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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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"PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum;"


Biggest load of bull **** ever.

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Canceled here, bolstering and overpowered PvP gear that kill end game, sharding, dead empty generic cities. Not to mention all the bugs that they haven't even begun to address and there are still queue times.


I can't believe they aren't pushing out patches left and right to fix these things. I'm not going to stick around in an MMO where they sit on their hands instead of improving the game.

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2 days into a new year, has gaming already changed so much that people can't be patient for once and let patches do what they're supposed to?


And when are those patches coming, exactly? They still haven't fixed server queues. And as far as I know, that wouldn't require any patching.

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BioWare promised us good World PvP...


World PvP is a colossal failure in every aspect possible. It's like RIFT all over again. If they somehow manage to sort things out I'll resub, but until then I'll stick to EVE.


Except even Rift did it much better... I quit Rift because lack of world PvP at the endgame, but it at least had it while leveling :p

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"PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum;"


Biggest load of bull **** ever.


The worst part is how disconnected BW is from what pvpers want. They should fire the entire pvp team you can't do worse.

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So when does the supposed world PVP begin? I have hit mid 20's and have not even seen the other side never. Some of my greatest time are while questing and gettign jumped or jumping others in similar level world PVP.


Nothing feels better than being jumped by someone a few levels higher than you and killing them :)


Similar level open world pvp is very fun. Makes questing more interesting because you have to watch your back. If you see an enemy do you kill them or let them be?


I always attack thats just me :p

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The worst part is how disconnected BW is from what pvpers want. They should fire the entire pvp team you can't do worse.


What you want does not equal what others want. Even if the majority of the forums seems to hate PvP, that does not mean that they need to change it. People posting on a forum generally are a small minority compared to the rest of the people who play the game.

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I have no problem with PvP whatsoever, except maybe lag and low framerate on my rig. However those are not balance issues. The republic usually has less players, and moreso less players who know how to PvP, yet again, not a problem.. If you bring a group of your own, you can wipe the floor with any group of smugface Inquisitors or whatnot, 50 or else.
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What you want does not equal what others want. Even if the majority of the forums seems to hate PvP, that does not mean that they need to change it. People posting on a forum generally are a small minority compared to the rest of the people who play the game.


This is not PvP


PvP = player vs player

Warzones you could argue is scripted pvp but those are more about objectives

Ilum is player helps player

Game was designed to keep players away from other faction aside from ilum where we have player helps player.


Please explain how SWTOR offers PvP, I'm interested what you think is pvp?

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Anyone know who these 'best pvp developers in the world" are?


or is that marketing speak for we have a couple of guys with cool beards who worked at gpotato or something?


pvp needs work in this game and its a clear afterthought. making a balanced pvp game on the other hand is hard work.


pve in this game is great i can see many people immersing themselves for many years to come. nice work.


This game also reeks of the WoW bait and switch method, which involves getting everyone onboard with hype then degrading the product to appeal to the lowest common denominator over the next few years. Before you kow it you're doing mindless flashpoints farming some *****ty commendation tag or honor point for gear.


nothing new here.

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How is cancelling your subscription supposed to make pvp better?


Post suggestions on how to make pvp better.



YEAH GUYS! because there were no suggestions riddling the beta forums! and there are no suggestions in this forum on how to improve pvp!


^^ this guy must be part of the pvp develepment team lol

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Agreed... Cancelled and I will encourage my guild to do the same.. Iao


lol who came to this game for pvp? do you even like playing video games?


does this story do nothing for you? do the worlds and explorations do nothing for you?


i dont understand how you even wanted to play this game in the first place.


i know this is a pvp thread but really this game is so bad that you cant just play the story and wait to see if the pvp will get better


and your complaining because people of higher lvl are beating you??? really am i taking crazy pills?


people of higher lvl should win just lvl a character to 50 and get two other friends and run train in pvp. i dont see why everyone is freaking out.


just lvl up and then play


this is what you sound like


"im lvl 12 and people of a significan level advantage are beating the piss out of me because they rushed to lvl cap and played the **** out of this game waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, im sad that my lvl 12 character cant beat a lvl 50 character. instead of getting to 50 and then pvping which would be the sane thing to do i will complain about it on the forums, which lets be honest is stupid"



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But regardless, if you want to PvP, then just get level 50. It would be stupid if low levels could own level 50's in PvP gear. I agree that they should find a way to make PvP-leveling more enjoyable, but everything takes time. Compared to other MMOs, this is probably the most successful launch ever. I think people are forgetting just how many things they have to handle right now.


No no, get to level 50 then grind MORE against the level 50's that got there first because they have 1000 more expertise then you.


My free sub will expire, and I will be done unless they release patch notes with some major changes. PVP in this game was AWESOME until we started to see the Imperial side with 6 50's and our team only had one. AND the imperial side is usually 4-5 sorcs and 3-4 Bounty Hunters.

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ROFL... the game has just realesed and its not a pvp based game.

hence why there is no arenas or anything rated and your moaning about pvp and you yourself arent even level 50

THIS is why they are not listening

because the information is falling of deaf ears because the people saying it don't have anything between their ears... pathetic LOL

i was gladiator 4 seasons in a row on WoW and i know all about competetive PvP and i can safely say you cannot judge a game that is clearly not focusing on pvp yet...

seriously... go back to playing runescape or something little kids.

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LOL @ this game.


