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1 shot kills.faster attacks.ranged.buff sheilds.It a dam tank that can deal unspeakable DPS


Amen! Their bubble is insane and needs a nerf in the form of a longer cooldown and reduced damage limit (ie, less damage taken before it collapses). Their lightning skills need a nerf to bring them more in line with the Sage's "like" powers.


I was a priest in WoW. Never once did I bubble and stick in a fight because I knew that I'd be dead before I could rebubble. Here, they are able to bubble again after taking 1 or 2 hits from me.

Edited by JefferyClark
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1 shot kills.faster attacks.ranged.buff sheilds.It a dam tank that can deal unspeakable DPS


1) Sorcerers NEVER one shot kill ANYTHING. We DON'T output single spell crits like Snipers or Mercs. We have to cast AT LEAST 2 spells before we're even applying our damage, which invariably comes in the form of a channelled spell for the majority of the time, aside from when Shock or insta-cast Lighting Strike is up, neither of which do enough damage to one shot kill anything in PvP.


2) We do not attack quickly. Much like other ranged casters in any other MMO, their is a "cool down" period at the start of our cast sequence where we throw 2-3 instant casts in quick successions, which is followed by a wait (of a couple of seconds) before our damage starts to tick over.


3) We're a ranged caster. Saying us being ranged is OP is... ridiculous. You're ridiculous.


4) We have ONE buff that increases some stats (3 of which that aren't really anything), as well as increasing our damage reduction to certain school by a largely insignificant amount. Our shield absorbs SOME damage, but doesn't absorb that much (can be one shot by any close range caster killers, with some damage still applying). And we can only use it once every 20 seconds, which is a lifetime.


People need to learn how to deal with Sorcerers.


As a rule of thumb... if you catch a sorc off guard without it's survivability skills it DIES really quickly. If you do, it MIGHT die... it might not. I consistently lose 1v1 fights vs Assassins, Mercs, Snipers, and even Marauders (sometimes) when I don't have my cooldowns up (which is almost always the case).


I agree that PERHAPS they needs to have a bit less survivability, but most certainly not to the degree that you all seem to think. Go and play a sorcerer in PvP. See how hard it is to actually apply your damage ;)

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Amen! Their bubble is insane and needs a nerf in the form of a longer cooldown and reduced damage limit (ie, less damage taken before it collapses). Their lightning skills need a nerf to bring them more in line with the Sage's "like" powers.


I was a priest in WoW. Never once did I bubble and stick in a fight because I knew that I'd be dead before I could rebubble. Here, they are able to bubble again after taking 1 or 2 hits from me.


You make me laugh.


Bubble is popped fast, has 20 seconds debuff unless you have 2pc bonus which is 17 seconds. Its not OP, maybe 1v1 is strong but 2v1 it isn't.

Edited by Cyphen
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Amen! Their bubble is insane and needs a nerf in the form of a longer cooldown and reduced damage limit (ie, less damage taken before it collapses). Their lightning skills need a nerf to bring them more in line with the Sage's "like" powers.


I was a priest in WoW. Never once did I bubble and stick in a fight because I knew that I'd be dead before I could rebubble. Here, they are able to bubble again after taking 1 or 2 hits from me.



20 seconds before recast



15 seconds before recast


FACT: You could recast the bubble faster in WoW than in SWTOR.

CONCLUSION: You have no idea what you're talking about.

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