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1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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This is by far the best post of the entire day! Kudos Draconax.


It would be more like if there were plenty of open registers and employees at those registers waiting to give you your order, but you had to wait just for the sake of waiting and nothing else.

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I bought the game beginning of december and they let only 1month in yesterday so yes only 1day of early acces probably wich is ******** they say up to 5days early acces wich means 5 day minimum every1 payd the same amount of money this is afail launch that goes hand to hand with age of conan and warhammer they even say on the site buy your pre order now so you can still get your earlly acces to they are full of ****
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Ultimately it is shoddy customer service to give not even a hint of an ETA to people waiting to use their product (that they may or may not ultimately pay for at this point). They could have given general estimations to people in mails so they didn't have to be disappointed at every single wave that came out that didn't include them.


Look at it this way Bioware: You're giving everyone presents every time you give out waves, but guess what? Most people don't have anything when they unwrap that present, except disappointments and hopes dashed. I don't know how any Customer Service people could find this acceptable to toy with people in this manner (people who may be very eager to play).


This whole game is soured for me, personally, due to the way this has been handled. I don't really care when I get in, but I'd like to KNOW when, instead of having my hopes lifted and dashed at every turn.


Do better, Bioware. Do you really want to keep showing the shiny toy to the children, only to yank it away every few hours from some of those children? That isn't kind or good business practice. It certainly doesn't encourage purchase of the game.


Disappointments are disappointing. Give us some ETA even if it changes. Something more than presents that are probably empty but we open hopefully anyway.


This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. What is it exactly you think you deserve? The carrot is exactly where they said it would be located at 12:01 December 20, 2011. This whole early access thing is a bonus. You didn't pay for it, earn a merit badge for it, bleed for it, or anything meritorious other than purchase it. If you get even 24 hours consider yourself fortunate. That's more time than anyone who didn't preorder the game. I purchased the CE for almost double the price of a regular game, do I deserve more early time than anyone else? Of course not. I get extra goodies, but that's it. Nothing about that big box grants me anything more than other players as far as early access. Look at when people are getting in based on their purchase date and guess-timate when you might get in from there. Leave these overly long diatribes out of it and for people who are having honest problems. End rant.

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I bought the game beginning of december and they let only 1month in yesterday so yes only 1day of early acces probably wich is ******** they say up to 5days early acces wich means 5 day minimum every1 payd the same amount of money this is afail launch that goes hand to hand with age of conan and warhammer they even say on the site buy your pre order now so you can still get your earlly acces to they are full of ****


No, up to 5 is not 5 days minimum.


used to say that something is less than or equal to but not more than a stated value, number or level

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


You don't pay in advance then have to wait 5 days for said BigMac tho.

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I bought the game beginning of december and they let only 1month in yesterday so yes only 1day of early acces probably wich is ******** they say up to 5days early acces wich means 5 day minimum every1 payd the same amount of money this is afail launch that goes hand to hand with age of conan and warhammer they even say on the site buy your pre order now so you can still get your earlly acces to they are full of ****


If English isn't your first language, let me give you a tip. Punctuation and spelling are your friend. Otherwise, people, like me, will have no idea what you are saying.


Up to 5 days early access = you can get 5 days but it isn't guaranteed.


You can still get early access. = there is a chance to get some before launch, which is December 20th


The rest of your nonsense is just... Well nonsense.

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I bought the game beginning of december and they let only 1month in yesterday so yes only 1day of early acces probably wich is ******** they say up to 5days early acces wich means 5 day minimum every1 payd the same amount of money this is afail launch that goes hand to hand with age of conan and warhammer they even say on the site buy your pre order now so you can still get your earlly acces to they are full of ****


omg full of cry babies cause you didn't get in first. It's not 5 days min it's up to 5 days. Do u think you would get in, In front of all the peeps that pre ordered on the 1st couple of days. There was a massive pre order spike.


I pre ordered in September. I ain't expecting to get in till at least tomorrow. If today then bonus but no rush.

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No one was ever promised 5 days of early access.

This. Also, I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of early access. They're doing it like this in order to stagger the number of people on the servers and in each zone so that everybody has a smooth experience and you don't have 1000 people in the starting zone competing with you for mobs. And the most logical way to stagger it is based on when you preordered. Sorry if others preordered in July and you preordered in December, but them's the breaks. You'll still get at least 1 day of early access, so either way you'll be playing before the official release date. If that's not enough for you...sorry. You could've preordered earlier, you know.

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Although I pre-ordered expecting a Dec 19th EGA (since I pre-ordered EARLY DEC) , in all fairness they could've changed that fine print.



They knew very well people were no longer going to get 5 days of early access. So instead of saying UP TO 5 days even though they knew there was no chance in hell of that happening, they could've changed that to whatever amount of EGA they were going to get according to their predictions (since they had their roll-out model well in advance, nothing's done in the last days in big companies).



So for all intents and purposes, that "UP TO 5 days EGA" is nothing more than a SCAM made legit using the fine print "UP TO" for anyone who bought the game starting with november (probably) :).


Again, I said in all fairness, I'm not complaining, I expect I'll be playing on the 18th with the 2 days of early roll-out going on :)


edit: and I said it's a scam made legit because you can argue all you want that it's a bonus. It's like having a discount on a product saying "UP TO 50% discount for a limited amount of items". The shelves are full so you can't know when that limit is reached. Yet, when you get to the cashier, she says " Oups, you can only get a 5% discount now".

