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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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If a large collective group of people are saying the game is missing something - then guess what... IT"S MISSING SOMETHING


lol is that so hard?


For me I'll sub for a few months tops, unless I start seeing some decent improvements.


No, all that means is it is missing something to that large collective group. This is a fact because to another large collective group it is NOT missing something.

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If a large collective group of people are saying the game is missing something - then guess what... IT"S MISSING SOMETHING


lol is that so hard?


For me I'll sub for a few months tops, unless I start seeing some decent improvements.


Just because a player cries about how something is broken, does not make it so. Sorry but the majority of mmo players are a bunch of whiny babies who have delusions of grandeur as to how they would have done it better when in reality they are probably some Starbucks barista.


No. Unsubbed this morning....14 days left to get to 50 on my Sage, and then done until:


- They allow mods/macros (specifically mouse-over macros b/c healing sucks, as well as UI customization b/c the UI sucks)


- They implement a LFG-type tool....because trying to get a group for the plethora of heroics is just a pain in the butt


- They fix the god-awful GTN/AH system....they might as well just take it out of the game as its useless in its current state.


- They fix the lack of high-end graphics....my 4 year old fairly basic computer looks and plays exactly the same as my 6 month old high-end gaming PC....something very wrong there.


- They implement dual-spec.


I'm going to be using Talongore's points however this is not directed towards him but what he has put is a pretty good foundation for most of the complaints I've seen. The underlying problem is people are confusing bugs and what they perceive to be a "missing" feature. There is no written rule that says an MMO has to have XYZ:


People want an LFG system because you rushed to 50? What did you do in WoW/EQ/UO/Daoc/ blablablabl? Jump to the forums and cry how life was unfair that you rushed to 80 or 70 etc? Adapt, or better yet get a job. How people hit 50 within three days is beyond me, oh wait they used an exploit. So stop crying you cheated to 50 and now have nothing to do. I will apologize on the behalf of the gaming community that has to work for our inability to hit 50 already so you can run hard-modes. Our bad. On another note if you want this feature to save time, maybe you shouldn't be playing a game genre that is KNOWN to take a lot of time?


People want UIs/Mods/Macros because... Your own incompetence prevents you from healing etc? What did you do in vanilla wow pre-decursive? People need to stop acting like all these mouse over macro etc functions have always existed because they have not. Get a grip, make some key bindings. I see half you geeks walking backwards and keyboard turning anyway in battlegrounds so stop acting like you're good because you sir, are not.


Dual-Spec. Huh? Are you going to quit unless they make Death-Knights to? That was a feature of a different game. This just makes no sense why people are crying about it. Again, what did you do pre Dual Spec? You paid the cash, GOD FORBID YOU LOSE YOUR INTERNET MONEYS!!!


GTN/AH, fully agree with, it is cumbersome and bulky and a pain in the *** to find anything. Hell half the time it tells me I can't wear XYZ when I can.

The graphics/performance? Absolutely an issue, no question about it there and this NEEDS to be addressed fast or Bioware is in trouble.


The last two points are flat out bugs. However this being said people crying that it didn't have the same feature that WoW did is NOT a bug. This is honestly the same crowd that probably cried because they couldn't hit 1800 in arena and it wasn't "fair" that they couldn't get arena weapons. Grats on pvp weps from bgs brah. This attitude which forces developers hands ruined UO and WoW. I don't remember Daoc that well and that was the extent of my mmo days but I'm quite sure people can think back to EQ, AC whatever and think of times where they made XYZ change solely based on the fact that people cried about it. Personally I hope Bioware fixes the performance issues and the real bugs and keeps the "nice to have" features to a bare minimum.


And Talongore, again this was not directed towards you but you had the most clear and concise post about the most popular complaints.

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I see some people saying that the game will be better when all the "complainers are gone", but they are forgetting an important fact.


Games like this runs on money, bioware gets money from people who are subscribing. Less people subscribing means less money for new content and patches.


Just look what happened to warhammer online, they had plenty of people playing the first month, enough so they had to split servers. After a month, when the prepaid time was gone, is felt like a ghost town.


You might complain about people complaining, but without us you will see slower developlent and fewer bug fixes.

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Yes. I am already in for 6 months. Been waiting for this game since it was a rumor.


I am taking it slowly and savoring everything rather than rushing to the top and looking for what's next. Since I am taking my time and not rushing through like some ADD gamer tool, I think it makes it more enjoyable -- like life, it pays to slow down and enjoy the ride rather than rushing to the end. I have only scratched the surface (one character, level 22) so I feel like I have much more to go.


Yes, there are bugs; yes, some things could be better, but geez, what else is new with games like this. I have faith in Bioware -- they have a strong history of integrity in their products and I think they will right many "wrongs" (i.e. bugs and flaws). Just need to give them more time.


I am a huge Star Wars fan so that likely weighs on my opinion and I am in the games industry and know how difficult something as immense as this game can be to make.


But still -- I think there is a lot of fun to be had with the game and look forward to more.

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Yes, and seeing all these naysayers going away makes me even more happy. Unlike the complainers, i'm patient, not spoiled rotten, and have other things to do every day besides sit infront of my computer for 10 hours beefing through the levels.



it has nothing to do with being spoiled. I think it boils down to the fact that you're more willing to eat dog **** than other people.

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Having used a gamecard already, i am subscribed for 3 months. Here's to hoping they add the dozen or more things they left out of the game. Otherwise im not giving BW another penny. Edited by Qordis
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I'll probably give it 3 months to see where its going.


If I were to play this much of SWTOR as I did at wow launch I would have quit.


My brother cancelled his sub though, he's not too happy with gunslinger (the performance, the looks of the class...) and pvp as a whole right now. He's at 50 as well.

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I will continue to subscribe. I never expected perfection the first month...


I'm willing to give them time to fix/add/balance.


As someone who isn't playing hours daily, it will take me some time to get to the end game content anyway. And, so far, I haven't had but perhaps a handful of bugs (none that would make me quit playing).

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very doubtful. I've had my fill of MMOs. Unless there is something for solo players to do end-game, I'm out of here. I may do a bit of PVP and some operations in the meantime, but I'm done with MMOs. I feel betrayed that bioware touted SWTOR as the sequal to the KOTORs. It's not. in no manner is is ANYTHING like the KOTORs beyond the themes of Star Wars and similar names.
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Yes of course,


I'm subbed for 6 months so i'll see how thing are and what the state of play is in 6 months. all my friends are still in our guild so while they are still playing and the game gets updates and/or bug fixes i'll be happly subbed for the next 6 months.

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