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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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Why do people get MMOs for PVP? It's always been one of the worst vehicles for it. Even DAoC was clunky, and nobody liked WAR.


Go play an FPS or a fighting game or something actually designed for competitive play, not a game that's trying to split its focus between PVE and PVP.


Also don't spout that crap about them saying PVP was important to them and they lied. Of course it is, every MMO game dev says that. It doesn't make it true. Learn to stop listening to what corporate representatives tell you, they're trying to get you to buy their game, and they'll tell you anything they think you want to hear.

Edited by TrollBerzerker
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Why do people get MMOs for PVP? It's always been one of the worst vehicles for it. Even DAoC was clunky, and nobody liked WAR.


Go play an FPS or a fighting game or something actually designed for competitive play, not a game that's trying to split its focus between PVE and PVP.


Also don't spout that crap about them saying PVP was important to them and they lied. Of course it is, every MMO game dev says that. It doesn't make it true. Learn to stop listening to what corporate representatives tell you, they're trying to get you to buy their game, and they'll tell you anything they think you want to hear.


PvP can be awesome in an MMO. Sorry you never played a good one.

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PvP can be awesome in an MMO. Sorry you never played a good one.


It can be awesome if you lie to yourself and tell yourself that it's about skill. PvP in MMOs is all about gear and "coordination" (aka steamrolling with premades).


If you want to prove your gaming skill, play a skill-based game.

Edited by Knvkl
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PvP can be awesome in an MMO. Sorry you never played a good one.


I played DAoC, WoW, WAR and Rift, and I did lots and lots of PVP in all of them. It's fun, and I enjoyed it, but I would never in a million years get an MMO specifically to PVP. It's fun as a diversion from the rest of the game, nothing more.


If I seriously wanted to play a competitive game, I would get one of the games from the genres I listed before. MMO PVP is all about steamrolling people through numbers and/or gear advantage, or coordination if you're on vent and they aren't.

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Worthless Open PvP


I hate carebear warzones, lvl 50 brackets wont change anything but people's excuses for being horrible.


If anything they should make a que for no groups and it would fix that problem

Edited by Raar
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CC in this game is absolutely out of control, no pun intended. Since there are no DRs on CC and everyone plays the same stupidly overpowered classes, it is a non-stop CC-fest of the same stupid CCs over and over. Moreover, if you are going to have an incumbering effect when someone picks up the huttball, you shouldn't allow Jedi/Sith classes to merely sprint and run with the ball. That is absolutely, positively retarded. If you're going to copy WoW, copy it right.
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Thats what i said in Age of Conan when everybody complained and was quitting. soon after the populations were so low people started quitting because they had nobody to group with.


server merges came later but it was to late.....


game is free to play now and i see that being the future of Swtor especially when GW2 comes out.


people arnt going to keep paying for a game hopeing it gets better when they can play GW2 for free aftering buying it once.


im sure some PVE servers will stay healthy with population but you can kiss the PVP servers good bye.


Lol GW2 are you serious? It will be about as successful as the original, which was meh. No thanks. I will stick around here and enjoy the new changes, over the next few months, while those of you who have quit will bounce around random MMO's or go back to your "old faithful" that you whine about but still play.

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lol, Game hasn't been out for barely 2-3 weeks yet and people are already blowing themselves up over it. Calm down. Just play your characters if you don't like it, itll be fixed no doubt about it. The PvE always comes first before the PvP just ask the fans of Kotor. Or go play Galaxies...ooh wait.


This game has been one of the best releases I've ever played. First time I preordered a game before. It's going to get better. We're talking about a game who everyone was expecting for a while to come out sometime in 2012. Nobody heard anything about the game until 2011. So the fact it came out this early is amazing.

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If I want to pvp I play something like COD. PvP is just too frustrating in MMO. There is always going to be one class that dominates everyone else no matter how many nerfs or buffs. There will always be one class with that one special ability that will destroy you.
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So much whine in this thread.


If you're getting owned in PvP its because of -


1) You didn't put the time into your character that other people have, and they are justly rewarded for it


2) You are just bad


I demolish people in PvP, constantly top in damage and kills, and I don't really consider myself a great MMO player. It is NOT hard to be good in PvP; you just actually have to not be an idiot and actually put the effort into it.


Instead of making whine threads - go level your character.

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How much does everyone want to bet that the ones who are unsubbing come from the WoW crowd? It's easy to see why someone who came from that game wants to unsub because they are used to a game that has great PvP, raids, alongside a horrible non-existing story. The game has been out for over 7 years? and still has a horrible story.


I'd rather have a game that has a good story from the start and wait for the extra stuff like PvP later. /thread.

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1) You didn't put the time into your character that other people have, and they are justly rewarded for it




Time isn't rewarded. Luck is rewarded. If you're talking about obtaining expertise gear people like myself who have been around since day 1 of early release and level 50 before release have been outgeared by new 50's. Why? Simple. They open 5 bags and get 5 pieces of gear. What about me? I've opened more than 25 and I've gotten 2.


Go figure.


If you were talking about player skill - that's a different story.

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I'm not coming from wow and I've never tried it. I'm currently level 20 and I'm having a hard time in the warzones. It seems like there's one premade dominating our server since over half of my total warzones has been huttball with/against them. So most matches are simply farming/being farmed. I would love to level up with warzones if the were even remotely balanced teamwize, I mean a bunch of 20-40 against a group of geared 50s, you can imagine how much fun that is. Don't get me wrong I don't mind players getting rewarded by playing as long as it does not turn it into a grind. Now don't tell me to just pve grind up to 50 because the i could just as well play some other game where i don't need to grind to be able to enjoy pvp.


Maybe this game is not for me but then it's just as well that I unsub right.

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But regardless, if you want to PvP, then just get level 50. It would be stupid if low levels could own level 50's in PvP gear. I agree that they should find a way to make PvP-leveling more enjoyable, but everything takes time. Compared to other MMOs, this is probably the most successful launch ever. I think people are forgetting just how many things they have to handle right now.


Ever heard of warzone level bracket ? Some other game have them in. 11-20 backet, 21-30, 31-40, 41-45, 46-49 and 50 would be good bracket. But 10 with 50 means you have a huge aprt of the population giving up PVP. Once you gave up at low level as a CASUAL player, chance is, you won't come back at high level.

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And still yet.. 0 response from Bioware. No Customer feed back about these kind of issues. Hell they don't even have to necessarily agree with what many are saying, just acknowledge the fact that they are listening to their paying customers.


At least if they gave feed back on things rather if we like it or not we can determine from there if some of us are still interested in staying based on what BioWare wants for their game.


You mean this? http://www.swtor.com/blog/new-year%E2%80%99s-pvp-update

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