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Get rid of planet sharding, it is not needed.


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I have a Level 35 Combat Medic and am vastly enjoying the game so far and hope to play it for a very long time, but there is something that is really bothering me as I'm leveling:


The worlds feel big and empty because you never see other players.


I'm not saying I've never seen another player in a game, its just the frequency to which i see Republic or Empire players is much lower than something I would expect while playing an MMO. I think that sharding can be beneficial, HOWEVER, a vast majority of quests in this game have a portion that is instanced. So the need putting instancing ontop of instancing seems very excessive to me.


Usually you use planet sharding to prevent competition for quest mobs, overcrowdness, and lag but aren't some of those issues solved through personal instances?


I'd love to hear a dev answer on this topic.

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I actually went on a hunt to go find some republic players to gank when I was bored yesterday, and to my surprise i realized that most zones have a giant strip full of elites 10 levels higher than the zone that'll destroy you if you try to get to the republic questing area...


Bioware has really done everything they can to discourage world pvp.

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This game apparently isn't designed very well to handle a bunch of players in the same area at one time. Check the fleet during peak hours, it lags like crazy. You'd have the same issues if you removed the sharding.
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This game apparently isn't designed very well to handle a bunch of players in the same area at one time. Check the fleet during peak hours, it lags like crazy. You'd have the same issues if you removed the sharding.


And you would think that BioWare would have designed the servers/coding to handle that type of scenario.

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And you would think that BioWare would have designed the servers/coding to handle that type of scenario.


Given how much stuff is missing our just plain broken, I think it's about time you stopped taking Bioware's competence for granted.

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I agree!


Bioware get rid of sharding and every server except 1 so that all 1.5 million to 2.5 million of us will feel the ambience of a full city and it won't seem empty!


Server lag does not bother me, as long as i can see another toon standing next to me, that is my comfort place, i'm ok with slideshows!


And no server queues either! I want to be able to load into that 1 server any time i feel like it!


And do it right meow!


Or else!

Edited by wessik
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