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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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I canceled two days ago, this PvP system is abysmal. It's completely unbelievable they expected a system like this to work and be accepted. Level 50s against level 10s? This is laughable and if I had known battlegrounds(warzones) would be this stupid I never would've bought this game. I've been a BG addict ever since DAOC but this game just might cure me of that...
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You forgot a lot of us were beta testers and these very problems were talked about and brought up in mass and fell on deaf ears.


So to us it's been months that they haven't been listening.


This, if it helps people some of us are nice enough ingame and dont even attack low lvl players. When i'm in a warzones as a 50 and i see a lvl 11 what ever i actually dont attack them. I try to look for higher lvl players.It is really sad it has to be this way.

And ueah the way we get no response from the developers on this issue is makinh alot of players sick !

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If you would cancell your sub due to the bad pvp the game has to offer,then you started playing it for the wrong reasons.


The pvp was never boasted to be a main feature of the game,,the story driven character developement was the main feature..a very pve feature.




Dont get me wrong,I was really hoping the pvp here would be good,but all im seeing is a very laggy mess in the warfronts.And the bolstered warfronts are pretty lol.But im willing to give BW time to work on this.Ill just be doing the "Main" game while they do:)




Overall I think the pvp the game released with could be worse,,hell rem WoW didnt even have any battlgrounds at release,and the lag in the early TM/SS fights in Hillsbrad was terrible even crashing the server at times...

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Overall I think the pvp the game released with could be worse,,hell rem WoW didnt even have any battlgrounds at release,and the lag in the early TM/SS fights in Hillsbrad was terrible even crashing the server at times...


This. Be glad this game launched with WZ's. Yes, it takes away from world PvP because you can just sit at the fleet and queue up all day. But that is what comes with having WZ's in the first place.


Brackets- would be a GREAT IDEA, and imo not too hard to implement. I have a hunch however that we're going to wait 1-2 content patches to actually see it happen.


Just my two cents however.

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If you would cancell your sub due to the bad pvp the game has to offer,then you started playing it for the wrong reasons.


The pvp was never boasted to be a main feature of the game,,the story driven character developement was the main feature..a very pve feature.




Dont get me wrong,I was really hoping the pvp here would be good,but all im seeing is a very laggy mess in the warfronts.And the bolstered warfronts are pretty lol.But im willing to give BW time to work on this.Ill just be doing the "Main" game while they do:)




Overall I think the pvp the game released with could be worse,,hell rem WoW didnt even have any battlgrounds at release,and the lag in the early TM/SS fights in Hillsbrad was terrible even crashing the server at times...


As others have said you are wrong man. Stop trying to drop lame reasons that are false. This games pvp was suppose to be huge according to bw. Many many many people have seen/watched/read the interviews that was specifically said pvp will be a big focus. IT'S *********** STAR WARS!!! We got that, and we thought it would be a great pvp game. But what we were promised and what was also promised in beta (soft brackets) we got scammed.


You are trying to add a wrong reason to why the devs have failed a lot of people who were sceptical to becoming so eager to pick up the game because of pvp and what was said. How are you gonna come here and say it was all a lie? Sorry dude the people who been watching this game, and pvp specifically know what was told and know that we are disappointed.


And even the devs from beta said they had soft brackets for pvp. Meaning it would have looked for people in your level range before looking for people outside of it. It was a loose system. And a lot of us thought ok thats cool at least. But I bet no one that was in the beta that knows what I am talking about, even seen this feature. Again we were lied to to buy a game.


I am very disappointed.

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The game tends to balance 50 vs 50 but you are right 50s destroy lower levels. Honestly thought, it doesn't take very long to hit level 50 and if you are any good, you can put up a decent fight in warzones anyways.


No to be honost as others from beta have experienced that its balanced for all +/- 5 levels no matter what. Sorcs were a little stronger then others. But it was pretty damn balanced in the beta when they finally fixed bh heat, but before they nerfed sins range. I remember in nar shadaa we had actual pvp fights and no one really standed out then any other beside if you outside of the level range.


I am really starting to think that some of you guys are getting information from other mmo's and trying to "force" it in this game. All I can say is actually test the game out, and you will see that its actually quite balanced no matter what level you at. Its the people with expertise gear, more stats etc thats the problem, and has nothing to do with balance outside of bolster.

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I see 5 level 50 Imperials dominating every match. I see level 10 to level 20 Republic people still trying warzones.


It leaves a very bad impression on anyone on the Republic side. Yes, yes - Republics are just a mirror - but everyone who WANTS to PVP went Imperial already, so they merely dominate by overall numbers but particularly PVP.


Unfun is unfun.

