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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Biggest issues i have is NO MODS!!!!!:eek:


Please let us have UI mods this is getting silly, im playing marauder and given how hard this class is to play and at times fustrating with the number of abilities you MUST use in order to be a avg DPS melee class you NEED some sort of UI mods.


Main issue i have is that a lot of my abilities for example are Popping up and if i not directly looking at toolbar i would never know they are OFF cooldown or have PROCed.


Is it me or with sith marauder class and their mirror class sentinal you spend more time looking at toolbar than actually looking at the game???


i feel i have missed most my battles as all i remmber is looking at tool bar checking to see if my cooldown on or off and whether my Proc is up or not...getting anoying now.(other classes probably dont suffer as much as they from what i seen only have a couple of abilities which are mostly used compared to marauder in which we pretty much use 100% of them)

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


I'm in for 6 months. It's a good game with a unique presentation ! I've only had one really bad experience in the entire game thus far: died 3 seconds after killing a major boss on Tatooine. I watched the nice green light (indicating the drop was very good) disapear before I could regernate. With the boss dead I was able to finish the quest and turn in the final reward. I just miss not getting that reward. But .. hey it's my fault for not surviving !


Other than that ... IMHO this game has real potential. a few texture bloopers here and there. BUT.. hey for the first stages of release .. it's good !


I think a lot of folks who complain and are telling folks that they wont be back are here to just stir up a lot of grief (hoping to get others discouraged). Some like to cause trouble in hopes of driving away masses (for any number of reasons).


Who knows or cares about why some want to be so negative.


There is a LOT of good stuff to be enjoyed in SWTOR and I look forward to seeing more growth in the future.

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I've enjoyed the game so far. It has its share of bugs but this is a really stable release and I'm not worried about endgame not being up to speed quite yet. The game wasn't meant to be sped through and the people that did are being punished for it now. I'm okay with that. They can test the waters and get the fixes out while I enjoy the stories while leveling.
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Still undecided...

Definitely some nice ideas/features in here, but also a lot that is just horrible compared to WoW. Sorry for the comparison, but WoW is what this game has to compete with.


Major dislikes so far:

- No LFG feature ... no I don't think standing on the Imperial Fleet for 30 min. spamming for a no-show healer is fun.

- Horrible GTN (AH) interface.

- Combat responsiveness is bad

- UI is really bad. For a 2011 game, you would have expected something better than WoW 1.0 from 7 years ago.

- No combat log or any other way to measure your own performance/gear. Raiding will be horrible where you basically have to guess what goes wrong or how you can improve yourself.

- No dual-spec feature

- No addon support.

- Companion ability bar is awful. It expands over your own bars and you can't move anything. Simply just awful.

- No guild bank. Come on, that is basic MMO functionality.

- Re-playability. Voiceacting and cutscenes are awesome... the first few times around. But when you level alts or do the same flashpoints many times, it just gets boring. Especially in flashpoints where you constantly have to wait 30-60 sec for the rest of the group to finish their dialogues.



right compete .. not clone... otherwise by looking at ur list ... have fun back in wow..


My 2cents, wow sucks, period and hands down, its become the cookie cutter "mmo" crap that's spoiled those who play it by adding in more features to socialize less... god forbid ushout out an occasional "LFG" and talk to people, everything else listed that you want imported from wow.. well the games barely a month old, lets think back to vanillla wow.. lol Oh wait half of you don't remember that or the half that does will come up with some outlandish BS stories of your epeen and crap, I'm super tired of the constant , i want this and that and this and that.. while ALL of these "this and thats" is your feeble attempt and convincing bioware to just copy all of wow's features on a day 1 launch... overall pretty easy want to play wow cool go to wow, no need to throw down reasons, or flame those who enjoy the game.. hell don't even bother wasting your time here in the forums, these forums are more for those of us and the community that DOES enjoy the game, and would like to it last, and would like to see it add new stuff into the game, those of you who keep comparing it to wow, OBVIOUSLY weren't and aren't ready to leave wow, and accept yes this is a very base and basic MMO right now starting from the ground up.

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I've encountered one too many major game-breaking bugs. I've changed my mind from possibly resubscribing to definitely not resubscribing. I won't even play out the last 2 weeks of gametime I have left.


I could probably put up with the bugs if they had a responsive CS department. But there is no way to get any customer service at all.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


I will keep playing.


