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Why are people telling me to give this game more time?


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I think almost no one must remember what WoW was like when it first came out.


For the first 2 months, the game was practically -unplayable-. The game consistantly lagged for 10-15minutes at a time. Everyone must have forgotten the loot lag that plagued the game at the start. There was restarts and downtime almost every night. There was upto 4 days of consistant downtime, where the game was bought down for patching, with practically nothing coming from the devs explaining it. These are just a couple of the really major problems that WoW had.


This game isn't perfect, there's definitely bugs, but it's no where near as bad as WoW was when it was released.


Take off the rose-coloured glasses people have for other MMOs. They all have problems when they start.

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I think almost no one must remember what WoW was like when it first came out.


For the first 2 months, the game was practically -unplayable-. The game consistantly lagged for 10-15minutes at a time. Everyone must have forgotten the loot lag that plagued the game at the start. There was restarts and downtime almost every night. There was upto 4 days of consistant downtime, where the game was bought down for patching, with practically nothing coming from the devs explaining it. These are just a couple of the really major problems that WoW had.


This game isn't perfect, there's definitely bugs, but it's no where near as bad as WoW was when it was released.


Take off the rose-coloured glasses people have for other MMOs. They all have problems when they start.


and that was 2004 this is 2012 now.


Back when honda accord first came out there were no powersteering, or automatic transmission. Give it time BMW will eventually install powersteering into their cars and put automatic transmission. In the meantime, keep giving them money monthly and hope that everything will be ok.

Edited by gentquality
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Dead Horse + Stick = thread ...


This sums up my opinion on this thread.


Though I will give the OP 2/10 for comparing a trillion lines of code in binary to physics and engineering. That's the most ludicrous analogy I've heard in a long time.

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This sums up my opinion on this thread.


Though I will give the OP 2/10 for comparing a trillion lines of code in binary to physics and engineering. That's the most ludicrous analogy I've heard in a long time.


Almost as ludicrous as comparing the life cycle of MMOs to WW2 AMIRITE?!?!

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Very few games these days come out bug free, i dont know why people hold SW:TOR to a different standard than other games.

Secondly, the reason Bioware isnt responding (well they are, but maby just not to you and your specific problem) might have something to do with the fact that its in the middle of the busiest holiday season of the year. These guys have holidays just like we do, and yet you demand that they are to fix every bug within days of the games release in the middle of the holidays?



so far ive seen stellar work from bioware, theyve patched things in a quick procession instead of waiting with the fixes until major patches. The issues that are in the game are known to them and they are working on them, but people expect way too much from them, they cant fix every issue in a heartbeat.


and before you start about the whole "they should have fixed it before release" bull, they would never have released if that was the case, we all know that games these days are riddled with bugs on release (yes, im old enough to remember when patches were something rare and frowned upon).

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It's not just this game or even MMOs. Thanks to the internet, most games are allowed to be released as "broken" or "incomplete" because they can be patched or DLC sold to the gamer. I think the idea that a game can be released as such, and gamers have shown they are okay with that, has led to a decrease in workmanship in game releases.


If gamers stopped making excuses for game studios and stopped buying unfinished products, that would force studios to step it up and put out more polished products.

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GW2 has hardcore fans, but GW2 didn't block traffic in Times Square to advertise the release of their game


Eh, I guess there is different types of hype.


Most people interested in GW2 see it as the Jesus of MMO's, while for TOR people were just toting Bioware and Star Wars.


I do think the GW2 fanyboys are too hardcore for their own good, though.

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This game wasn't ready for launch, it was extremely close but not ready yet. In a perfect world, we would of seen this game released sometime around this summer. However BW and by extension EA can't continue working on a game that's been generating zero profit for 5+ years. It's also no surprise that EA and BW released this game during the end of Q1 of the 2012 fiscal year so they can boost to their investors about how much money they made during Q1.


It's been stated a couple times already but games, especially MMO's are expected to have weekly patches. I guarantee you that during the last few months of development, certain bugs were put on a patch list to be addressed after release to give the developers more time to focus on more important issues. Should we have to wait for a game we paid $60+ to work as intended? No. However its the world we live in.


There's my 2 cents on the topic. Now time to play some more! :)

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I paid 60 dollars for this video game (a finished product) and found that it was riddled with bugs and stuttering PvP (I play as a 30 sniper and many times my abilities cancel for no reason, causing me to die and evently /ragequit). I get irritated when I get sold something thats not functional. Don't stop reading there please. I know how many of you like to stop reading negative opinions early.


I come on these forums to trying to find a reason why the game was released like this; no devs respond and people just tell me to "give it time"? According to some scholarly gentlemen on these forums, apparently MMOs are always released in a crappy state. Why not complain to the companies so that they stop being released in a crappy state? Wouldn't that make sense for our futures as gamers?


