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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


That in no way pertains to people argument, there is a big price difference which many may have not been able to afford early on. Also when your advertising 5 day early access on the front page of the site, you expect to receive 5 days early.

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Stop whining and grow up. The launch is going smoothly, it is the launch of a new MMO they get to run it as they see fit. I have seen better and I have seen worse, fact is we are in day 2 we know what they are doing and a radical change in plans isn't very likely. I have no idea why this even matters or why a long winded letter was needed. I do feel a need to support a dev. that has been working hard to please millions of people with an iconic game that may very well show the first real change to a genre that is dieing. So support them, say thank you, and give constructive criticism. Not slap them with "I want to play first"


First off, that's debatable based on opinion. To me the game is very derivative of other successful MMOs, and not breaking new ground like say "GW2" or "The Secret World" will. SWTOR from what I've played is just a solid, traditional, "safe" MMO. And there's nothing wrong with that.


Secondly, I'm not going to say thank you to a developer that tagged along a fan base with the grace period thing just to shock them two-weeks before "launch".


Third, I'm not saying thank you to a dev that has fractured a community before the actual launch of a game, and has given people an unfair advantage with the massive head start. MMO's are supposed to be balanced, this is not how to do so.


Finally, I'm certainly not saying thank you that for a MMO in this day and age, we have to follow some dude on his twitter account for info regarding this game. And most of the time it's conflicting, changed, or flat out wrong. The lack of communication is way below industry standards.


It's a solid, fun MMO that I look forward to playing with friends, but that's all it is. And if anything, one has to really-really worry about post-launch support.

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then you should have cancelled your preorder and purchased one from another source. or you could have ordered a digital copy got the code and then cancelled that.


My son ordered from gamestop and was on the phone the very next day when his code didn't get e-mailed. After several calls and 2 days later he finally got his. I waited til after beta testing the game, since at first it looked like it was gonna be another grind feast, however the story line hooked me so I ordered after Thanksgiving beta stress test. I'll probably get in on Friday and could care less that my son is at level 20 now. The Guild we are in, we'll be at the same level in a few weeks, he got in on the second wave the first day.....alls fair.


yup except they didnt announce stagger ega till later. ppl exected to get a grace period when they preordered and little to no detail on ega till it was too late to get 5 days ega(if they kept it at 5 days that is)

Edited by Doomsaga
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Some of us had issues with our pre-order codes and didn't get them entered until late November or early December. I ordered for his account back in early August and due to issues with codes, I get the shaft.


exactly what happened to me. The minimum day for early access should have been the 15th!

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I'm going to quote this one little section of your post OP and have to say sorry your wrong wrong wrong.


Here's the deal man, read it and understand it, maybe if you had done this when you pre-ordered the game you would not be complaining right now.


Bioware has clearly stated on their website under the pre-order FAQ that you would be granted access based of the date you pre-ordered. Hell even on the pre-order page it says you MAY get 5 days of early access. If you did not understand that when you pre-ordered then that is your fault, not Bioware's nor anybody else's.


It also never stated that it would be dependent on how early you redeemed your code.

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Actually it's incredibly irrelevant to the situation. McDonald's doesn't have to worry about "not giving someone an unfair and utter advantage".


actually ive seen ppl get burgers at mcdonalds when i order before them so to agree with this post its completely irrelevant

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LOL this thread was based upon false assumption and idiocy.


Not that we know every PO will be getting in by the 16th, what do you have to say?



Get over yourselves. BW did an amazing job.


If you are STILL unhappy, after all they have now done, PLEASE BY GOD leave this forum, this game, go play WOW, and leave the rest of us reasonable people alone.

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I'm curious how you think that Dec will only get one day??? They even posted today, that most of if not all up to November will be done tomorrow... Plus, if they do Bonus waves, everyone could probably be in tomorrow.


If not tomorrow, they announced that the "rest" will be in by friday... Not sure where you are getting your tweets from.....

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This isn't mc donalds.

We're not standing in line, and THEN paying for the game the very second we get access to it.


What we're doing, is paying for the burger 7 days in advance, and they keep pushing it back. In the end we get a 6 day old burger, one we paid for 6 days ago. All while the mc donalds restaurant in question is not even full.


Logic works both ways.


you are the man, and absolutely correct, that other guy must play ally.

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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch. Now, personally, it wouldn't make or break my world whether I'd get to play in early access at all. But what buggers me, is how they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access, but then when the early access actually starts, they only let in a minimal amount of players (livestreams I've watched only show 5-20 people in a zone at a time!) and then throw this new tweet at our face, that those who got the pre-order in late will probably only get one day! It's pretty much a slap in the face. And that is my problem with it. It's insulting your customer base. These people who pre-ordered late paid just as much money as those who pre-ordered earlier. Yet, their welcome to the game is Stephen Reid slapping them in the face and laughing at them. Ha-ha-ha, should have pre-ordered earlier, suckers!


While I partially acknowledge why you decided to do this, I question your methods. Is it really worth it to give everyone who pre-ordered late a very negative gaming experience right off the bat? First impressions are everything in MMO's. If you only get in 6 days later than others who pre-ordered, that's by a mile worse than having long queues for a couple of days. I understand your policy on server balancing and I am extremely happy you're taking it so seriously, but perhaps you need to take another look at the numbers and let more people in, earlier. Fact is that even the starting zones are empty. There is no denying that. Since there's really no reason to not let more people in, why not do it? If everyone were to get that five days for example, I bet the majority would come out extremely satisfied. Yet, if you push it further, it will create an outcry. People will get a very negative impression. That's just how it is, no matter how unjust it might sound.


