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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Probably not.


It comes down to how replayable the game is for other questlines.


This is a good single player game.


Or, this is a poor MMO with VERY GOOD (for MMO standards) single player questlines.


This is really not a very good MMO (lacking many basic features and not adding anything new except same-faction PvP warfronts and good solo quest stories).


I'm not a Bioware hater (I have every Bioware game made since Baldur's Gate 1), but, well, they've never done an MMO before, and it shows. The longest I can see my subscription lasting is until either Guild Wars 2 or Mass Effect 3 comes out (and I kind of doubt it lasts to either of those). I really thought they would have done a better job making an MMO.

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No. Playing 1-50 is fun one time. Endgame is boring, untested, copypasted from wow and even if I wanted to play wow with sabers, 3 warzones(1 really) all 8v8 just gets boring after a week.


Makes me so sad imagining what they could've done with all that time/money. They chose to spend 95% of it on the leveling experience and still failed to give it any replay value. Boring generic quests dont get better just cause you voiceover them. Such a waste. Why did you sellout to EA? :(

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I'm afraid theres no way for me to willing to pay for subscription for a game creator that:


Insults my intelligence


Downplays both torture and how cruel slavery can be.


I am never one to post on any MMO official forums because its ALWAYS full of ***** like this. Blizzard are so much better than this? Just do one.


Seriously just go watch tv or something and leave us all alone.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


I will not, no. As much as id like to, there's really the same old formula at play here. Nothing innovative to separate this game from the plethora of mmos out aside from the IP and voice overs. At the end of the day its not enough in game features and depth to keep me around.

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I haven't decided yet. I have friends who want to play with me, so I might stick around to do that, but endgame as it stands bores me to tears and the game needs plenty more polish.


At the moment, I'm thinking I'll stick around until MoP or my friends get bored.

Edited by LilSaihah
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I understand bugs in a brand new mmo, and by far this is my best experience.(horizons, eq2 wow,ac)


I could understand higher level players leaving for a while so they can fix some of their content, but if you're quitting after just a couple weeks, id say maybe its just not right for you right now. Just keep in mind, many people have said this isnt a horrible launch even with current bugs. Next time you may consider waiting in the next big mmo release a month or so.


Just my two cents.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


NO ................ Only reason being afer lvl 50 its hard for form up hardcore FP unless u spam for a while in Republic Fleet. Wish there a was a tool to get into flashpints/raids faster .

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easily a yes. i am enjoying this game a great amount, on one character. I started off making to many alts and having to do the same quests with no real choice of where to go (like WOW where you could skip your starting zone and go to a different one no problem) was a little off putting. but other than that I am more than happy to watch this game develop and grow.
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According to this poll more people are canceling than subscribing. Doesn't look too good for BW. It's sad, I wanted to see this game succeed so badly.


1390something replies..80k views..so even with forum dwellers this post does not even get 1 reply per 60 viewers.


Add to that the forum community has some strange aluring to the ppl who feel scorned and realy sad and hurt deep inside their fragile souls feeling the need to tell everyone else about their pleight, aka the reviews here is bound to be off, it has in everygame sofar.


I always wonder to why ppl have this need to drag others out of the door, whatever happend to just leaving and letting everyone decide.

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Yes, for now. I subbed for 3 months which starts sometime soon. I will reevaluate it at that time. I am in the D3 beta, and it is horrid. It is more like D2.5: same old gameplay and tired story as 10 years ago.


So I am really hoping that SWTOR kicks it in gear with things to do at endgame besides PVP and raids/FPs. Time will tell...

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According to this poll more people are canceling than subscribing. Doesn't look too good for BW. It's sad, I wanted to see this game succeed so badly.


Well, this would be just a small representation of the populace, i wouldn't take it as an indicator of either success for failure.

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