What is happening now, is exactly what I expected to happen. The internet community created hype that this was the next WOW killer, just like WAR and AOC. And just like those games, SWTOR is flooded with a large number of drifters who will be gone in a month. People will say "Look how many subs they lost. That game is dead.", and those of us who knew what the game was all about will stay and enjoy.


I wouldn't be surprised if SWTOR lost 90% of its initial subs within a month or two. If SWTOR only has 100,000 sustained subscriptions, that's enough for me.


I'd rather see SWTOR start with 1,000,000 subs and end up with 100,000 than start with 100,000 and keep them. That's 900,000 people who invested their money into a game they were never going to like. More money for BW.


SWTOR offers a gameplay style that no other MMO does. Even if I wanted to go back to WOW or some other MMO, I'd just stay subscribed to SWTOR and also subscribe to the other game.


Edit: I don't expect ONE game to offer everything that I want from a game. The people that do expect this should get used to disappointment.

Edited by Jedi_Wannabe
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I will continue to play and give the game time to improve. To me, it's the best MMO on the market right now. WoW is but a shell of what it used to be, and I think that people tend to look on the game through rose-tinted glasses because of fond memories they have of better times.


I had 2 characters to 50 in beta, and I've got 3 all in the 30's right now on live. Still not bored, still having fun, and that's what matters.

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I definitely intend to continue my subscription.


So far I really enjoy the pace of this game, I don't feel rushed to level. As someone who doesn't have a lot of time to play I really like that I can play for an hour or so and still feel like I've accomplished something. I'm also a bit of an altoholic, so I really love that the game is designed in a way to encourage playing all of the classes. Of course, I'm a huge Star Wars nerd so it plays into that aspect of my personality as well.


As a whole, I think this game is great. I'm having a lot of fun. I'm excited to see what is implemented in the future. I'm not too worried about the little bugs here and there or the supposed lack of end game content.. I suspect the majority of the current players don't have enough play time to rush to level 50 so I bet by the time any of my character's get there it'll be a fuller experience than it may be now.

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You're demanding the impossible! The game is entirely new... Give it a *********** chance. You people who demand stuff like a decent lfg system and a "better" Auction house and better pvp etc. What the hell is the matter with you? this is not world of warcraft... If you miss the game so damn much then go back and play and let the people who enjoys this game have it for them self.

I see that you don't take constructive criticism well, so I will try to say this in the nicest way possible.

People are not demanding the impossible. This game has the biggest budget ever, so of course people are expecting something exceptional.

As a minimum, some of the very good and useful features from the top MMO should be in this game too.

I bet 50% of the people playing right now are old WoW players looking for something new to play. When they see that this brand new game in many ways look like WoW did 7 years ago (including the very limited number of features), of course they are a bit disappointed.

Edited by Painstorm
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I do hope that those saying things related to Guild Wars 2 and the like aren't the same people who had astronomical expectations for TOR and were let down.


Guarantee you, history will repeat itself and you will be disappointed.


totally THIS!


New MMO coming? Lets hype it to the top without any reason just becasue we want to be a good MMO! .... wat? makes no sense? OLOL U HATUR!


release there...nah, not so good, lets get some other upcoming MMO to hype!

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I could probably put up with the bugs if they had a responsive CS department. But there is no way to get any customer service at all.


The lack of responsiveness doesn't surprise me, given the current number of subscribers. Maybe things will get better after the initial bubble subscribers bursts. Maybe not. I haven't had a reason to contact customer service, so I don't know how bad it is.

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I wouldn't be surprised if SWTOR lost 90% of its initial subs within a month or two. If SWTOR only has 100,000 sustained subscriptions, that's enough for me.


If they only have 100k subs they will shut down the servers. That's not profitable.

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hmmmm.... lets think, bit of a no brainer reall "YES", and can't wait till all the silly people leave. *Waves Bye*


As a mmo vet, you have to expect that a new title has issues, so what, and mmo games are a continiuing project. also, if you don't or can't be bothered keeping up to date with all the official info about sorting in game mechanics. but continues too troll about this and that.


Anyhows, gonna keep paying no matter how grim others view the game, tbh also like the overall pic already farming about game.


- Kass -

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Most likely not. I'm not sure Bioware/EA really understand their MMO market.


The downtime for 8 hours during the day for Europeans is one of many examples of something which shows they either do not grasp or do not care enough about their customers.

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