Maybe BioWare/EA does not have any interest in their customers and they made a Star Wars MMO because they knew it would sell even if it was a flop?


Maybe they are releasing a bunch of new content (e.g. http://www.swtor.com/blog/sneak-peek-james-ohlen) just as everyone's free month that came with their SWTOR Christmas present runs out in an attempt to catch a few of them for another month or two?


Maybe they added Starfox style "space combat" for a little extra PR?


I feel like BioWare/EA is doing just enough to slip by and make a profit. Hell, even when getting personal with a BioWare representative (see:

) we still can't get a straight answer. It seems eventually is a popular word around here. What people need to understand is that "eventually" fixing a product is not going to cut it in a competitive market. I'm also reading that there are a number of fixes were stated in beta testing that were not fixed upon release. That is the most disappointing issue for me that leads me to believe BioWare/EA just used the beta as advertising and hoping to get people hooked before release. If bugs aren't fixed in beta, then when are they fixed? In engineering, you know what happens when mistakes are not found in beta stages of development and a product is released? PEOPLE DIE. (See: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35110966/ns/business-autos/t/no-easy-answer-why-toyota-accelerators-stick/)


Ok, well people may not die from this video game. They could waste $60, $80, $150, which is close.... I guess??.. No. Anyways.


So were my expectations too high when I expecting a video game on the shelf to be fully functional? Or should I always just wait a year after the release of an MMO to buy it? I want to know your guys opinions on this. I feel like companies should be held responsible when they rush products out the door like this and the customers are the ones that suffer.




(Also releasing a game without high textures??? I want what ever they were smoking.)


Yeah because Skyrim didn't have any bugs, fallout didn't have any bugs, wow didn't have any bugs, and the 360 barely breaks. Two things seem to be happening here one a troll has come out from under the bridge because his need for venting overwhelmed him. Second someone may have not understood when they say recommended system specs they mean hey you should think twice if your computer only meets our minimum specs.


There are some glitches in this game that annoy me, but it is also a very fun game and I have played enough of it to call this post what it is rubish. If you are claiming this game is not fully functional then neither were the other games I listed prior. Now I know MW3 probably works real good for you, but keep in mind it also lasts 7 hours if you take your time on veteran. As far as its multiplayer goes it is not without it glitches an faults.


Also I must say the engineer comparison was quite good, but a bit dramatic and I was just wondering if you have ever gotten to beta test a bridge? Sounds fun.


Thanks for the amusing post happy new year!

Edited by hocuspocus
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and that was 2004 this is 2012 now.


Back when honda accord first came out there were no powersteering, or automatic transmission. Give it time BMW will eventually install powersteering into their cars and put automatic transmission. In the meantime, keep giving them money monthly and hope that everything will be ok.



yes and with that 8 year difference Bioware has released a game that has launched better than WoW. Now if Swtor's Launch was the same as WoW's 8 years ago sure i'd agree with ya but, while Bioware is not perfect they have done their best and i think it quite good.

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WHen WOW first came out , the 2nd or 3rd day they did a MFing Roll back, I was lv 25 and I had to start again at lv 6 ( back when lvling was hard ). SO as long as Tor doesn't do anything like that the only thing bioware failed at was the 6 hr que times for early access, other than that its fine.
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Yeah because Skyrim didn't have any bugs, fallout didn't have any bugs, wow didn't have any bugs, and the 360 barely breaks.

I didn't have to keep paying for Skyrim after i bought it. And a lot of the problems with SWTOR are fundamental game flaws, not bugs.


Look at Ilum or how you never have to leave Carrick station


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If i were the CEO of the company, and I had came to you and said:


"Joe, this game is 99% DONE. We have a small amount of relatively minor bugs still to squash but it is VERY fun to play, and nearly stable. We estimate that it will take us at least 5 more months of internal testing to get it perfect. Or we could release it now in near perfect condition and use the data from millions of subscribers to help squash these bugs. In the end, we'll be done in half the time and you'll get to play the nearly finished produck 6 months earlier, what would you rather we did"


Do you really expect ANYONE on these or any other forums to believe that you would have told us to wait? When you play an MMO at launch, you know(or should if you aren't retarded) that every MMO in history is released as soon as possible and that they are never quite done. Therefore by buying it week one you are agreeing to deal with these bugs until they are gone. It's that simple now stop whining and go play WoW it's virtually bug free.




This is posts like this that make us a bunch of sheep. Game developpers have been releasing a lot of crappy products for so long that it is now become the norm.



Beta testing is b u l l s h i t. No longer is it used to squish bugs. it's simply to stress test the servers and generate buzz about a game.


Sad, really.

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I didn't have to keep paying for Skyrim after i bought it. And a lot of the problems with SWTOR are fundamental game flaws, not bugs.


Look at Ilum or how you never have to leave Carrick station



Again I must wonder because I do not have either of these problems, so I must wonder why some do and some don't. Mainly because if was a FUNDAMENTAL flaw everyone would have this problem.

