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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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So what is worse. A EA release that has servers going up and down over 2-3 days or a release that adds 10-15% of the player base over 7 days? Just because Bioware jumped out in front and said "Hey this is our plan, and it's working as expected" does not mean it is a good release.


Basicly Bioware planned and implemented a bad release, and people are giving them credit for doing a good job.

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I don't think it's fair that we have to pay 5euros extra for just one day ( if we get in the last day indeed ), while others who pay the same amount get 5 days.


You didn't pay an extra 5 euros. You paid 5 euros as a down payment that is deducted from the final price of your game.

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this is WRONG i was charged the full amount on the day i bought since when do you not get charged until the 20th?


Product Name: STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Deluxe Edition (Pre-Ordered)
Anticipated Released Date: Targeting Holiday 2011
Qty Ordered: 1
Amount: $74.99


Product Name: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order Fee
Qty Ordered: 1
Amount: $5.00


dont really care but ive read numerous posts oh you dont pay until the 20th i payed the day i ordered from origin in the full amount and i payed 5 dollars extra for a pre order code it did say discount 5 bucks but 84.99 came out of my account ive seen before frankly if i dont get 1 day at least or 1 minute it is false advertising and im sure they will refund that 5 bucks they scammed me right hahahah


 SubTotal: $79.99
                                Shipping & Handling: $0.00

                                Tax: $5.00
                                Total: $84.99
                                Discount: $5.00


okay let me clear something up for you cause a lot of people here are just not understanding or reading what they purchased

the game itself is 79.99

the 2nd part that shows pre-order of 5.00 is not extra its the base price for any game pre-order

3rd the extra 5 dollars that you see there is tax which everything you buy has which also depends on your region for the amount

You also did not pay for the whole game unless you did it at a store which would have been something YOU agreed to pay right then cause if you ordered online your mistaken if the funds where available in your account at the time of purchase YES it charged the full amount for the game then a DAY LATER it refunded all but 5.00 leaving you with a balance on the game check your statement you will see I am right.


that 5 dollars for Product Name: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order Fee is not a charge for early access like so many confused people seem to believe early access is not anything that is owed to ANY OF YOU its something they are giving away to people that pre-ordered as a BONUS ONLY it is not false advertisement just cause MOST of you never took the time to read what it actually says even the commercials stated up to 5 days early access no where did it EVER say you WILL GET 5 DAYS EARLY ACCESS if you pre-order now


What the real problem is MOST of you are childish and feel its owed to you just cause others are already in well hey they pre-ordered before there was even a BETA test out so yes they do deserve to get in its not something that was owed to them but bioware looks at it like hey thank you for having faith in our product here is access early


If you where one of those people that pre-ordered that soon and did not get access yet or at all thats still not something that was owed to you no matter how you try and spin it cause either way your going to make yourself just look childish and foolish cause YOU didn't take the time out to READ what you where purchasing and the TERMS OF THE PURCHASE that is no ones fault but YOUR OWN.


To make claims that bioware is not letting in more people soon enough and this is going slow you honestly don't understand the way server traffic works which is fine not everyone can understand that just know that not everyone has taken off a few days from work so they can play a game instead of making their money not everyone that is getting an invite in is even there to log in so yes during the day the servers may be low on population but in the evening as more people get off work server traffic is increased so bioware is letting in large groups of people into the game in waves to make sure the people that are in are not getting bogged down trying to do they quests and are not fighting over mobs with the high amount of people that are already in giving people time to clear through zones with smooth game play which IMO is an amazingly good move for them.


Those of you that are complaining oh my god I am going to get camped by 50s have not understood that leveling in the BETA was increased it will not be for early access people are going to be leveling way slower then they did in the beta so chances of you getting camped in low areas highly unlikely for at least 2 to maybe 3 weeks and I only say that cause most people will be to busy with clearing content to actually care about ganking lowbies


The game will be out in a few days the whole idea that some people have of oh I will not get my name I wanted chances are your name wasn't that original to begin with so you hold no claim to it to begin with SORRY, and all of you that are all angry talking about I am cancelling my pre-order cause I cant get early access good luck with that cause last time I checked most places are SOLD OUT on this game a few have even stopped taking pre-orders as early as the beginning of last month cause there was no way they would be able to supply the game on launch day. So go ahead cancel your pre-order whine like a child about not getting early access when YOU FEEL IT WAS OWED TO YOU and I will see you in game come mid Jan or worst case early Feb when stores get it back in stock

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


so your referencing this to SWTOR? McDonalds sells us crap... so your saying SWTOR is selling us crap?


Thanks for the warning.

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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.


Well I couldn't because of Origin......but 10$ for 1 day ealier access thats just ripe-off. Flashing all over the place 5-days early access.....

