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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Answer: NO


Obviously I canceled my subscription, 30 days of play time are more than enough for a single player game, when developers will turn it into an actual MMO I'll definitely come back.


Pretty much my exact feelings. Great game with the potential to be bigger then WoW but just fail decisions from the devs on design and implementation.


But with that theirs still two patch cycles before the free game time expires so we will see what Bioware does.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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Most likely no, I will not continue to subscribe, but who knows.


My main reason is that I start up classes again next week, and likely won't have much time. I guess I will see how the first few weeks go and see if I can fit in some time. I have two project based courses next quarter, one in which I will be doing the programming for a game. Not to mention other projects and games I want to play.


I know for sure I will check out the state of the game in the summer and see if it's worth coming back.

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uno was just suspecting more after waiting so long..... waiting for d3 dota2 gw2... but i cancelled anyways.. dont wanna pay for a single player game.



also pvp is broke. fail design ... we've had bgs forever.. bring something new and refreshing for a change.. not even going to get into how pvp actually plays out.. thats another topic on its own



also............ LOADING SCREEN after loading screen isnt that immersive when it comes to mmo's sorry it just isnt


also i dont care how big planets are... they just feel empty and pointless.. no feel of a real world.. just an instance zone

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Its so stupid to read people saying things like "potential to be bigger than WoW" etc... Who cares? Really, who cares what's going to be the WoW killer?


I could care less if this game kills WoW, its fun to play and that is all that matters. I don't care what WoW does, is doing, what is going to kill it etc...


I play games to have fun, they are simply code, files on a computer, 1s and 0s in a server. Nothing more.


I play SWTOR for the same reason I go outside and kick around a soccer ball, or play basketball, or listen to music, or watch movies. Its fun, plain and simple. I could care less what the other games are doing. I don't care if it doesn't meet your over-hyped, high-aimed expectations.


Go ahead, stop playing, but realize that even when Guild Wars 2 comes out, you're going to disappointed yet again. Trust me...

Edited by Zekkau
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Its so stupid to read people saying things like "potential to be bigger than WoW" etc... Who cares? Really, who cares what's going to be the WoW killer?


I could care less if this game kills WoW, its fun to play and that is all that matters. I don't care what WoW does, is doing, what is going to kill it etc...


I play games to have fun, they are simply code, files on a computer, 1s and 0s in a server. Nothing more.


I play SWTOR for the same reason I go outside and kick around a soccer ball, or play basketball, or listen to music, or watch movies. Its fun, plain and simple. I could care less what the other games are doing. I don't care if it doesn't meet your over-hyped, high-aimed expectations.


Go ahead, stop playing, but realize that even when Guild Wars 2 comes out, you're going to disappointed yet again. Trust me...

It's so stupid to read assumptions and make summations when a base statement isn't as such. Would you rather play with 4 million people NA side or 2 Million. Would you rather see the game go the way of AoC and Aion or be like WoW.


A game doesn't have to be a WoW killer, it should however strive to be better then average because thats what's acceptable because people can throw troll lines around.


SWTOR fanboys should want it to be bigger then the best MMO on the market. But hey, as long as you can have your niche it doesn't matter if the game goes F2P or not does it?

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Absolutely, I hope it will be even more fun when the wowtards leave after the first months.

I have a couple of people that never played a mmorpg before and would love this.


I just do not want to expose people that are new to the genre to that kind of trash.

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Nothing bad about the game.. but I MIGHT take a little break until they clean up the Juggenaut, I have so many abilities that playing gives me a headache, and I feel so unefficient not being able to use them all.


Either that or let me put them in macros.

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Absolutely, I hope it will be even more fun when the wowtards leave after the first months.

I have a couple of people that never played a mmorpg before and would love this.


I just do not want to expose people that are new to the genre to that kind of trash.


It's the wowtards that will make or break the game you know.


I find this stigma funny. In AoC it was WoWtards and fanbois that said the game had major issues and it would die while the AoC saviors raved that the game would be better off without them.


In Aion it was more of the same until the botter spam took over the forums. WoWtards and fanboys the game doesn't need you.


Even in Rift, but lets face it Rift couldn't have been anymore a WoW clone unless it used the same art style.


As much as you may vehemently stand against us WoWers or exWoWers or waiting on something good to come out WoWers where the dev team of that project actually pays attention, you need us. You need us to keep your games alive long enough for the patch's to roll out and so the project doesn't go broke. You need us to tell the devs whats wrong with the game so it can grow and be fixecd. And you need us to point out the bad design decisions made that aren't good for the game.


You need us more then we need you. MMO's will come and go but as WoW has proven, 5 years of polish and game adjustments, 7 years of actual game development with an active player base and 7 years of the most prissy, preening, whiny, threatening, foot stomping childish behavior has kept that game alive and flourishing through three and maybe soon a fourth retail releases from competitors. And WoW like it or not for what MoP will be what Cata was and the atrocity of WotlK is still around, still compared too and still a better MMO then anything that has been released in the past 5 years.

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Absolutely, I hope it will be even more fun when the wowtards leave after the first months.

I have a couple of people that never played a mmorpg before and would love this.


I just do not want to expose people that are new to the genre to that kind of trash.


^ This


btw wheres the poll? :rolleyes:

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I will wait a month or two and see what happens with fixes.


Primarily, if the UI and combat responsiveness (and targeting) isn't fixed in a month or so I'll quit.


I love the idea of this game and I still hope it works out. But I'm starting to have doubts. I'm not sure that the issue is "fixable" and for me it's a game-breaker.


For those that can live with it... all the power to you.

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Depends on how much work they're going to put in the patches the next two weeks. If it turns out they're on minimal support (knowing EA) I'm off. If they're patches are as high quality (and forgive me for saying this) as WoW patches are in terms of fixes and itterations. Then I'm in.

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Yes 100%


I have not ran into any bugs at all.


My character is fun


The flashpoints are AWESOME


the leveling is great


Point here is that this game is keeping me logging in everyday


World of Warcraft had me logging in twice a week for three hours those two days to raid. Other then that, there was NOTHING to make me want to log in.

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Absolutely. It's a great game. Yea, it's got some issues, just like every other MMORPG ever released. But I'm not one of those "gotta have everything perfect now or else" people. I understand that things take time to mature. I'll be here for a while, as they do mature.
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