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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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i canceled due to reason that this game offer no protection from super-hardcore farmers.


Having the no bracket PvP is part of it but in fact its just a mirrage.


A new lv 50 does not 1 shot /2 shot / and stunlock happens only on crit streaks. This things happen once you face centurion/champion geared ppl .And honestly said if you are low lv bolstered or blue geared 50 lv things doesnt change much.


THen once you are gonna finally get centurion-champion gear you are gonna face battlemaster hardcores that will own you as much as earlier.

And this time you are stuck for long time as to get BM gear you need 60 valor and 50-60 valor takes about twice as much as to hit lv 50.



This is all because there is HUGE differance between tiers and there is no protection for those that do not play much - liek maximum valro earned per week.



Illum wintradign just adds charry to the pvp issues - so i have no regards about canceling.

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Ric Romero reporting: PvPers freak out because hings aren't exactly balanced at release. Has appeared to happen in nearly every game released where players combat other players in some fashion.


In addition to this story there appears to be something about some game companies spending YEARS trying to balance things and people never being satisfied. More at 11.

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Bolstering is really strong and of course you will never be able to beat a level 50 on equal terms and skill, but neither should you.

True, but on my server the odds of winning warfronts have changed within one week to 5-10% because there are rarely l50 players on our side. At certain times a level 10-30 teams are fighting against teams with 6 level 50 players... Not to mention players with Expertise gear.


I don't mind loosing, especially since the "rewards" for loosing are still good, but the match has to be fun. If I have to wait behind one of those magic force fields for 20 seconds after I died, run over some bridge to a door for several seconds and get fragged by a level 50 Merc with 16k hp within 10 seconds on my level 20 Guardian, who has all the PVP equipment he can get for his level, then this is no fun.


On rare occasion I had a team with 3 or 4 level 50 and then it was sometimes so easy, it wasn't that much fun either... 6:0 in Huttball within 4-5 minutes... I couldn't even get more than 2 medals...


On top of it, you have short queue times, but people that suck tend to blame it on something different.

I can imagine, that many good PVP players rolled Empire, but that doesn't explain so many bad matches. I would love to see some Bioware PVP statistics...

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Hahaha, you probably got destroyed all the time because you have the reflexes and skill of a drunken monkey, and now you come to cry here in these forums, implying someone cares about your rants.


Grow up.


Looks like that in your case even growing up won't help.

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Just as a little note, for those that are thinking of comparing WoW PVP to SWTOR.


WoW Release date in the US: 7th November 2004.


WoW Battlegrounds introduced: 7th June 2005.


Just thought it would be some food for thought :)


Right, so Bioware should be aware in 2005 what they needed to compete with.

So they'd have 6 years to make it right; Food for thought?

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I am not going to cancel right now because I want to play out some of the other stories, but I will say that if Bioware ever does read this: I am extremely disappointed in the PVP of this game thus far and I am not encouraged that it was marketed as somewhat cutting edge when it came to PVP
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I am not going to cancel right now because I want to play out some of the other stories, but I will say that if Bioware ever does read this: I am extremely disappointed in the PVP of this game thus far and I am not encouraged that it was marketed as somewhat cutting edge when it came to PVP


It most certainly was not.

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To you all who are mad about the pvp.


Your really going to leave a game that has been out not even a month? Really? No MMO in history has had everything working right when they first launched even your precious WoW had issues at launch. I really think all the people who are complaining and quitting right now probably were already going to quit just to prove their point that this game will fail.


With that said I say goodbye to you all complainers. Your rage only makes this games community stronger.




People are expecting flawless PvP in a game that's less than two weeks old. These people need to grow up already.

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People are expecting flawless PvP in a game that's less than two weeks old. These people need to grow up already.


This game isn't competing against circa 2008 WoW. It's 2012 now; why should one be content with paying $60 plus the $15 a month for a title that isn't up to par with current, or even older titles?

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This game isn't competing against circa 2008 WoW. It's 2012 now; why should one be content with paying $60 plus the $15 a month for a title that isn't up to par with current, or even older titles?


2 days into a new year, has gaming already changed so much that people can't be patient for once and let patches do what they're supposed to?

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ppl that think there will be any major changes at this point need a reality check


troll. WoW's PvP is and was better but has gone through many changes since Vanilla. Swtors PvP is "okay" needs some tweaks but I don't think it requires as many tweaks as you think. I'd change the following.


- Tweak Resolve

- PvP Brackets

- DR on Stuns/Roots

- Some gameplay/animation tweaks to make it not feel so clunky.

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troll. WoW's PvP is and was better but has gone through many changes since Vanilla. Swtors PvP is "okay" needs some tweaks but I don't think it requires as many tweaks as you think. I'd change the following.


- Tweak Resolve

- PvP Brackets

- DR on Stuns/Roots

- Some gameplay/animation tweaks to make it not feel so clunky.


Nothx to WoW's trainwreck of a PVP system.

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2 days into a new year, has gaming already changed so much that people can't be patient for once and let patches do what they're supposed to?


Except this game isn't only two days old. It was on development for years, they had all the money and time in the world to ensure a quality experience in all aspects.


Canceled subs, money, that's the only thing EA understands and the only way to accomplish anything with them.

Edited by Poor_Grammar
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