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well i did the guild allignment butt im not going to the pvp server anymore. to far behind and im not in the mood to gett ***** on my server by the imps which on our server its 75% imp guilds and 25% republic. so now also no early ascces . so il be going to antoher server for pve. no point now going to pvp server


One of the biggest reasons why I dont understand the way they did early access. At least in Rift every pre order got a chance to hang on a pvp server.. .while here they are pretty much saying hey no lifers go gank all the noobs you want because we are making sure you will have a massive level advantage over them. Also why I love pvp games but DAOC was the king.. pve zones were for pve and pvp zones were for pvp so you could level up without no lifers spending all day ganking you to make them feel like there worthless real life is ok sense they can gank lowbies in a game.

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One of the biggest reasons why I dont understand the way they did early access. At least in Rift every pre order got a chance to hang on a pvp server.. .while here they are pretty much saying hey no lifers go gank all the noobs you want because we are making sure you will have a massive level advantage over them. Also why I love pvp games but DAOC was the king.. pve zones were for pve and pvp zones were for pvp so you could level up without no lifers spending all day ganking you to make them feel like there worthless real life is ok sense they can gank lowbies in a game.


You can always play on a PvE server. I don't see any problems in this matter.

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You can always play on a PvE server. I don't see any problems in this matter.


Read what I said.. I always do. But some people like to play pvp servers... and this is a kick square in their nuts.


Go read all my posts I dont care if I dont get in till the 19th. But I run tech contracts for a living and if I treated my customers this way there would be heck to pay. I just dont see why the fanboi's are so defensive? No one is perfect and the best way to fix a mess up is to say "Sorry I messed up. The idea sounded good but I now know it was a horrible idea. Sorry for the mess up and we will do better with dealing with you the customer from now on."


But what do I know... over 50 contracts over 1 million a piece that I run not like I know how to handle customers and smooth over problems...

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Well it is sort of frustrating the come December the mainpage still advertised "Preorder NOW and you can get up to 5 days early access" when in reality if you preordered then you were never going to get 5 days.


It is misleading.


If the site really did say that you could preorder in December and still get up to 5 days early access, then it probably is false advertisement, but what can we do about it?

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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.



Its just EA/Bioware which suck at marketing, and EA pulling off scams again in order to get preorders.

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Rivanwarder said it.


The point is not whether or not we are "entitled to" early access. The point is not whether or not we should have "preordered earlier".


The point is that the advertising on this site, on Origin and in SEVERAL ads, have stated that you would get "up to 5 days of early access", when in fact - as it seems right now - we wont get anything near that.


I don't care how many of you, who are already in the game, tell us to "have patience" and just "preorder earlier". That is false advertisement.


"But it says UP TO 5 days, not 5 days for sure"


Oh really? I hope to god they do the same thing with subscriptions then: "Up to 30 days for $$$" then give you 4 days and laugh in your face.


Rift showed how this should and could be done. Bioware should learn from that, and stop hiding behind "we already let tons of people in". Show us the numbers, give us the facts and stop making vague statements to sell more copies.

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Agreed, I'm not upset about the fact that some have earlier access than others. But it is very misleading that even at this moment the advertisements say "Up to five days of early access" If anything Id just like to know when i should expect to get on based on my preorder date because I want to know how to plan my weekend. Its not the end of the world and this won't matter in 6 months, but this isn't the best way to start a relationship with a lot of people who took the time to preorder their game.
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11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch




10.19.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order


Does that mean I'm OCT or NOV???


Just a little confused, might be wave 1 2 or 3 tomorrow.

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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868



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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868





These numbers seem very exact. Where did you get them?

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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868




My whole line of thinking is: why didn't they just do 400,000 the 1st day 400,000 the next, and the rest on the 15th, that gets everyone in and everyone gets at least 5 days that "may" have been available. For the life of me I cannot understand why they only let people in for 11-12 hours out of a 24 hour period, let alone only 4 waves a day with a LOL BONUS wave.



I appreciate the limiting of volume into the game, but not down to a trickle, when they have the servers and hardware in place to handle twice that.

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My whole line of thinking is: why didn't they just do 400,000 the 1st day 400,000 the next, and the rest on the 15th, that gets everyone in and everyone gets at least 5 days that "may" have been available. For the life of me I cannot understand why they only let people in for 11-12 hours out of a 24 hour period, let alone only 4 waves a day with a LOL BONUS wave.



I appreciate the limiting of volume into the game, but not down to a trickle, when they have the servers and hardware in place to handle twice that.


It was most likely because they needed info on actual login numbers with EGA to work with vs EGA access given, so they can use that as a basis of how many people will actually log on for every x amount of EGA passes they give out.


I think this launch, apart from excluding half the 1st world, has been done fantastically.(No EGA yet btw).

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