraded blaster barrels, and make sure you visit the trade network or make gear for Corso (or Bowdaar if you choose) because if anything, this quest shows you how important it is to keep up on your companions gear :p

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Sounds like you skipped content or something OP., 28 is kinda low for the final boss fight of act 1. Most average 30 - 35 when they finish act 1, 30 being low, 32 being average.


You sound to me like your skipping bonus missions, heroics, etc. It's only gonna bite you in the arse even more as you level if you keep doing that.

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Sucks ***. Stuck at the Skavak fight. Didn't have trouble with the quests so far, but going up against a 33 elite who hits harder than the quest boss dude I defeated a minute earlier while being level 28 myself? This crap is impossible. I guess I get to grind out a bunch of levels now, or what? I'm neither impressed nor amused. "fun" is something else.



Don't go there until you are 34 then? I thought it was a big let down because when I took him on, at 33, he went down fast and I thought to myself, after all that and he is that weak?


However I had mostly orange gear and Corso even had some orange stuff, also as a Scoundrel you can nearly always, right at the beginning of the fight, use "dissappearing act" and then come back and give him a tranq dart and dictate the fight a lot more on your own terms. When you get the upperhand it makes all the difference.

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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I got him at 33. At 32 or 33 you get some more defensive abilities that helps with your survival. Not to mention that you and your companion have some more HP to spare as well. Edited by Brebo
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The game suggest a level 33 minimum for this mission, check that in the quest list before startind doubting a problem with the quest itself.

trying a level 33 quest at level 28 and failing ITS NOT a problem with the quest.


then the quests prior to that one, which were also recommended for a similar level range, are severely too easy and are the problem.


Again, if you can make it to the derelict and can defeat the assassin droid (easily at that) but can't defeat Skavak in the fight right after that for another 5 levels it is bad game design.

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That's because Corso is the crappiest fighting companion. :p As soon as you get Bowdarr it's good to take him shopping and buy gear for him.


I had the same experience with Bowdarr. I'd already blown my All In, so wasn't really prepared for the ultimate end of act fight, but Bowdarr handled it all admirably.

Edited by StealthNerf
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then the quests prior to that one, which were also recommended for a similar level range, are severely too easy and are the problem.


Again, if you can make it to the derelict and can defeat the assassin droid (easily at that) but can't defeat Skavak in the fight right after that for another 5 levels it is bad game design.


key term here: "RECOMMENDED" - you can try as low as you wish, maybe you are skilled enough to cut it, maybe you wont, but if you fail while under the recommended level you shouldnt go crying to your mommy for a nerf, just get some more level under your belt and try again.

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That's because Corso is the crappiest fighting companion. :p As soon as you get Bowdarr it's good to take him shopping and buy gear for him.


I had the same experience with Bowdarr. I'd already blown my All In, so wasn't really prepared for the ultimate end of act fight, but Bowdarr handled it all admirably.


Corso is awesome if you know what to do with him. ;)

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i was level 33 or 34 and as sawbones had no problem at all with him (using Corso as tank).

in fact all the NPC bosses with a gunslinger build (like the duelist on alderaan or savak) are pretty easy for me (had more problems with force using NPC bosses).

interrupting his long damage bursts is a good tactic (distract, dirty kick, flashbang).

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key term here: "RECOMMENDED" - you can try as low as you wish, maybe you are skilled enough to cut it, maybe you wont, but if you fail while under the recommended level you shouldnt go crying to your mommy for a nerf, just get some more level under your belt and try again.


haha, oh my, sure is internet ******ery in here today. but seriously, Cry to mommy? Not sure how often I have to write it, but there is a serious difficulty gap between the two quests on the derelict. Whichever way you want to cut it, they need to be retuned. Or in respect to Bowdaar/Corso, the companions need to be as well.

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at 28 it's a very short fight.


but seriously, I play as a healer. I let Corso do the dirty work. With all the class quests leading up to this one it hasn't been an issue, things went smoothly for the most part. THis fight just tears Corso and me to shreds like nothing.


I feel like the game is showing me the middle finger and has me go grind XP and come back later. Something is off here.


I'd not be as annoyed if the start of this story ark would have been this difficult and had me go level up elsewhere. But beating the quests leading up to this fight and Skavak being a serious roadblock? Feels like very bad design.


If I beat the droid a minute earlier, I should be able to beat Skavak. Anything else makes no sense.


It's supposed to be a hard boss. Also, not sure why your so low leveled. IIRC the lowest level the planet right before that boss is 27. I should get you to 30-31 I suggest you go back and finish the planet you skipped and you'll be right on par with Skav.

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I did that too. I got to Skavak at level 28 sharpshooter build and got facepalmed. I left, leveled up to 30, came back and beat it on the first attempt. One or two levels makes a huge difference in that fight.


For the record, I wanted to hit legacy asap to start some alts, so I completely ignored every single optional quest, flashpoints, all dailies, and minimal exploration/grinding and only focused on class quests (past Taris at least). That is how you get to Skavak at level 28. It actually should be an achievement because of the rapid rate you level up to 30 in this game.

Edited by Zedakah
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