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exactly the point I made previously....Thank GOD your vid's prove otherwise, or you'd be all over this forum claiming you were a game testing GOD that was hired by Bioware to train noobs.


I wonder if to yourself, anything you say makes sense. I guess when you're a raging tryhard, your mind is probably just a bubbling pool of random incomprehensible insults.

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Anyways, silly thread is silly. Enjoy your server, and the live game, this forum needs Realm area, imo.


Finally we agree on something!!


But until then, why don't people stay out of threads that are about a server that they aren't on? Seems like an easy solution, no?



Too much logic in my posts, nobody will respond.

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You can make up the past all you want, I've seen your videos on youtube, but at no point did I ever send you a pm on the forums.


I'm reminded of Nyghoma's "You only won because those 2 people who were actually on my team were on your team"



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Very simple way to end this because I'm final word no matter who thinks they have bigger epeen than me... If any guild feels they got slighted because we can't reasonably cover every guild, then you need to be proactive and send DH stuff, post on our forums, etc. RJ did this;no one else did after the first interview went up and they were extremely proactive to do even more stuff with us. If Ebonlore, Brutality, or any guild really etc. want us to highlight their tactics and opinions, then they need to get in touch with us. I am more than happy to put your stuff up if it is different than what we already have. We will set up methods for submitting live ops kills and whatnot over the coming days.



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Feel free to ask her, I'm more than positive she will tell you they came to CJ asking to interview some of our members about endgame and PVP, post interview we talked with them for quite some time, and they said they would love to do something again, if we have any ideas to let them know, thus Nyan taking an idea about them joining us on a live chat, that they ended up taking over and hosting.


I'll be happy to send you her contact information, or even ask her to come here and post to clarify if this is some sort of big deal to any of you.

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here is a list of Brutalities sick internet gaming accomplishments:


-the kings of lord of the rings online

-kill traded in ilum in a BETA in order to get pvp gear so that they can fight level 10's better

-queued for warzones literally 24/7 in a BETA for weeks against pugs of level 10's with full groups of 50's in full pvp gear

-STILL lost to pugs


I highly recommend the Anchorhead server if you'd like to be stuck on a backwater with a massive faction imbalance, and listen to BRUTALITY GUILD talk about themselves a lot I guess.

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Zarus even out damaged you by some ridiculous number only a few weeks after you had called him terrible all over the forums.


This isn't about me. We are talking about guilds.


To indulge you, are you talking about that one HB when Nyan was guarding him with a pocket healer, and he still managed to die 4 times? Hhahaha, ok.


I'm sure you saved the SS, post it.


I offered you a 4v4 and you never took me up on it


You're full of it. You never followed up, nor did your little 4 man go to Outlaw's Den last day of beta.


We were looking for you.

Edited by Nyghoma
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But until then, why don't people stay out of threads that are about a server that they aren't on? Seems like an easy solution, no?



Too much logic in my posts, nobody will respond.



Airial, Faction, Nyan... you guys come into a thread about a server that YOU ARE NOT on only to flame Nyg and all of Brutality, all while claiming the moral high ground. Are you listening to yourselves?


I have no freakin idea who CHRISGG aka Faction is, nor do I care. But I played with the RJ folks, and enjoyed their company, and I have a lot of respect for them. But what you two are doing (Airial and Nyan I'm looking at you) is trolling at its worst.



Assume everything you've said is correct, and everything Nyghoma has said is a flat out lie. The fact remains that you are in a thread that does not concern you in the slightest. You are failing.

Edited by crackyhoss
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This isn't about me. We are talking about guilds.


To indulge you, are you talking about that one HB when Nyan was guarding him with a pocket healer, and he still managed to die 4 times? Hhahaha, ok.


I'm sure you saved the SS, post it.


Since you want to drag my name in the mud even though I've never had issue with you or anyone in Brutality fine but at least get your facts right.


Nyan wasn't guarding me nor did i have a pocket healer. You're right though i do have a screenshot of it so here you go http://oi40.tinypic.com/osabl2.jpg. Just in case you can't tell i had the most healing done on our team and Nyan only had 7000 damage guarded in a 15 minute huttball.


Go ahead and continue to pound your chest like the egomaniac you are though.



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Since you want to drag my name in the mud even though I've never had issue with you or anyone in Brutality fine but at least get your facts right.


Nyan wasn't guarding me nor did i have a pocket healer. You're right though i do have a screenshot of it so here you go http://oi40.tinypic.com/osabl2.jpg. Just in case you can't tell i had the most healing done on our team and Nyan only had 7000 damage guarded in a 15 minute huttball.


Go ahead and continue to pound your chest like the egomaniac you are though.