If anyone from BioWare ever reads this, I would like to request clarification on why are you not letting more people in even though the zones are mostly empty? If there was a good reason behind it, perhaps people would be more understanding of the situation. You've been great with informing your playerbase to this point, keep up the good work :)


LEARN TO READ!!!! Everyone one will be in by the end of Friday.

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Just remember folks when someone says your going to get up five days early. Never believe them. Its just a trick to get you to rush and spend money. If you got in early , congrats, but you have about a 1 in 100 chance of being this lucky. So live and learn. next time save your money and go to store and pay. at least this way you know you will get a honest deal. In the meanwhile, a tip never Pre-order something thats in beta, bugs are sure to happen with the payment side of things as well as the game, and techs hate to fix that stuff.
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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!



I'm LOVIN' it!!! (shameless refference to McDonalds comercial)


You are absolutely correct. I am one of the people that pre-ordered in December. I was playing Warcraft with my head in the sand and didn't even know that this game was coming out until a guildee mentioned it.


That being said, I don't expect to get the same amount of EGA that the people who pre-ordered in July will get. I understand that I pre-ordered late, and I will get my EGA late.


1 hour of EGA = UP TO 5 DAYS of EGA ..... just bear that in mind

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


If I understand correctly, what some people are saying is this:


"When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my Big Mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but my portion is way smaller."


I can truely understand the argument from this point of view, but on the flip side, the advertisement did say "up to 5 days". Hence, buyer beware.


This statement would imply that regardless of the amount paid, you would get anywhere from 1 to 5 days access.


I myself am in the same boat since I ordered late November, and probably will not have access till Friday. I knew I would get 1 to 5 days access, because the statement was clear.


I took the gamble to see if I would get the 5 days. I lost. That being said, I do not feel betrayed, because again I knew the risk I was taking when pre-ordering.


Just my 2 cents what its's worth.

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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch.


I hope this is not the case. I purchased the game in early December with the understanding I could "possibly" play up to FIVE days early. Atleast the advertisement came across this way. "PREORDER - you may play up to FIVE days early".


If it was SWTORs intent to have me start playing on the 19th of December, as of the date I signed up, it should have read "you may play up to ONE day early".


In my opinion, ALL this could have been solved by setting the startup dates at the same time preorders where made.. and have this be known at the time a pre-order purchase was made. ex.


July pre-orders = 7 days early

Aug pre-orders = 6 days early


It is 2012 and mmo's have been around for quiet awhile. Preliminary studies should have been made in this regard before announcing pre-order/release dates. While I am not mad and do not expect to play for a couple more days, it is irritating to see how a game of this size is handled on opening days.


Either way, in a couple days this will all blow over. We know it. They know it.


August to October 2nd preorders = 6 days early

October 3rd - possibly last week of November = 5 days early

Everyone else should be getting 4 days


Read the dev post, it's posted there.

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I agree 100%. The level of entitlement from some people in this thread astounds me.


There were similar replies like this when Blizzard f'd something up. Now I could care less when I get in early, if I get in early. Lines like yours irk me. I'm a paying customer, you're damn right I'm entitled. We are all entitled for what we pay for. If not, then you can be like those who play on those dead servers in WHO and Bioware can end up like its good buddy Mythic.


You do realize the succes rate of MMO's right? Bioware/EA HAVE to have this succeed in order to not be in trouble. (and I'm not talking 6 months of great subs) EA went all in on this game. If it doesnt work, EA will be hurt, extremely hurt.


Seems to me, smart business would be to have it's entire player base have a good time. Kinda the point of a game. Doesn't look like to me that SWTOR is off to a good start in that regard.

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This is so dumb, people who got it in december are getting in friday. LOL.


I can't predict the future, but I would be rather shocked if everyone wasn't in tomorrow. It would be a very solid business move on their part. Everyone would get the 5 days unless they order after the invites tomorrow. They can't just come right out and say it of course, because if anything goes wrong people would throw a bigger tantrum than they already are.


Lets just assume what they posted on the updates is dead on, and everyone that ordered in december gets in on friday. It is still 4 full days before launch. You will be well ahead of the curve. Stop worrying about economy, leveling, etc. It will be a minor speed bump. The tears over getting 4 days instead of 5 make you look fairly pathetic.


And to use the restaurant example, I don't put up with this sort of whining when I go out to eat. I will pay my bill, get a doggy bag, and walk out on the people I am with if they act like spoiled little brats.


Them - I asked for no pickles, this is a slap in the face


Me - Grow some ********s and pick them off before I actually slap you in the face

Edited by JonnySiniwali
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You did not pay $5 extra dollars for early access. The game costs $59.99, you were charged $5 dollars on the day you pre-ordered and the remainder of the cost $54.99 will be charged to you on the 20th of December.


No, i payed 59.99 for the game and 5 for the preorder charge, my total was 66 and some change after tax.

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okay guys, seriously...these threads need to stop. I'm not in yet (preordered on the 18th of November so probably tomorrow) and at first on Tuesday yeah...I was upset. Mostly cause my friends were already in the game. But any way you look at it...you're going to get in. You preordered the game.


Just relax and take a walk or <gasp> play something else while you wait.


Me, personally? I'm finishing up my perfect playthrough of Record of Agarest War Zero.


May the Force be with you all. :D

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