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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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All I have to say is that anyone that has replied yes to this post obviously hasn't hit lvl 50 yet. Once you hit lvl 50 at the moment the game is broken and there isn't any reason to keep playing. I hit lvl 50 in 2 weeks and tried to run many flash points and operations to try to loot some epic gear which was bugged to all hell. More then half of the drops were bugged so that no one could even pick up the loot. Also the crafting system is pointless and easy to max out in a single afternoon. This game has no replay value to it and will lose its members within the next few months.
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Would be nice if this was an actual poll....


And yes I will continue to sub. Im not going to jump on the bandwagon of whiney brats that are mad just because this game is not the WoW with lightsabers they wanted.

Edited by Tildren
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All I have to say is that anyone that has replied yes to this post obviously hasn't hit lvl 50 yet. Once you hit lvl 50 at the moment the game is broken and there isn't any reason to keep playing. I hit lvl 50 in 2 weeks and tried to run many flash points and operations to try to loot some epic gear which was bugged to all hell. More then half of the drops were bugged so that no one could even pick up the loot. Also the crafting system is pointless and easy to max out in a single afternoon. This game has no replay value to it and will lose its members within the next few months.


All I have to say, is YOUR opinion isn't everyone opinion. So stop living your life using assumptions because they won't get you anywhere.

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No, because they released a half finished product and its customer service reps have no idea what they're doing. Also, the minimum requirements are shady. Tech told me that is the requirements to OPEN the game, not PLAY the game. Although before they told me that with my specs play would be smooth. Too many bugs, I could go on forever.
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I'm not sure, actually. Way too many bugs, lack of a decent LFG tool, too much instancing, healing nerfs in PvP and a seemingly lack of polish is killing this game for me. I might give it another month but after that if changes aren't made I'm out and "going back to WoW" (as the biodrones like to say we are doing, lolol).
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-instanced worlds

-repetitive quests (makes me feel like an errand boy)

-long travel distance that is linear and punished if strayed off course

-clunky mechanics especially pvp

-poorly implemented auction house


This, allready unsubbed will follow game to see how it updates / fixes things but i'm out for the time being.


Story is great but the quest system and force sensitive gameplay are crap.

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The game hasn't even been out for 3 week and people are screaming that the game sucks.


I does have a lot of annoying bugs and issues, not to mention performance issues(no its not my computer deal with it)


I will be staying on board. The main reason is I still have faith in bioware and its dev team. You guys have to remember they are not a multi-billion dollar company. They are just owned by one.


For the most part EA has nothing to do with what is put into the game. They do control the amount of employees bioware is allowed to hire and keep.


The game will get better and better as the months go by.


Yes they do need UI mods(I personally think so at least) or a UI that was similar to Rifts.

Looking for group system needs be to re-worked

The AH is terrible(we all know that stop crying about it) it will get fixed.


I too get upset that changes are not coming faster but they have limited resources.


Honestly the more of you that are screaming that the game is terrible and you going to quit, just do it already.


You can wait for GW2 but honestly guys...do you really it is going to be any better then GW1? I will be getting souly because there is no sub...and that is what more people will be buying it for. Who cares about its story, which honestly was lame for GW1. I feel that GW2 is going to be one of those overly hyped mmo's, which I hope it is not. I wish it all the best.




My point is if your going to quit then just quit, stop posting about how bad the game is and just leave.

Edited by Bazeleel
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Same here i am just using this to hold me off until GW2


Personally as a completely objective viewpoint with no emotions in it at all.. I can tell you that I thought I would hate this game but I didn't. I liked it. A lot even. Not so much I would call it a great game but enough that I enjoy playing it.... for now.


Since my very first WoW burnout (we're talking BC days) I've been waiting for a new MMO to save me. It's like waiting for Jesus to come back... everything falls short, everythng is such crap.


I thought TERA might be a breath of fresh air in the gaming world but that smile got wiped off my face as quick as any other. Really GW2 is our last hope. Until Titan I suppose. Bliz really is a bunch of pimps aren't they?

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


maybe yes ,maybe not, according to see the EA fix bugs how soon.

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Yes. Because I'm having fun.


What irks me about the endless whining and rage quits is that every single one of these people could just as easily contribute to making the game better by filing bug reports, submitting constructive feedback, and providing the financial support necessary to continue further development of the game.


Unfortunately, folks have either lost the capacity for civil discourse, or never developed it in the first place.

Edited by Bothan
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