Cancelled, and it only took a couple wf's to decide.


No choice in wf's

No macro's

UI has extremely limited customization.

The graphics in this game are equall to runescape. Which is made for children 8 and under, or even socialy undeveloped *******.


Thanks, but no thanks.


For those who will be staying, enjoy your neverending reading and no way of escaping the forced storyline.


Also enjoy your limited gameplay. This game will be shortlived.


Vote between failure FFXIV vrs SWOTOR

FFXIV wins



I really don't understand why people bought this game if they are this stupid.


this thread makes me rage hardcore. so much i need to stop reading.


what does never ending reading mean? do you have speakers on your computer the entire game is voice acted. i dont cant never did nothing wouldnt havent shoulndt ever


oh wait im in the pvp forum **** how did i get here.

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why people bought this game if they are this stupid.


Because the majority of people that play this game are comparing SW:TOR to other games that have been out for a LOT longer

such as WoW or ... oh yeah WoW

if you notice everyone brings up Arena, RBGs, Dueling etc

when they are not understanding the strong fundementals of this game












if you SERIOUSLY think

that Bioware are going to spend their WHOLE time when the game has been released to fix something a very few minority have been qqing about

Then you seriously do NOT understand anything about business

the game is just getting started... they are focusing on making the game better with less bugs and glitchs, you think after 2 - 3 weeks they are going to implement a rated system?

When ALL that does is turn the majority of pvpers in to *****...


thats ALL it does.

This is a community MMO about storyline and exploration with pvp involved.

Stop being absolutely ******* and start understanding that before you Fix a game... you MAKE a game

You dont buy a dog if you cant afford to keep it.

Edited by Slizzik
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After playing the beta for 6 months and experiencing the same bugs I do right now, I'm fairly close to not touching ANYTHING by Bioware from now on.


This game's PVP is a huge disgrace... and the saddest part about it is the complete ignorance by Bioware. On top of that, other huge and glaring issues riddle this game, especially the Crafting System, yet they're putting out statements about how amazing their launch is without even acknowledging any of the problems..

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I like how ppl supporting the pvp just say level to 50 and then do pvp. So rush through the enite game just to be able to PVP?


How much of the story did these 50 skip? I'm sure they wore out the spacebar on the keyboard. They couldn't click next choice fast enough and you want more ppl to do this? You say this is about story yet you tell ppl to rush through / skip it to get to 50. That makes a lot of sense. I think the 50 need thier own bracket. If they ahve to wait 1 hr for a match its their own fault for rushing to cap.


Why are they letting the idk the 5% of the server population that is 50 ruin it for everyone else?


They rushed it they should have to wait for everyone else to catch up. Not let them ruin it for everyone else.


Give them a 50 cap WZ and they can sit and wait for the rest of us trying to enjoy the entire game as well as pvp while leveling.

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I like how ppl supporting the pvp just say level to 50 and then do pvp. So rush through the enite game just to be able to PVP?


How much of the story did these 50 skip? I'm sure they wore out the spacebar on the keyboard. They couldn't click next choice fast enough and you want more ppl to do this? You say this is about story yet you tell ppl to rush through / skip it to get to 50. That makes a lot of sense. I think the 50 need thier own bracket. If they ahve to wait 1 hr for a match its their own fault for rushing to cap.


Why are they letting the idk the 5% of the server population that is 50 ruin it for everyone else?


They rushed it they should have to wait for everyone else to catch up. Not let them ruin it for everyone else.


Give them a 50 cap WZ and they can sit and wait for the rest of us trying to enjoy the entire game as well as pvp while leveling.


They need their own bracket, or Bolster needs to include Expertise.

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Because the majority of people that play this game are comparing SW:TOR to other games that have been out for a LOT longer

such as WoW or ... oh yeah WoW

if you notice everyone brings up Arena, RBGs, Dueling etc

when they are not understanding the strong fundementals of this game












if you SERIOUSLY think

that Bioware are going to spend their WHOLE time when the game has been released to fix something a very few minority have been qqing about

Then you seriously do NOT understand anything about business

the game is just getting started... they are focusing on making the game better with less bugs and glitchs, you think after 2 - 3 weeks they are going to implement a rated system?

When ALL that does is turn the majority of pvpers in to *****...


thats ALL it does.

This is a community MMO about storyline and exploration with pvp involved.

Stop being absolutely ******* and start understanding that before you Fix a game... you MAKE a game

You dont buy a dog if you cant afford to keep it.


Why are you typing in stanzas?

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lol who came to this game for pvp? do you even like playing video games?


does this story do nothing for you? do the worlds and explorations do nothing for you?


i dont understand how you even wanted to play this game in the first place.


i know this is a pvp thread but really this game is so bad that you cant just play the story and wait to see if the pvp will get better


and your complaining because people of higher lvl are beating you??? really am i taking crazy pills?


people of higher lvl should win just lvl a character to 50 and get two other friends and run train in pvp. i dont see why everyone is freaking out.


just lvl up and then play


this is what you sound like


"im lvl 12 and people of a significan level advantage are beating the piss out of me because they rushed to lvl cap and played the **** out of this game waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, im sad that my lvl 12 character cant beat a lvl 50 character. instead of getting to 50 and then pvping which would be the sane thing to do i will complain about it on the forums, which lets be honest is stupid"




you were doing fine till the 'hahaha' bit mate. grow some sack.

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