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Because it's the most expensive and hyped MMO in history


No amount of money or hype is going to magically produce a list of every bug in a game and an efficient means of fixing them. At some point a game goes from "unplayable" to "playable" Shortly after it gets released.



Skyrim - a GoTY for many, noted for its epic size, weighed in a 6Gigs. SWTOR is almost 20.


For all of the content involved in that they need to get bug reports. Then they need to decide which are the most important and which ones honestly just don't matter as much. And then they need to fix them. One person did not create this game. Different parts are farmed out to teams that code it all. And that code interacts in some pretty f-d up ways sometimes. Which makes debugging something this big a lengthy process. In fact, they aren't ever going to get them all. New content means new bugs and it's and endless cycle.


I said it before, too. I think it's funny that people think WoW has always been bug free or even that it is now. Go check out their bug reports.

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This is posts like this that make us a bunch of sheep. Game developpers have been releasing a lot of crappy products for so long that it is now become the norm.



Beta testing is b u l l s h i t. No longer is it used to squish bugs. it's simply to stress test the servers and generate buzz about a game.


Sad, really.


Don't forget that beta testing is also plagued by people who treat it as a demo and never report any bugs. Now I also feel that developers over the years have created that animal as well, but even beta tests done with the best intentions are plagued with that type of player attitude now because of what has happened in the past.

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yes and with that 8 year difference Bioware has released a game that has launched better than WoW. Now if Swtor's Launch was the same as WoW's 8 years ago sure i'd agree with ya but, while Bioware is not perfect they have done their best and i think it quite good.


That has more to do with the MMO gaming community than quality of the game. When WoW was launched, MMO players were still a small group in comparison to now. They were the people coming in from playing EQ. WoW brought MILLIONS of people into the world of MMOs. And now those people are spilling over and trying new MMOs every time they launch. THAT is the reason for large launches such as Rift and SWTOR. It is not indicative that a quality product was launched. You have to look months later at continued subs.


Case in point, DCUO. It had a pretty big launch, especially on PS3. However, people soon realized the game was not that great. There were tons of bugs including a huge PvP exploit. The population dropped big time, they were merging servers within months of release and now they are Free 2 Play. Game only launched about a year ago.

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No amount of money or hype is going to magically produce a list of every bug in a game and an efficient means of fixing them. At some point a game goes from "unplayable" to "playable" Shortly after it gets released.



Skyrim - a GoTY for many, noted for its epic size, weighed in a 6Gigs. SWTOR is almost 20.


For all of the content involved in that they need to get bug reports. Then they need to decide which are the most important and which ones honestly just don't matter as much. And then they need to fix them. One person did not create this game. Different parts are farmed out to teams that code it all. And that code interacts in some pretty f-d up ways sometimes. Which makes debugging something this big a lengthy process. In fact, they aren't ever going to get them all. New content means new bugs and it's and endless cycle.


I said it before, too. I think it's funny that people think WoW has always been bug free or even that it is now. Go check out their bug reports.


Another thing I love about the WoW trolls is how they scream about how balanced WoW is in PvP (with 7 years of practice not counting prelaunch testing) and this game has classes that are so OP (with 2 weeks of practice). Yet, when I go to WoW I hear people crying all the time about class imbalance.. Odd..

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No amount of money or hype is going to magically produce a list of every bug in a game and an efficient means of fixing them. At some point a game goes from "unplayable" to "playable" Shortly after it gets released.



Skyrim - a GoTY for many, noted for its epic size, weighed in a 6Gigs. SWTOR is almost 20.


For all of the content involved in that they need to get bug reports. Then they need to decide which are the most important and which ones honestly just don't matter as much. And then they need to fix them. One person did not create this game. Different parts are farmed out to teams that code it all. And that code interacts in some pretty f-d up ways sometimes. Which makes debugging something this big a lengthy process. In fact, they aren't ever going to get them all. New content means new bugs and it's and endless cycle.


I said it before, too. I think it's funny that people think WoW has always been bug free or even that it is now. Go check out their bug reports.

Most of the memory needed for SWTOR is voice over.


Also, this whole "WOW WASNT THAT GOOD AT RELEASE" argument has been run into the GROUND

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Another thing I love about the WoW trolls is how they scream about how balanced WoW is in PvP (with 7 years of practice not counting prelaunch testing) and this game has classes that are so OP (with 2 weeks of practice). Yet, when I go to WoW I hear people crying all the time about class imbalance.. Odd..


PvP is a bit of a pain in this game right now, especially Hutt Ball. Some classes have WAY too many tools for the way this WZ is set up. How does one class get an AoE knockback, stealth, CC, superspeed, etc? They will eventually get nerfed though so I'm not sweating it too bad. I'm more concerned with how many more Sith players there are over Republic players.

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