Are you *********** kidding me? Does SoA have a post about this thread, encouraging their members to come and troll? Seriously, you guys have sunk to a new low.

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Republic competition does concern me. This thread doesn't belong to anyone. It's on the public PvP forums. Take a look at the category. I'd say it's pretty important for those who aren't able to get in yet and have never played beta to know that this server is currently empty on the Republic end, I don't see anything wrong with posting here.


Please direct me to the Anchorhead forums and I'll be quiet.


If your posts were only about how empty the Republic side is, then I might believe that your only motivation for posting here is pure altruism.


Seriously, Nyan, I don't think that even you believe any of what you just posted.

Edited by crackyhoss
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Are you *********** kidding me? Does SoA have a post about this thread, encouraging their members to come and troll? Seriously, you guys have sunk to a new low.

you mean he can't respond when someone criticizes his play?


open your eyes, man, "brutality" is a clique of mediocre players who convince each other that they're special--they don't deserve your devotion

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Are you *********** kidding me? Does SoA have a post about this thread, encouraging their members to come and troll? Seriously, you guys have sunk to a new low.


I was actually bored reading the forums since I'm not in the game yet and saw this thread. I wasn't even going to bother to post til Nyghoma once again made things up to save face.

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Are you *********** kidding me? Does SoA have a post about this thread, encouraging their members to come and troll? Seriously, you guys have sunk to a new low.


Nyan asked why you went to a server with no recognizable republic guilds, pretty much anything post that has been responding to inaccuracies or insults.

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I understand you are frustrated, but I wouldn't consider that trolling. He specifically asked, did he not?


Fine. What's your excuse? What's Airial's excuse for repeated trolls?



open your eyes, man, "brutality" is a clique of mediocre players who convince each other that they're special--they don't deserve your devotion


Thank you for assuming that I'm completely incapable of making up my own mind about players' abilities.

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Nyan asked why you went to a server with no recognizable republic guilds, pretty much anything post that has been responding to inaccuracies or insults.


Again, assuming this is true, why are you fanning the flames? Why not leave a thread about Anchorhead alone, and go find one about your server?

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When there are incorrect statements such as "all of the best pvpers from beta", of course I'm going to chime in. I wouldn't want an unsuspecting prospect to read this and think, hey this server is going to be awesome; only to roll on it to see they have no one to play with on Republic, and then a few months later the people they've been fighting against probably quit and claim dominance. It's an old pattern from every game that isn't too attractive.


There you go again with this false claim of altruism. Seriously man, not even Gandhi would give a crap where a pug rolls. Besides, before this thread was utterly derailed it was made very plain that the pvp'ers were on the Imperial side, and that we were looking for dedicated skilled Republic players to join us.

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The bottom line is this:


1) arguments about this warzone or that warzone are stupid.


2) like it or not, Brutality has skilled pvp'ers. we're entitled to think we're the best, you're entitled to disagree. Leave it at that.


3) this thread is about Anchorhead pvp, a fact which concerns none of the trolls on here.



I'm assuming you guys haven't gotten invites yet. Me neither. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. I get it, you guys are bored. Your boredom is turning into spite and malice, both of which are a disservice to your guild. Go away.

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Since you want to drag my name in the mud even though I've never had issue with you or anyone in Brutality fine but at least get your facts right.


Nyan wasn't guarding me nor did i have a pocket healer. You're right though i do have a screenshot of it so here you go http://oi40.tinypic.com/osabl2.jpg. Just in case you can't tell i had the most healing done on our team and Nyan only had 7000 damage guarded in a 15 minute huttball.


Go ahead and continue to pound your chest like the egomaniac you are though.




Heya Zarus, you can thank Airial, as usually for dragging your name into this. Need me to quote? I won't take anything away from you in that huttball, you did out damage me. I'm fine with that. I've had plenty of wz where I did over 350k and over 400k to be confident. I personally try not to die carelessly though. Obviously we have different playstyles.

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What claims of altruism? You're asking how I'm not trolling and I'm answering. I'm sorry if they aren't the answers you want to hear, but I'm not going to sugar coat anything.


With that said, it is important that there's not a false image of the server. People will come here to figure out what server they want to play, and there's nothing wrong with them hearing from both sides of the fence in regards to the matter.


If you can't handle it, you probably shouldn't read it. It's a public PvP forum.


Dude, this "fence" isn't even in your neighborhood. You aren't on one side or the other. Saying you are, and that you are concerned for people that have absolutely nothing to do with you is the definition of altruism. Stop with this passive-aggressive "i'm sorry these aren't the answers you want to hear" bs and stick to facts.

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