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No to be honost as others from beta have experienced that its balanced for all +/- 5 levels no matter what. Sorcs were a little stronger then others. But it was pretty damn balanced in the beta when they finally fixed bh heat, but before they nerfed sins range. I remember in nar shadaa we had actual pvp fights and no one really standed out then any other beside if you outside of the level range.


I am really starting to think that some of you guys are getting information from other mmo's and trying to "force" it in this game. All I can say is actually test the game out, and you will see that its actually quite balanced no matter what level you at. Its the people with expertise gear, more stats etc thats the problem, and has nothing to do with balance outside of bolster.


First off I was arguing in both directions. I am not supporting the fact that people are canceling their subscription due to minor imbalances 2 weeks after launch (honestly they could just be playing their class wrong). But I will say this, I have a level 50 operative and I can 2v1 sometimes even 3v1 people in wazones and from what I've noticed a lot of it is due to levels and having those extra abilities (not to mention ability ranks which don't get bolstered).

Edited by Tankxor
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I seriously do not know what the problem is...... It has to be because this game does not fully rely on gear to be good? I have not had any problems killing anyone in pvp from level 15 forward.


I do not feel as weak as I have starting new tiers in other games. I feel like I contribute and even at level 15 I am 2-4 on DMG every game.


I think alot of you are just bad and others are impatient.

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I am sick of the "warzones" they means slaught houses..... 50 destroy everyone you get a group of 3-50's and its game over.....


Cancel your subscriptions and let Bioware know how pissed you are about the PVP. A few hundred thousand ppl cancel and they will make changes real quick.


I cancelled today I think you should too.


As long as your paying they can string you along with false hopes about they are working on it etc... They stop getting you money and it will become a real priority.


I have but i have 2 months to QQ one I paid for the other they gave me to QQ for free

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I canceled as well. I wish I could refund my money to be honest. I've never paid a dime towards an EA game, but BioWare's name on it... had to give it a shot. Obviously a mistake. No body seems to understand how to make a quality PvP title. No clue what the hell is going on anymore.
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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay, instead of catering to whiny little girls that cry if they don't get exactly what they want.


Because making a 10-29, 30-49, and lv 50 bracket would've been so hard right?


It would've been cake, but then they hired too many idiots from Mythic who insist on doing things their way no matter how stupid they are and sticking to them for waaay longer than any rational, open-minded person would.


Sure, its kept ques going faster, but now you have a few power levelers with godlike epic gear destroying everyone else. Wanted to play some alts, cannot do it right now if you want any PvP. The whole no brackets was bad enough from the start... but the PvP epics are nuts.


Oh and you obviously don't know, but you have to be valor level 60 to open the bags you get the gear from, so... you cannot "wait till later" to PvP... in fact any waiting will only make things even worse and more painful in the long run.


Its something that needs to be changed NOW before they shoot themselves too many times in the foot and this game becomes Warhammer in Space.

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I'm not going to cancel right now lol. That would be childish, a lot of people need to let this game breathe a little. Maybe all your thoughts went on deaf ears because devs wanted to see what happens when its live or what is going to happen to the game/players later on.


I agree with some of the stuff that should be fixed, but that still is no excuse to completely be a tool and leave 2 weeks into the launch.


A lot of you need to have some patience, I'm sure things will snowball more seemingly later on. Yes a lot of people expect big things from this game, but everything isn't going to happen right away. It's sad to see all these people whining and complaining, forcing things to happen when the game hasn't even had a proper chance yet. Everyone is just assuming or benchmarking what's happened with WoW or Rift, etc. What's ironic is none of those games are relevant at all.


All these kids need to chill out..

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Another thing is if you cancel :) is there a different MMO with good PvP ? WoW is crap, so is Rift, nobody knows Darkfall ... what options are there ?


This does not mean I don't like PvP in TOR :) I like it a lot, but I can understand that at this stage of the game it is not as polished as some ppl would like it to be plus overall TOR is lacking in PvP features. The lack of PvP features I do mind.

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I stand behind everyone who is leaving due to PVP.


There are thousands of post about how horrible PVP is. Really, there is not one positive things being said. Yet there has not been a single dev post in this forum. Not one.


Even if you don't care about PVP, one day it will be an issue you care about being ignored. If the only way the devs are going to listen to the player base is if the player base quits, then what's what we have to do.


It's not like we can't come back if they fix things.

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PVP isn't ideal right now, but there is no way I would quit. I have a burning hatred for Huttball, for example. I loathe the thing, but I deal with it, just grin and bear it. New warzones are on the way, we know this. We also know they are still fine tuning things, and yes even other games are doing this still, 7 years on.


Quitting now is very childish. Grow up and learn things like MMOs arent going to be 100% perfect at launch -ever-.

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