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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Stopped reading after you mentioned how WoW was at launch. It's fair and well to compare this game to WoW, but to compare it's launch (and launch features) to that of WoW when it launched is just a daft approach, and an excellent example of forethought on your part.




The above post I just quoted is proof enough.


I still hold that one of the MAJOR reasons people will continue to pay for an inferior or broken product is ego. If they continue to pay for it, they can't be "wrong" about it being rushed out, a copy, or simply unfinished.


If people enjoy the current state of the game, all the power to you, I wish you continued enjoyment (I really do), but for someone like myself who expects MUCH more out of a 2011 release from a company who has built up a hell of a reputation, I can't, in good conscience, pay them for the privilege of beta testing their product.


The only one with an ego it seems is you. You hold some sort of expectation that X product has to be finished to your lofty standards. Let me know when any MMO in 2011 and beyond releases without one problem. It simply isn't possible. D3 will have problems, GW2 will have problems and Titan will have problems. So using your own argument, WoW should have 0 bugs now? They have been doing it for so long and should know better after all it is 2012..

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After playing SI during the big beta stress test weekend I wasn't impressed with this game and only had one thing in mind; buy the game after launch and see out my 30 days then just cancel.


After casually playing JC to level 16 I've changed my perspective and I am actually quite enjoying the game just now. I don't have much free time which is good as I can just play at a steady pace and enjoy what the story has to offer. However, that said I still think I will be cancelling when I reach 50 because I don't think it has much to offer at endgame at this stage fingers crossed a couple of good patches are around the corner though.


All that aside there are 3 main things which burden my game play experience at the moment.


1) The combat ability delay really hinders the flow of combat and this really becomes a big pain in the back side!


2) Game performance desperately needs tweaking, thousands of players are struggling to hold a steady frame rate with PC's ranging low-high and ultimately making warzones unplayable including for myself and also the common black screen hard crash problem which hasn't been resolved yet and I have read a few computers got fried because of this.


3) This last one is just part of the game and I can happily deal with it but many have mentioned the game being too linear which is true and being set in space with planets as the zones doesn't help unless it's a massive sandbox like SWG was. I feel the zones could have been more open and not have a nice neat path everywhere with hills and mountains blocking you in. In other MMO's you have the option to travel wherever you want from level 1.

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I'll probably renew for one month, anything after that will depend on if they incorporate a community into the game. As of now I see no community and when the story ends, it ends. Only point in sticking around after that is if you have the community factor.
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Answer: NO


Obviously I canceled my subscription, 30 days of play time are more than enough for a single player game, when developers will turn it into an actual MMO I'll definitely come back.


Well pretty much this, though I'll probably need one or two more months for leveling an alt while getting back to work.

If BW is fast, I might not unsubscribe at all. Big If.

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Cancelled already, and left a wall of text about why and how to fix it.


Short version: Bioware needs to put down the champagne and balloons and realize they're in big boy pants now. They should act like it.

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Yes, certainly will stay.


Granted, it's not the game I hoped for (though to be fair, I knew this for a long time already) but for me it still beats anything else out there.


Will have to see...if they can supply enough content, I intend to stay for years to come.


Also, very well polished for me...no crashes (maybe 1x in 2 weeks with 10+ hours daily playing), few serious bugs (and those I could get fixed with help of google) ! :)

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I most likely will unsubscribe at the end of the free period as well.

There are just too many standing issue. The issues themselves

wouldn't bother me so, but it is taking quite a while to even fix

the most critical ones.


I'll most likely re-sub after a while when the most blatant

issues are fixed. TOR is a good game, but seems that it

was rushed way too much. Somehow I'm guessing it was

EA wanting the game on Christmas market.


And after that having most of the dev and

CSR team on holiday...

Or I hope they are on holiday/returning from it as

the time it is taking to fix issues is inexcusable.

And it's an excuse nevertheless.

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lol the QQ here is funny.




so much spoiled kids.


^ This. People need to give it a chance and let the game develop. I'm not saying it's perfect, I'm not saying it does not need work, I'm saying you can't expect it to be 100% perfect out of the gate.

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^ This. People need to give it a chance and let the game develop. I'm not saying it's perfect, I'm not saying it does not need work, I'm saying you can't expect it to be 100% perfect out of the gate.


If a large collective group of people are saying the game is missing something - then guess what... IT"S MISSING SOMETHING


lol is that so hard?


For me I'll sub for a few months tops, unless I start seeing some decent improvements.

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No, no and no. The story is garbage, was made for 12 year old audience of which I do not belong to. The gameplay is super buggy, animations are robotic, annoying freezes in using abilities, and umm what else I didn't add? Oh yeah, the story sucks rocks times the universe.


Already unsubbed and will NOT be subbing again until like 5 more years when they've got all the beta features worked out but SWTOR will be deader than Hitler by then.

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I'm out.


Story was great but i'm about level 30 now and its just a shot gun blast of makeup to an old twi'lek dancers face.


Pretty, but doesn't change whats under neath it one bit. Tired core systems, and lack of innovative features means its no suprise people like me are bored and left with nothing to do but question where feature y even is, or how annoying particular bugs are.


If the leveling process was faster, or more fun, i might be compelled to stay to finish the story. Despite my negativity, i bought this game full well knowing it would be great to play a bioware quality game with some friends and it has been. However, its not worth a monthly sub as well.


May the Force be with you.

Edited by kalexkhan
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Doubtful i'll sub after the 'free' month due mainly to EU unfriendly maintenance downtimes, the locking of the forum during the first maintenance (this really bothered me and should never of happened) and the constant Error 9000 disconnects. The graphical glitches with the lights/forcefields that spread out from light sources need to be fixed fast too.
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No. Unsubbed this morning....14 days left to get to 50 on my Sage, and then done until:


- They allow mods/macros (specifically mouse-over macros b/c healing sucks, as well as UI customization b/c the UI sucks)


- They implement a LFG-type tool....because trying to get a group for the plethora of heroics is just a pain in the butt


- They fix the god-awful GTN/AH system....they might as well just take it out of the game as its useless in its current state.


- They fix the lack of high-end graphics....my 4 year old fairly basic computer looks and plays exactly the same as my 6 month old high-end gaming PC....something very wrong there.


- They implement dual-spec.

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the #1 cause for this game's impending doom is and will be the combat : unresponsiveness, skill delay, animation bugs, glitchs, drastic fps drop, etc etc etc


all things that have been raised a thousand times during the beta test and are still here


and guess why? because BioWare cannot fix it, they wont fix it. its ingrained in the system, in the engine, and they arent gonna change the whole game engine at this point.




the majority of fanbois are clinging to this hope: that BioWare will fix this


wake up tools, they wont, because they cant. and the game will die a horrible death because of it.

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I like the game so far, figure I'll give it a month and see where I am then.


If you don't like it, by all means unsub. If you feel it's unfinished and don't want to pay, don't. I don't buy the argument to 'give it some time'. The history of these types of games is releasing them before they are ready, and hoping they can hold on to enough players to finish it.


At some point, developers need to realize that pushing out an unfinished product is not in their best interest. If it takes history and games to fail, so be it. Continuing to pay while being bored/not enjoying it/etc is only feeding the industry to continue this type of practice, because the customers allow it.


I will pay for the game as long as I feel I am getting my $15 worth of enjoyment. When that ends, probably not.

Edited by Edryk
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Unsubbing myself.


Part of the problem is that Bioware is handling this like DA2. They're not admitting any errors, and ignoring bug reports. Well, I didn't buy any DLC for DA2 and will not be buying ME3 and DA3.


Now Bioware Austin joins Bioware Edmonton. It was great knowing you!

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