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Anchorhead will be a magnet for good players because of the rumors that will spread. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, this server will be a battleground for the smartest PvPers around. I know I'm going to bring my heat on my Sentinel. Lets do eeeet.
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Because I make a personal comment on how silly it is to claim your server is the best (even though you have to come to the forums to try to make it less terrible), and that your PvPers were the best from DM/Beta (even though they were "one build wonders"), does not mean that SoA as a whole cares at all.


Obviously you care. Otherwise you wouldn't have tracked us down to rage. We didn't start this thread. Although, we support it. Brutality can't speak for the rest of the guilds on the server, just ourselves and our friends.


That's right. Most of the pvp talent from DM did come here. Anybody that had any recognition jumped over here including Lina, who was the best reb player last build. And Microwave, the best Merc healer. Stap, Askoto, and Jesus ALL left your guild b/c they were clearly out of your league and wanted to find better guilds for pvp. Crys and Cati went their separate ways.


"One build wonders?" I hope so, b/c Brutality didn't form until before the last character wipe. Brutality was formed by collecting the best performing imp players on DM. Anyhow, most of us as individuals were well known way before the guild was formed. Smooches/Tna is a good example of that.


What competition? I couldn't even find the name of one Republic guild on Anchorhead after scouring Darth Hater; let alone one I've heard of.


I was more amused than disappointed that you guys picked a bare-bone server, to be honest.


We couldn't find a recognizable one either. So what? We rather roll the dice and hope a name like Anchorhead puts out, rather than join a server with a bunch of mediocre, self promoting, glory hounds. SoA is basically a zerg guild, who begged DH for recognition, and has a gimmicky huttball team that's great at running away from pvp, yeah I'm pointing at you, to score.


Cool, you made a great team with an abundance of mobility options. Your imp guild could barely do a VS or ACW, from what the rebs were telling us. It was a huge running joke that your team was great at dying and zerging nodes if you happened to cap, but you could never kill anybody. Honestly, nobody even talked about "Kind of terrible" outside of the shameless self promotion video of your huttball match. You guys were no threat to anyone, reb side.


All a person has to do is look at your posting history, even now, to see how you guys are screaming for attention from that same, old tired video. Cross post much?


"Not good enough", honestly? Do you really think you are in a position to judge performance, based on your history of poor team play in the beta? Trying to get you to communicate and actually play was like dragging feet. You should have seen our reaction when we saw that old recruitment post you had - when you outlined everything that you were avoiding in potential recruits such as not going to the right node to defend, etc. We were like, "So he can't be in is own guild?".


You talking about me personally? It was beta, at a certain point, before we formed Brutality, I was more concerned about testing class mechanics in pvp than, wininng a wz with a pug, or a guild I didn't have respect for. These WZ mechanics are old hat. I used some of my early beta play time to figure out what class to pvp with and how to counter my opponents. But you know that since this horse has been beaten to dead in old beta threads.


Brutality's had no problem wiping the floor with every reb guild on DM when our complete, lvl 50 premade was queuing. All of the server recognized it except for you and your cronies, since you guys thought you were the best. So to answer your question, yes we are in a position to judge.


I'm not trying to say we are better or anything, because it's pretty silly to make claims in regards to a testing period that's over and done with.


Orly? Than why bother stalking us and trolling? You could have just left this thread alone. Even with your insistent flaming of us on your public guild forums, we let a dog lay. Why? B/c you guys are a non-factor. You're not a pvp threat, we are not on the same server.


Buzz off.


You can toot your own horn as much as you want; the fact is beta is over and it's all irrelevant. We have plenty of solid players that weren't in testing, as does many other guilds.


You asked us a question, I answered it as honestly as possible. Sorry if you don't like the truth. If this is irrelevant, then move on.


If going to an empty server, waiting a day for every guild to already settle in, and then posting dominance and asking for competition makes you feel awesome; more power to you!


