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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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Well as much as I would LOVE to stay here all night and quote every cry baby with a response i must go to bed ...


Big day tomorrow ... back and bi's followed by a 5 mile run ... Then hopefully play the game if I get my invite.


Good luck to all of you who are awaiting your chance to play!

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So true. None of these waaaa-waaaa threads address the fact that we do NOT know the actual numbers of people getting in. I was part of that Thanksgiving weekend and if those numbers are any indication of the amount of people trying to play this game, then I am very happy with the staggering system.


For those that took days off from work/canceled plans/rescheduled their weddings etc....GET A LIFE!


Maybe some people have to take days off because they couldn't play otherwise? Kinda strange for you to be telling them to get a life.

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I wonder if people will ever understand this: early-game access is just a very hardcore, last-minute stress test by BioWare. If all goes mostly smoothly, they'll 1) be more confident in their servers' ability to handle the traffic, 2) get a large portion of gamers through the starter zones thereby decreasing traffic on launch day, and 3) if things are awful, and I mean REALLY awful, they always have the option of scrapping the early-access, compensating the players, and using the remaining time before launch for last-minute fixes.


Don't you guys see that this is just BioWare's way of insuring a better launch for SWTOR? Of course they aren't going to let everyone in day one - be thankful they are letting you in at all. Pre-orders don't usually come with early full-game access - this is the first time I've come across a game that did. Buuut of course, QQ about your cookie weighing half-a-gram less than the other guy's. Ffs.

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Maybe some people have to take days off because they couldn't play otherwise? Kinda strange for you to be telling them to get a life.


Well shouldnt thier days off have started on the 15th? Why are they crying today ... come see me AFTER the 15th.


Oh yeah, I am suppose to be in bed ... wifes orders.

Edited by chapmandoo
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people cry and say november/decemeber people should of pre-order'd earlier but...


bioware never said they were gonna give early access depending on when you pre-order'd if that was the case they would of got alot of earlier customers



Unlike most people, some ppl have obligations and cant splurge 60+ dollars on a game they really want because of bills, school, loans or whatever


Imo give the community what it wants you'd get alot less complaints and when all goes wrong shove us in a mirror spank us and tell us how bad we are!!


I Am Zyzz! come at me bro!!



yes they have, they have been saying early access would depend on when you entered your preorder code FOR MONTHS. it was all over this site and the forums........ unless your in the twilight zone if you checked this site you would have known.

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I pre ordered on 7/21/11. My code was faulty, and I did not get a new working code until 11/26/11. So am I at fault for this? Should I be penalized by a stupid stagger system? I purchased the CE of the game on the FIRST DAY it was available for purchase! I have my receipt to prove it. Now when i get on, if i get on early at all, all the good character names will be taken, and there will be nubs camping the zones ganking anyone who tried to lvl up on a pvp server. It's not right, it's not fair. I am screwed through no fault of my own.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/quentyns/4af85a6f.jpg
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I pre ordered on 7/21/11. My code was faulty, and I did not get a new working code until 11/26/11. So am I at fault for this? Should I be penalized by a stupid stagger system? I purchased the CE of the game on the FIRST DAY it was available for purchase! I have my receipt to prove it. Now when i get on, if i get on early at all, all the good character names will be taken, and there will be nubs camping the zones ganking anyone who tried to lvl up on a pvp server. It's not right, it's not fair. I am screwed through no fault of my own.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/quentyns/4af85a6f.jpg


In short ... yes


Sorry bro .. you asked

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One of the biggest issues with" Waves" is it breaks up grouping with friends/guildmates during EAG.


Gain access on the first day: Awesome! :D


Realizing your wife/husband/daughter/son/friend/guildmate, etc.. won't be getting access for at least another 2-5 days due to them saving up enough money to pre-order a CE or perhaps not ordering til later for other reasons:. Not so awesome. :mad:


Knowing BW doesn't care one bit about this inconvenience: Typical. :rak_mad:


A large part of the fun of an MMO is playing with your friends/family. Not being able to play until they get early access as well is a major disappointment and makes gaining EAG of questionable value for many, especially since there's no level match/mentor system to allow those 5-10 levels higher to quest with lower levels without removing all hint of a challenge.

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yes they have, they have been saying early access would depend on when you entered your preorder code FOR MONTHS. it was all over this site and the forums........ unless your in the twilight zone if you checked this site you would have known.


Did they say "if you wait too long you will only get one day of early access"? The point is their tentativeness. Everything is wrapped up in maybes and up tos.


BTW, if they give anyone who pre-ordered in December less than 5 days, the "up to 5 days" would be a lie, since no one who sees it now could possibly get up to 5 days, right? I guess that's what the asterisk is for.

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This isn't mc donalds.

We're not standing in line, and THEN paying for the game the very second we get access to it.


What we're doing, is paying for the burger 7 days in advance, and they keep pushing it back. In the end we get a 6 day old burger, one we paid for 6 days ago. All while the mc donalds restaurant in question is not even full.


Logic works both ways.


If you go to a retailer and put down money, then that is your problem. I ordered online and I don't pay crap until it ships.

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In short ... yes


Sorry bro .. you asked


I did everything right, plopped down $150 for a CE, back on 7/21/11 and still no access because THEY gave me a faulty code, then took months to finally give me a working one! My friends are already ingame, playing. We have been playing the same MMO's together for over 12 years. Now I can't level up with them because the stupid company sent me a bad code, and all that can be done is to say sorry tough luck?????http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/quentyns/4af85a6f.jpg

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just a question if you pre order on nov 24th 2011 will i still get my access to log in to the game and what happens if origin didnt send me my code in an email i had to get it off of the website in stead when i did pre order the game:rolleyes:
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I did everything right, plopped down $150 for a CE, back on 7/21/11 and still no access because THEY gave me a faulty code, then took months to finally give me a working one! My friends are already ingame, playing. We have been playing the same MMO's together for over 12 years. Now I can't level up with them because the stupid company sent me a bad code, and all that can be done is to say sorry tough luck?????http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/quentyns/4af85a6f.jpg


Dude ... Listen ... that sucks man but you will not get any sympathy here. We should all get in the game early, that should be enough to satisfy everyone but of course it isnt. In a perfect world we would all get what we want but I am sure you know it aint perfect ... Keep your head up and relax, get in the game and have fun ... in the end the 2 days you miss will mean SQUAT!

Edited by chapmandoo
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I just don't know if "at least a day" means that we'll get our emails on the 18th or on the 19th. I hope it's the 18th at the latest - because on the west coast, if I get my email on the 19th, I'll get to play for all of 1 hour before the game is officially released. If it comes on the 18th, at least I'll get a few hours the night before.
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