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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I will continue here too.


Lots of different storylines with different play styles.


TOR was just released not even 20 days ago, xmas holidays in the middle too. Major problems have been identified and reported, now lets give em 1-3 months to fix most important things slowly, dont want broken patches like was AoC or RIFT.

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I'm having fun but still on the fence. If they don't hammer-nerf anything else in the next two weeks, that will help alleviate some of the unease I'm feeling lately. I just don't have the sense that they really listen to the players and care about their concerns, and that bothers me when I'm considering a long-term game commitment. I'm not up for putting years into a game only to have good things get nerfed into mediocrity instead of mediocre and bad things get buffed to excellence.
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I still hold that one of the MAJOR reasons people will continue to pay for an inferior or broken product is ego. If they continue to pay for it, they can't be "wrong" about it being rushed out, a copy, or simply unfinished.





I subbed for the next 6 months because It has been the smoothest launch of a game I have yet to see. Are some things in need of fixing? Yes. Is there a perfect MMO out there? No. My opinion: SWTOR is far from inferior and has a bright future.


I am looking forward to watching this game grow over the next year. As far as WOW goes? WOW is a piece of trash. Old and dated. Why compare SWTOR to that?

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Thats probably the single most shallowest reason for quitting a game. I reckon there is more behind it than that, maybe you just expect to be given a group and all the loot from the group without any effort.



On the way out hand you light sabre to reception.


It is not shallow. Finding groups on my server is hard and time consuming so it is not really worth my time without LFD tool (I have a life outside a game and can't play 8 hours a day). I'm not able to enjoy content because of how time consuming it is to form a proper group (lack of dual spec is not helping find tanks and healers either). I simply skip all heroics and flashpoints and don't even bother lfg. Crafting is utterly pointless when leveling up and at worst makes you unable to afford anything. PvP starts to get populated with lvl 50 which makes warzones more about running away from these people instead of actually enjoying pvp for majority of players that are in their 30.


In summary - atm PVP is a joke for anyone other than lvl 50. Crafting is a useless time and money sink. PVE, after initial excitement of new shiny game fades away, is just pressing spacebar to get another template kill and fetch quest (I don't consider that kind of quests content, but fillers). UI is horrible and utter mess as is GTN.


The only content I liked are class quests, but that is like 1% of the whole game. I might have liked flashpoints if I ever had the chance to actually try them. I might have liked pvp if it was more fair to the lower lvl players.


IMHO the biggest mistake BW did was releasing game without mod support. I bet a lot of the issues could be fixed client-side by community.

Edited by tehehe
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Yes, there is more than enough content to keep me playing for a few months.


I just hope they don't listen to the WOW fanbois and turn this into a WOW clone, I quit WOw because it was a boring, meaningless, effortless grind.


Login, check addons are working, raid one handed while playing poker on laptop, logout.


Note to BW: Rift tried to listen and give the WOW fanatics what they asked for. You know what happened? they all left and went back to WOW claiming it was just the same thing so they might as well keep playing WOW.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


Of course, this is an awesome game, Honestly with the game this good at month 1 it will be incredible at month 12.

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Definately staying. Cancelled my 3 WoW accounts; bought three SWTOR accounts.


I am loving how it is not WoW in such a good way. (Except for the Trade Kiosk--A trade kiosk without a search function? It is the muddy thumbprint in an otherwise beautiful painting. But they said they are fixing it, so I will be patient.)


Can't wait to see where this game goes!

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No.. im bored to tears after 14days


Its plain rubbish, people who say otherwise have weird psychological need issues. They should be sedated then calmly executed for their own good.




I find it more and more strange that the people that make these types of posts, 9 times out of 10 do not have an Avatar associated with their account.


Things that make you go "hmmmmmmmmm."

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Undecided but leaning towards no.


Very linear and confined, proxy crafting, pitting me against level 40+ characters in PvP at level 12, forcing companions, cartoonish and simplistic light/dark choices, etc. Also, being a Jedi Knight doesn't feel very awesome, it mostly feels kind of gimpy.


It's not a bad game, I'm enjoying it...but I cant see it keeping my attention for too long; feels a lot like a single player game they grafted the basics of an MMO onto.


Different strokes for different folks I guess.

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I like being involved in a brand new MMORPG that's actually good. Hopefully will get some upgrades for my computer and make it run better.


I enjoy the fact your companions can gather things for you to help improve your crew skills. Also I like the idea of the advanced classes. It brings me joy when they send me an e-mail congratulating me on reaching level 10 and then providing links to inform me of how the AC's work as well as crew skills.


But school just started again :mad: so it's going to be a long, strange journey to level 50.

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