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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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Ohh and you angry carebears snapping at those leaving may end up wishing we who do spend a lot on our games stayed. Or maybe not, who cares. Go look back on the Rift forums...same thing happened. Enjoy your PVE ladies.


Nice choose your adventure video game. PVP disaster.




I am so glad you are leaving.

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I'm a level 35 valor assassin and I lovee the pvp in this game. I started pvping when I was lvl 14 and now im 35. Yeah, they force you to play hutball a lot and that kind of sucks. Tat feels empty but i always manage to find people to kill. Im gonna give this game a couple months since the devs already stated they are gonna expand on it and I would love to see if they are full of bs or not. WZs should have lvl 50 bracket and more maps, that's really it. Open world pvp needs a lot of help but I think they will expand on it....and if not I might get bored and leave. Right now, my fav pvp Wz is the one with the 3 cannons, sooo much fun
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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay, instead of catering to whiny little girls that cry if they don't get exactly what they want.


I apologize on the behalf of every pre-50 who is trying to play the game. I know it is a much simpler solution to treat WZ's as if they are lvl 50 only instead of actually making lvl 50 brackets. Again, thank you for your wisdom.

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I apologize on the behalf of every pre-50 who is trying to play the game. I know it is a much simpler solution to treat WZ's as if they are lvl 50 only instead of actually making lvl 50 brackets. Again, thank you for your wisdom.


I lvl through pvp since lvl 12 and I dunno what is your problem. So many ppl here are claiming they are pvp focused, but when it comes to it they whine like they play mostly pve and do pvp once in a while. And without experience guess what ... they get *****.


The only problem with the lvl 10 vs lvl 50 balance is if the teams are not balanced. Which they often are not sadly. But that's about it.

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See you at the next expansion. Fake MMO'er


This happens all the freaking time since 1999.


I know. They threaten, they rage, they roll aroundin the aisle...but they never actually leave, and they always have some awesome explanation for it.

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Thats what i said in Age of Conan when everybody complained and was quitting. soon after the populations were so low people started quitting because they had nobody to group with.


server merges came later but it was to late.....


game is free to play now and i see that being the future of Swtor especially when GW2 comes out.


people arnt going to keep paying for a game hopeing it gets better when they can play GW2 for free aftering buying it once.


im sure some PVE servers will stay healthy with population but you can kiss the PVP servers good bye.


LMAO @ GW2 like GW had any population that did anything but stand around selling Dyes.



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I See cancel reasons here That make me laugh so much.

Its extremely pathetic. Canceling at start!? Convincing your guild? Serieusly, dont let THE door hit you on THE way out! Damn trolls... Haters... Negative little rats. People like you guys make me sick. Dont even Bother to respons because u know what you gonna say.


As for pvp, it needs à fix here and there. But to wine so much About it, give then à while to do so. They already announced they Would fix Some things. Atleast we get brackets for 50's to start with.

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Just cancelled my sub as well. Vote with your wallet, its the only way to make a change.. if not, enjy the 120 man instanced PVE servers :(


PVP servers don't mean PVP, they mean "get griefed till you quit" unless you're level 50 on them. You should have known that in advance of joining one.


PVE servers mean real PVP with willing players in Ilum, Outlaw's Den, and Warzones, where people go when they're ready to fight and not engaged with an elite mob + 2 strongs so you can grief them. Ilum/Outlaw's Den on my "pve" server have some action already from L50 players (including me), as more hit 50 it will be even better.


Anyway, the PVP in TOR is actually very good! I'm loving it. Ilum is fun (and gives extra Valor for kills at a point your faction owns, valor for kills, more valor for capturing things for kills, and extra valor for holding all five points) (only thing it could use is mercenary commendation drops off players), outlaw's den is great for harvesting and has lots of contention so far, and Warzones are well-designed.


You really can't expect any MMO to balance PVP from sub-cap lowbies against cap-level players... they did a good try with Warzone bolstering and it works well enough, but it's hard enough to get things balanced at 50 and never really happens in an MMO with that alone. I guess if you're an MMO neophyte you wouldn't know this, but the rest of us do.

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Already Cancelled yesterday and gave a wall of text about their PvP system. Only way to make these companies change something is to vote/talk with your wallet. As a business major I know very well that the only reason for a business is to make money, and if they start losing it they make change. Customer relations come second.
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Wondering how many of these people have ever played another mmo on release. If you're seriously expecting a mmo to be balanced from the start, you're doing it wrong. They'll implement arenas with balances in the first content patch.


Patience is harddd. Most of you havn't even hit 50 and if you're QQing about the pvp in bgs where the brackets are from 10-50, no **** people with extra abilities are going to do better + They'll probably implement a 50 only bracket.

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