Thanks man for the great material for us to gawk at!:D

Edited by Nyghoma
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we rather roll the dice and hope a name like anchorhead put out, rather than join a server with a bunch of mediocre, self promoting, glory hounds.






have fun against level 10's on your 5:1 imp:rebel ratio server, Nyghoma, who is definitely not a mediocre, self promoting glory hound.

Edited by CHRISGG
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The only reason I can think of as to why you would pick the server that would be displayed at the top alphabetically, is because it will attract the most new players to the game who have no guild already.


And yet by your own logic, the performance of players during beta is completely irrelevant. So how are we supposed to judge a guild? Their website? Number of players? Sorry man, I just don't see the logic in your argument.

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That's right. Most of the pvp talent from DM did come here. Anybody that had any recognition jumped over here including Lina, who was the best reb player last build. And Microwave, the best Merc healer. Stap, Askoto, and Jesus ALL left your guild b/c they were clearly out of your league and wanted to find better guilds for pvp. Crys and Cati went their separate ways.


AHEM! Clearly this list is not complete.

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nyghoma sucks and rolled on a server where no one else went so that he has a higher chance of fighting groups of level 10s, which are his specialty. end of thread


You can dodge truth and play with words all you want, I'm sure your groupies get a kick out of it. You have mediocre pvp video's from a beta where nobody knew who you were, because you didn't stand out at all. You know only like 60% of glad's from WoW go to AJ, because that scene is full of whiny 20 somethings like yourself that would rather win-trade and gimmick then pvp.


You can smell your own farts all day long bro, or take turns in a room with your AJ groupies, but you know EXACTLY how it went down in Beta and the only reason you're here is because everything about the beta was wiped so nobody that doesn't know the truth can call you out.


For your sake I do hope they implement and arena system, because teamplay and a UI without 40 addons to tell you when to do everything aren't your strong points.

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There's a saying about this somewhere, but I don't quite know it. If you have to tell everyone you're the best.. you probably aren't.


Hm... the irony is strong with this one.


If I remember correctly Nyan, YOU were the one who made a HUGE EPEEN stroking video of your pre-made rolling a bunch of weekenders during the beta in a Huttball WZ and made some stupid post on the beta PvP balance forums saying how solo queuing and pre-mades should be separated.


Ah yes, I seem to have found it.




*Note how almost every enemy she ends up targeting is a level 20-ish or lower level, while running with a pre-made of mostly 50s. Real humble and sportsman like.


(I don't really have anything against you guys, but with statements like the one above, you're really just asking for it.)

Edited by _Veracity_
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Exactly... but who had the audacity to actually record it and post it on the balance forums believing it was working as intended?



his video description: "An example of the Juggernauts superior mobility and ball carrying abilities in Huttball."


I think it's safe to say he was showcasing the "guardian leap" ability, not the actual PvP

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Begging Darth Hater? They came to us the first time, and told us if we ever wanted to do anything else with them then to go to them. Sorry you guys were never approached!



Orly? Here a quote from the Darth Hater site manager. I'll highlight the point so you don't miss it.


Very simple way to end this because I'm final word no matter who thinks they have bigger epeen than me... :D If any guild feels they got slighted because we can't reasonably cover every guild, then you need to be proactive and send DH stuff, post on our forums, etc. RJ did this;no one else did after the first interview went up and they were extremely proactive to do even more stuff with us. If Ebonlore, Brutality, or any guild really etc. want us to highlight their tactics and opinions, then they need to get in touch with us. I am more than happy to put your stuff up if it is different than what we already have. We will set up methods for submitting live ops kills and whatnot over the coming days.


Looks like a stinker to me....

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this guy sent me pm's on the old forums that were like "Hey man, really nice videos!! You're really good!! What do you think of [some **** that I forget]"




You can make up the past all you want, I've seen your videos on youtube, but at no point did I ever send you a pm on the forums.

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I'm gonna keep addressing you, even though you seem to be ignoring me pointing out the flaws in your logic, because I haven't got an invite yet and I have nothing better to do.


All of those names were, for the most part, unrecognizable until the very last build of Beta. (Tna is a good example of someone known before the last build, but unfortunately probably the only example.) I wouldn't say a month or so is enough time to gauge who the "best" is, would you?


