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A real scum move.


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As a father of three, working full time, owner of a house. I have very little time as it is. To simply dismiss the heart of the issue, as troll or baby. We'll sorry that in my eyes makes you all babies. Adults have commitments, a notice of even 72 hours would have gone along way to calm the anger, and rightly so, allot of CUSTOMERS are feeling. It takes me a week in advance to plan a couple hours of peace and quite to myself. Having zero for hand knowledge is the real problem, and it shows total lack of caring or concern for 'some' of their customer base. I've already placed an email and phone call to the better business bureau. I can assure you, I am not alone in that list of complaints to the agency. This entire promise of early access stagger, fine, I get it. Not being decent enough to tell your customers lining up outside your door for a week long sale, when you even open is simply.... ignorant. This behavior is simply shameful. If any other situation in the real world, all of you would have walked out of the store by now as sign of your displeasure. But you take it, because it's ok. We'll from a customer satisfaction stand point, it is not. Not even close. This is not a threat, merely stating point of fact. To give no notice, at all. In 20 years of selling video games, I can think ZERO instances of this being done. I can assure you bioware, there are many many many upset people about this issue, that I speak to daily. This is not a simple ignore it and it'll go away. Get your act together.


Dear diary...

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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.


lol pathetic.

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I honestly don't see how this is a bad move at all. They decided to start getting people in earlier to make launch go smoother and as a bonus people who registered preorder earlier get in a little earlier as they are going by the order in which preorders were registered. It sounds fantastic to me. A friend of mine is playing with no lag and I am waiting to see if I get in today tomorrow or the day after.


I love you Bioware! <3 :D

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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.


chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga QQ

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Then why the hell did we paid extra for the pre order code for that stupid stone that change the color of my sword?:mad:


It was the people's choice to do so. It was clearly stated from day 1 that they'll have staggered invites for EGA.


It is not BioWares fault if people are not fully reading what they get before they place their order or if some retailers gave false information to their customers.

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If the people making snotty comments would take off the fanboy blinders for a minute and think this through long term you would see that this is not a good sign for next week. 7 days from now the game goes live. If the serves cannot handle an influx of people now and they have to stagger the launch, what does that say for next week? Are they going to launch in waves too?


People with complaints are making valid points and they are frustrated. Let them voice their opinions without calling them whiners and other names. They are saying bad things about a game you like not about your own child.

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Wow, I missed the forums ha ha ha....It is amazing to me how much people are crying and whining! The EGA has only been going for 2 hours and the sky is falling????



Relax...take a deep breath...and learn to READ!!! sheesh lol


Ignorance in a customer service complaint thread.

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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.


This is awesome! Totally nerdraging over 2 EXTRA days of play time.

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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.


So your complaining about getting 2 extra days for early access? Tool.

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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.


I think the obvious solution is to cancel your pre-order and not have to deal with this company. ARE YOU WITH ME?!?! See ya in game..

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People like the OP are essentially the friend you give a gift to, and he tells you it sucks and asks for 2 of them instead. LOL. It reminds me of Cartman from South Park. SO ENTITLED. Get over yourself. The game is great, beta went great, and launch is going great. See you in game!
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If the people making snotty comments would take off the fanboy blinders for a minute and think this through long term you would see that this is not a good sign for next week. 7 days from now the game goes live. If the serves cannot handle an influx of people now and they have to stagger the launch, what does that say for next week? Are they going to launch in waves too?


People with complaints are making valid points and they are frustrated. Let them voice their opinions without calling them whiners and other names. They are saying bad things about a game you like not about your own child.


no, its fine for the game, but it dosent bode well for the people with 0 reading comprehension and patience.

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