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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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over 150 a year isnt alot? your fin crazy. my sub is still active and will b till im bored with this game. but im sure it will not take a year. prob not even 6 months


When you factor in $$$/time, an MMO that you subscribe to and play often is probably one of the single most cost effective forms of entertainment I can think of.

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When you factor in $$$/time, an MMO that you subscribe to and play often is probably one of the single most cost effective forms of entertainment I can think of.


xbox is only 60 a year. and i still play it as much as i play TOR. Maybe if the pvp was better in SWTOR i would cancel my xbox subscription. but it would also take being able to move your fully levled char from server to server. having to make more chars for each server is pretty dumb.

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xbox is only 60 a year. and i still play it as much as i play TOR. Maybe if the pvp was better in SWTOR i would cancel my xbox subscription. but it would also take being able to move your fully levled char from server to server. having to make more chars for each server is pretty dumb.


You haven't played many mmos have you. The only "free to log in any server" "mmo" i ever played was guild wars.


Character transfers are a hassle and annoyance from a Database Perspective.

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I got the game the other day and have enjoyed it a ton. Only level 16 right now, and want to make it through to the end and play multiple classes to the end too! Only problem i'm having is performance issues, which I'm sure is because I don't have the best computer specs and 3GB RAM.


Looking forward to playing this game for hopefully a few years! :D

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I'd like to get 1 blaster and 1 lightsaber char to the end of their storylines on each faction. Considering I can probably only put in about 6 hours of gameplay a week that'll be a lot of $$ subs for Bioware. Worth it.

I'll probably keep a main to run highest level content occasionally. If my schedule allows for raiding that might be fun.

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1. not very entertaining

2. i play wow on medium graphics with no problem with graphical lag i have to play low on here and the graphics are worse than wow surprisingly

3. got a cool robe today with a hood my hair and elegant hat were on top of the hood

4. pvp makes no sence lvl 10 killing a lvl 40 they shouldnt even be in the same bracket but they super power low levels to make it fair?

5. guild system is stupid only officers and gm can invite

6. companions disappear when grouped being a healer i need my companion to take the threat off me while questing even with a grp

7. the list continues




but ill probably be back in a few months just to see if they fixed stuff



tip: if the developers ever look at this make a option to put your hood down if you cant figure out the hat/hair going through the hood

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personally i have timelines for mmo games.


If a game fails in the first 3 month i won´t subscribe further and I won´t come back for new content.


I did that with warhammer, aion, rift and so on, all clones or what so ever...


the only game i played on a longterm was WoW, cause there was no better Game. But with Pokemon and Pandas on the horizon im waiting for GW2 now.


Sure i hope BioWare see´s the UI problems, operation bugs and the missing difficulty in those + poor loottables and the missing of BIGGER warzones but i don´t expect it to be fair..

Edited by HansoSoloo
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