A month at lvl 50 in a small community with lots of premades is plenty of time to figure out who's the best out of that group.


Still, it remains to be a mystery as to why a guild that thinks they're the "best" would go to an empty server with no competition. Sounds like your typical "we're leet, so we're going to go find an empty server, say we're the best and this game SUX and then quit after a month" type thing.


How many times are you going to say this? Please see my previous threads, address the logic fail I've pointed out in your argument, and then continue your flame war with Nyg, leaving the rest of us out of it. You're doing your guildies (all of whom I like and respect) a huge disservice with your posts here.


Like I said, toot your own horn all you want, it doesn't really mean anything though if you and your friends are the only ones doing so. :(


cute little emoticons don't mask the fact that you are trolling very hard for someone who "glanced" at this thread and "peeked" at darth hater to find out our server's statistics. :p

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That's right. Most of the pvp talent from DM did come here. Anybody that had any recognition jumped over here including Lina, who was the best reb player last build. And Microwave, the best Merc healer. Stap, Askoto, and Jesus ALL left your guild b/c they were clearly out of your league and wanted to find better guilds for pvp. Crys and Cati went their separate ways.


Who left our guild?


Stap was in RE, he joined RJ late in the build, and don't believe he ever intended playing with SOA at live, although I don't know him. He was a quality healer on the strongest healing class last build.

Jesus played with RJ for one build, I don't know if he ever intended to play with SOA, but don't really care, he was an extremely well geared tank, outside of that I don't know much about him, when he played with SF I don't even know what his name was.

Askoto was a quality healer, but was already committed to another guild that she's played with for years, well before joining SF or RJ.

I don't even know who Caiti is.


I don't even recognize half the names in your guild. I'm sure they are all quality players, but don't call anyone self-promoting while pushing out your own chest.



Brutality's had no problem wiping the floor with every reb guild on DM when our complete, lvl 50 premade was queuing. All of the server recognized it except for you and your cronies, since you guys thought you were the best. So to answer your question, yes we are in a position to judge.


We never said we were the best, we just said you couldn't beat us, and you didn't, although we never went full premade vs. premade. I offered you a 4v4 and you never took me up on it. Guess we will never know.



We couldn't find a recognizable one either. So what? We rather roll the dice and hope a name like Anchorhead puts out, rather than join a server with a bunch of mediocre, self promoting, glory hounds. SoA is basically a zerg guild, who begged DH for recognition, and has a gimmicky huttball team that's great at running away from pvp, yeah I'm pointing at you, to score.


Cool, you made a great team with an abundance of mobility options. Your imp guild could barely do a VS or ACW, from what the rebs were telling us. It was a huge running joke that your team was great at dying and zerging nodes if you happened to cap, but you could never kill anybody. Honestly, nobody even talked about "Kind of terrible" outside of the shameless self promotion video of your huttball match. You guys were no threat to anyone, reb side.


Despite claims, DH came to us.

Objective based PVP is focused on.... you guessed it, Objectives. Astute observation Nyghoma, we focused on winning. If dying to defend a node while waiting for reinforcements made us look bad, oh well, we were the ones winning.


We made teams based on the classes we wanted to play, not to be good at huttball or any other warzone. We didn't run with a lot of dps, as you know, but when our players did decide to play DPS when we stopped worrying about winning at the end of testing and just started fooling around. all of our players did well, Zarus even out damaged you by some ridiculous number only a few weeks after you had called him terrible all over the forums.


Anyways, silly thread is silly. Enjoy your server, and the live game, this forum needs Realm area, imo.

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his video description: "An example of the Juggernauts superior mobility and ball carrying abilities in Huttball."


I think it's safe to say he was showcasing the "guardian leap" ability, not the actual PvP


Eh, whatever. Believe me or not, I know what I saw and heard during beta.


It was a pretty big post on the PvP forum, but since BW wiped everything, meh.

Edited by _Veracity_
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