And it's a fair comparison since you can monetize the amount of EGA days. It's effectively a subscription discount for anyone who pre-ordered. 5 days = ~25% of monthly subscription so about 3-4 dollars :)

Edited by Xilin
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omg full of cry babies cause you didn't get in first. It's not 5 days min it's up to 5 days. Do u think you would get in, In front of all the peeps that pre ordered on the 1st couple of days. There was a massive pre order spike.


I pre ordered in September. I ain't expecting to get in till at least tomorrow. If today then bonus but no rush.


Not in front but at the same time. This is what I was promised when I ordered Be the first to explore the fate of the Old Republic. Pre-order today no small print about waves, or subject to availability or any other caveats. Foolishly I thought that was what I was getting.

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if only they did warn us of how they where dooing it i would have orderd sooner!!


thats what i find unfair. i payed for a DDE from origin and only getting some crappy pieces of ingame stuff why is that difrent from someone who orderd the normal version more early.


if i had known i would have pre orderd the first day !!

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you do know they started the early acces TWO todays early as well. Not suppose to happen till Thursday. These first two extra days maybe to get the massive pre order spike out the road so the later people that pre ordered can still get up to 5 days of early game time
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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.

well in my opinion we shouldnt pay the same amount as the others who got in 7 to 5days early it is like if you go to a store and buy something new in advance and get a an extra for $5 you get ur parcel and it is missing "because they were **** at antisepating sales ^^" you will not expect to pay that $5 would you.

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If English isn't your first language, let me give you a tip. Punctuation and spelling are your friend. Otherwise, people, like me, will have no idea what you are saying.


Up to 5 days early access = you can get 5 days but it isn't guaranteed.


You can still get early access. = there is a chance to get some before launch, which is December 20th


The rest of your nonsense is just... Well nonsense.


Firt you right about the 5 days i misread that


second my english isnt bad im doing this on my crappy work phone


third the rest is not nonsense go to homepage you se they say on pre order buy now so you can get your early acces how are they supose to give ppl who buy now early acces when ppl from october arent evrn in its al lies

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This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. What is it exactly you think you deserve? The carrot is exactly where they said it would be located at 12:01 December 20, 2011. This whole early access thing is a bonus. You didn't pay for it, earn a merit badge for it, bleed for it, or anything meritorious other than purchase it. If you get even 24 hours consider yourself fortunate. That's more time than anyone who didn't preorder the game. I purchased the CE for almost double the price of a regular game, do I deserve more early time than anyone else? Of course not. I get extra goodies, but that's it. Nothing about that big box grants me anything more than other players as far as early access. Look at when people are getting in based on their purchase date and guess-timate when you might get in from there. Leave these overly long diatribes out of it and for people who are having honest problems. End rant.


I think I deserve courtesy from the company I'm buying a product from. Being strung along with no idea of when I'll get to use the product is frustrating and each wave that hits yields more disappointments. They have no publishing of what dates were included in what waves, so there is no way to gauge it. We're left in the dark. That's the point. I don't care if I only get 12 hours. Just tell me that so I don't have to be disappointed whenever I go to check when waves are announced and I get nothing. Some estimate, even if they said "Probably on the 15th" is at least something. I'd not even need to check on the 14th then.

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Some people have been waiting years for the game to launch, whats another week?


Ok so some people may be level 50 so what? imo this game wasn't meant to be a race to see who can get the highest level its meant to be enjoyed. If this game was another wow power leveling mmo then bio ware woulda said screw it and not make the whole game VOed and saved millions.

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I don't think it's fair that we have to pay 5euros extra for just one day ( if we get in the last day indeed ), while others who pay the same amount get 5 days.


Why pay 5 euros extra!?!?!


The shop where I bought my pre-order, (price: 4,40€), gives discount to the actual for that same price.

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They stated UP TO 5 days.

Meaning of that is that you can get 1,2,3,4 or 5 days of early access, so even if you get one day they still didn't lie.


If it makes you feel better I should get invitation today or tomorrow but wont be able to play much till Christmas eve.

Instead I will be working on reconstruction of my flat including electric wiring.

Something I would call really bad timing. :eek:

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Why pay 5 euros extra!?!?!


The shop where I bought my pre-order, (price: 4,40€), gives discount to the actual for that same price.


we who ordered on Origin had to pay 5 euro for preordering the game on top ...

so yeah would have expect at least to get in on saturday ... friday would rock tho then its awesome weekend .. but not gonna stay home pressing f5 all day on my email ...


but yeah they promise you could get to 5 days eirly acces and also couse it said on origin 5 euro payment for preordering you would expect to get some days imo at least 3 of 5 ...

otherwise they could have been clearer that it depended on when you redeemed your code ... on origin .. or do they expect me to browse all the official site and sit all day on forums to figure stuff out ... at least for us who just use origin .. but thats just my personal opinnion

but thats something e.a. probaly introduced ... typical money maker selling .. well at least i remember next time to get as much info as i can before ordering anything on origin were only half arshed info is given and sort of false promises ... but who knows ...

maybe we all get in tomorrow well just have to see :)



also heard it later that tere were shops all over states and eu that even had discount ... dunno why the hell people who use origin .. accualy using the ****** or so many people say to order their stuff can get discount but no they make us pay more :s ... and now not sure i even get more then 1 day :s ... also cant cancel my order couse the 5 euro's are none refundable .... what does that say ??? ... rippoff ? ... EXACLY!

Edited by Genesizs
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