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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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poll answer: yes.


been in mmo business since dark age of camelot/shadowbane.


in love with what bioware achieved with the mergining of their single player achievements (companions, light/dark side, cutscene quests) to the mmo concept.


keep up the good work.


haters, move onto gw2.

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Why isn't this an actual poll?


Yes I am subbed for 6 months. The game has a bunch of bugs, but nothing that has prevented me from having fun.


The only bug I find annoying is the lack of responsivness in the combat. I have to spam hit a button 7 or 8 times before it finally starts casting...

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Yes- best mmo on the market, only mmo that gives good pre-endgame content, and the potential to get better and better.


I don't see anything good coming any time soon- D3 looks worse than D2, I'd rather play the torchlight mmo or even Neverwinter for an action game as those'll both presumably be free (and likely better). Not to mention D3 is already confirmed pay to win, I'm not a fan of a company that makes gold selling part of their game rather than separate- but I guess Blizz needs to milk all the money they can for Activision.


GW2 is a joke, there's no info on the game, they have nothing on crafting and only slim hints at anything else- it took until now to even have info on their final class. The game's way behind production, we won't see it 2012, we probably won't see it 2013, and when it does release it'll still seemed rushed and broken. It might be saved by decent warzone pvp- but then again, it seems most people are hating on warzones... the game though has no factions, and world pvp is instanced- that's right, instanced world pvp, have fun with that.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


Yes, because I am still enjoying the game even at 50 and payed quite a bit for the game, so yes I do intend on continuing to pay and play.

Edited by DMNX
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Yes I have subbed. For a launch game, this is phenomenal and leagues ahead of what WoW was when it was only a few weeks old.


All these people saying they are not subbing because this is a bad game are most likely people who have entered MMO through WoW, when it has already been well matured.


Give this game 6 months and it will blow your mind. The potential is massive.

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Seems like alot of people don't like it, but I think they are wanting it to be exactly like WoW is er something, they want it exactly THEIR WAY. but you won't know if people will still sub to this game until their subs run out... but i think it will be a much bigger success than wow.... most people playing right now are not bothering with these forums... if there was an ingame poll i bet the results would be 90% more positive

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Yes I have subbed. For a launch game, this is phenomenal and leagues ahead of what WoW was when it was only a few weeks old.


All these people saying they are not subbing because this is a bad game are most likely people who have entered MMO through WoW, when it has already been well matured.


Give this game 6 months and it will blow your mind. The potential is massive.


I'll tell you what it NEEDS ... a LIKE button ^^^^^^^

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Seems like alot of people don't like it, but I think they are wanting it to be exactly like WoW is er something, they want it exactly THEIR WAY. but you won't know if people will still sub to this game until their subs run out... but i think it will be a much bigger success than wow.... most people playing right now are not bothering with these forums... if there was an ingame poll i bet the results would be 90% more positive


How is it NOT exactlly like wow already?


I've been keeping a list of features in SWTOR that are not appropriated from The World of Warcraft and so far I got:

1. the cinematics at the front and back of quests (quests themselves, are the same however)

2. and then the ship/crew features.


Otherwise everything in the game is like wow circa 2007.


I quest the same way, i group the same way, i instance the same way, i'm in hubs the same way, i pvp the same way, i pick up skills the same way, i spend talent points every time i level the same way. Where do you play that its so seemingly different? I quit that game back then and find myself feeling like this is the same thing all over again.

Edited by kalexkhan
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I say this fully aware and having experienced first hand the combat responsivness bug, crappy UI, atrocious AH UI, multiple bugs here and there.


The fact is that despite all of these bugs and much needed improvments. The game is that good. I know they exist and I know that eventually they will be fixed and improved. This game has unbelievable potential and is already a really good MMO.

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They had a very polished game at release. I was there.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!! Ya so was I, and no it was not.


In fact I can still remember the when mobs would bug and appear to be stading 40 feet away from where they actually standing. That was in WotLK when they game had already been out.... for 5 years.



People tend to view the past with rose tinted goggles. That is precisely where WoW is...in the past. For me at least.

Edited by rakadisaprin
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Yes I have subbed. For a launch game, this is phenomenal and leagues ahead of what WoW was when it was only a few weeks old.


All these people saying they are not subbing because this is a bad game are most likely people who have entered MMO through WoW, when it has already been well matured.


Give this game 6 months and it will blow your mind. The potential is massive.


exactly, but they seriously should fix many bugs ASAP.


rift is a wow clone, but swtor isn't. its an evolution of it with extreme potential which should be used to its fullest.

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