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1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.



I see a flaw in your logic :p Number of pre-orders is thought to be way over a million, so I don't get how under 500 000 = half of all preorders?

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This isn't mc donalds.

We're not standing in line, and THEN paying for the game the very second we get access to it.


What we're doing, is paying for the burger 7 days in advance, and they keep pushing it back. In the end we get a 6 day old burger, one we paid for 6 days ago. All while the mc donalds restaurant in question is not even full.


Logic works both ways.


I don't think I'd want to eat a seven day old burger. :D

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!

If I go to a restaurant where the employees don't wear paper hats, we all sit down together and get our food at the same time no matter who orders first.

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Actually when they sell it to you as part of your preorder it's sure as hell is a right.



You haven't been CHARGED for EGA, you've been CHARGED for a game!!! If you're smart, you haven't even been charged for THAT yet!


Seriously, the whining needs to stop. You're not "entitled" to anything but EGA. This means that BW could seriously screw with you last minute orderers and give you 30 minutes, and they'd be set.


3 months ago, we didn't know WHAT EGA meant, 2 months ago, we heard 5 days EGA. About a month ago, they upped that to 7. Lo and behold, people still whine and complain and piss and moan.. Seriously, let it go.

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They need to stop worrying about servers crashing, I mean I got on wow when xpack was released I didnt have to wait a whole flipping week if thats the case might aswell wait for d3 because its dumb in a meanings of unfairness. Then again why bother posting as we all know clearly, customer satisfaction is there last concern. Regaurdless of the circumstances rift was a terrible game but 5 day early release happend and it went smooth for me. I sure as hell was on it just as soon as everyone else. 10/10 for rift release 0/10 for swtor release :\


Time to watch another movie on netflix untill they decide "The servers are ready for Nov and Dec players"

Edited by ssluigipk
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I'm going to have to agree with the OP here. Some of us didn't have the money or didn't hear about the game for a while. But this thread is basically the people who preordered early and got in basically saying "lol its been said a long time ago" and people who preordered late saying "omg not fair!!!one11"


tl;dr most of you are bandwagoning each side.

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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.


Semantics are semantics, the game has already launched. It would be like a restaurant serving a cockroach before the official opening, and then telling the health inspector "we aren't really open yet, so you can't judge us for it". The things that are happening in game right now are the things that will affect every single player for the life of the game, but only a handful have a chance to take part in it. This is wrong for the game.


I didn't know ANYTHING about SWTOR before a month or so ago; I had been overseas and not remotely interested in the internet. As a result, I am being punished by starting 5 days and 50 levels behind the people who were there to order on day one.

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You people seethe with bitterness and anger. It seems like your foaming at the mouths while you scour the forums in an effort to find people posting dissent about Bioware's actions surrounding the launch.


Get over yourselves.


Bioware should have updated thier ads if they knew for sure people in November and December were not going to see 5 days of early game time.


Please stop trying to hide behind semantics. It makes you all seem like petty lawyers. Let people have their gripes.


Its thinly veiled false advertisting. I've seen some ads that just said "Pre-Order Now 5 Days Early Access". These ads may have been applicable several months ago, but the minute Bioware knew the amount of confirmed pre-orders was going to push any future pre-orders back to 2 or 1 day of early game time, UPDATE YOUR ADS.


Don't bother trying to argue some skewed logic with me. It only shows your bias and makes you look stupid. Congrats on your early access.


I personally won't even get to play until after launch with all the holiday activities. But I got tired of having to sort through all of these asinine comments berating people posting VALID frustrations.


This was a huge marketing blunder. Please stop trying to "defend" a companies mistakes. In this case it really does make you appear like a bunch of fan-girls.

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As a result, I am being punished by starting 5 days and 50 levels behind the people who were there to order on day one.

You're not being punished, the system is rewarding individuals fairly. Unfortunately, you missed out on the major fun time, but you'll still get in before release.

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If I go to a restaurant where the employees don't wear paper hats, we all sit down together and get our food at the same time no matter who orders first.


So he basically said Bioware is that cheapo drive through with a bad product that people eat because it's quick and easy.

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You're not being punished, the system is rewarding individuals fairly. Unfortunately, you missed out on the major fun time, but you'll still get in before release.


I wouldnt say fairly, I mean people crave launches as competition you have ppl racing to first 50 and its funny because he would /who be like a total of 20 ppl on. Gratz to that guy as im sure at least half preorders havent gone through yet.

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


The only way a burger would relate to an MMO is:


If all four people were buying one big burger and had to eat from the same burger.


If everyone is eating from the same burger, everyone is going to want to get it at the same time.


Logic kills.

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Its thinly veiled false advertisting. I've seen some ads that just said "Pre-Order Now 5 Days Early Access". These ads may have been applicable several months ago, but the minute Bioware knew the amount of confirmed pre-orders was going to push any future pre-orders back to 2 or 1 day of early game time, UPDATE YOUR ADS.



You do realize that 5-days early access doesn't start until tomorrow right?

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