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What It's Like to Heal at Level 50 (part 2, diff person)


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No offense, but your team lost and you had the lowest objective score. All you did was camp the middle and pad your meters while the enemy team was taking the side objectives to win the game. That's exactly the sort of behavior that should be discouraged. You clearly know how to play a healer - if you'd been supporting your team in capping objectives instead of trying to fluff the meters, you probably would have won.


Grats on the numbers, though. You've posted the healer equivalent of Voidstar Death from Above door-spam.

Edited by raelimar
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So you did...my eyes were playing tricks on me I guess, not sure why I remembered it as a loss after viewing it. Still meterspam though. it's not really indicative of performance. A much better team could steamroll the opposition by 200+ points and post much lower numbers overall.
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as a lvl50 combat medic healing in pvp is no fun at all. ability delay prevents casting at the time a heal needs to be casted. even when it gets through it takes aditional time to even count. also i stand there casting vor 2 secs to get a 2-3k heal out while a dps puts out a 4k instant. healing is a pain in the *** right now.

all healers who don't agree and tell us healing is fine are sages/sorceres who have nothing to to but spam their spells and shields without even thinking about a broken ammo/heat mechanic

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At the moment making a 50 only bracket would be a poor decision. Level 50s wouldn't get pops and would get bored and quit. The 50s are most likely some of their most dedicated players that they should try to keep. With brackets, it just wouldn't work with 30+ minute queue times and I'd personally probably quit due to this. Yes, it's a little ridiculous that I can do 6v2s and 4v1s etc, but it needs to happen right now before more people hit 50. Also take into account that I don't kill anyone, I just heal myself and run around in circles. Not everyone can do it, it takes some skill (as easy as it sounds). I have over 20 keybindings that i constantly use and have to know what skills to use when and where.


No it wouldn't. The few 50s would have to wait for others to catch up. It has been the same way in every other game. If they got bored and quit waiting a few days then whatever, let them quit. There are enough 50s on my server for their own queue, if they opened it to across all the server, there would have been very little wait for decent 50 queues.

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At the moment making a 50 only bracket would be a poor decision. Level 50s wouldn't get pops and would get bored and quit. The 50s are most likely some of their most dedicated players that they should try to keep. With brackets, it just wouldn't work with 30+ minute queue times and I'd personally probably quit due to this. Yes, it's a little ridiculous that I can do 6v2s and 4v1s etc, but it needs to happen right now before more people hit 50. Also take into account that I don't kill anyone, I just heal myself and run around in circles. Not everyone can do it, it takes some skill (as easy as it sounds). I have over 20 keybindings that i constantly use and have to know what skills to use when and where.


Don't really care if you're 50 or not, 50's need brackets. That's the truth.

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Heres a post about sentinels -marauders focus specs and their 5k sweeps + 5k 31 talent points


" Leap, exhaust, stasis, sweep. zStike, blade storm, dispatch. A soft target will probably die to this outright. The CC lockdown of crush+stasis may seem wasted, but the dps it puts out is HUGE. Then sweep will drop them below 20%. World pvp, with kira, or another dps companion will likely let you kill just about anyone outright. In group pvp, an ally might CC you, or heal your target. As well as your own single dps might not quite be enough, esp vs a tough target to go full burst like this."


What it means is that u get killed instantly as a healer with this rotation , the dmg potential of this is up to 10k and your counter is a 3somehting ( if crit ) tops heal , that it is if u manage to pull a heal without getting interrupted.


Add the -20% heal debuff and ur toast thats it. Im sure all dps classes have something similar.


On top of been frustating with low heal values , all healer in this game have to face a messed up ui that doesnt work as well as a retarted targeting system.


Healing is pathetic in this game

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Maybe you should go reread what you said about there being an equal geared level 50, cause there was. Let that sink in.


Apparently you don't understand. There wasn't a single DPS on you in that entire video.


Not one that was level 50, with equal gear. Just another level 50 healer and his guard spamming tank buddy.


One operative would of destroyed you. Not even a good operative.

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Haters Gonna Hate.

Never give up the fight


directly from your sig


You obviously don't know me, or my playstyle. I can live through an operative, I have many times. Thanks for saying I can't though. So I'm just gonna keep fighting against idiots like you, k?

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Haters Gonna Hate.

Never give up the fight


directly from your sig


You obviously don't know me, or my playstyle. I can live through an operative, I have many times. Thanks for saying I can't though. So I'm just gonna keep fighting against idiots like you, k?


Whatever you say bud. Enjoy heal tanking all those sub level 30s that got no talent points.

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Gl out healing this dmg or do anything bout it


Grats, you play an OP class that gets even more OP with an expertise buff. Enjoy the nerf when it happens.


In terms of surviving, it's easy. Break free, dot (unable to stealth again), force sprint, heal to full, slow, kite in circles until he dies or my team kills him.

Edited by RoughRaptors
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Grats, you play an OP class that gets even more OP with an expertise buff. Enjoy the nerf when it happens.


In terms of surviving, it's easy. Break free, dot (unable to stealth again), force sprint, heal to full, slow, kite in circles until he dies or my team kills him.


R u idiot or somehting , its not me , i play sage healer thats my complain about and im sure im facing way more competive players , that know how to sutdown a healer in no time.


I also was gladiator in wow with paladin and i played mmorpgs since daoc competitive , main assist dps , healing , cc , tanks and im pretty sure i can spot a weak class from miles.


Swtor healers in pvp are a joke and dont even get me started on commandos scoundrels which they blow x2 compare to a sage healer .


Also this kind of dmg can be dealt by focus sentinels/ maras or juggers/guardians.

About ur tacts your obviously cluless , cause nay oprative scountrel can stun , snare , sprint as well , vanish , evade everything you throw a them with ability , restun , ae mezz and many other things your unaware off.

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Grats, you play an OP class that gets even more OP with an expertise buff. Enjoy the nerf when it happens.


In terms of surviving, it's easy. Break free, dot (unable to stealth again), force sprint, heal to full, slow, kite in circles until he dies or my team kills him.


Good operatives just leave when you force sprint away, wait out the dot and restealth. Then kill you. Let's not include lucky dodge which removes all negative effects if they really want to, and can vanish/dodge. No reason to though, waste of cooldowns.

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Great healing RoughRaptors. Best numbers I've seen to date.


I imagine MANY baddies trying to wrap their heads around it. Didn't some guy post that he'd never post again about healers being weak if you posted this vid? I wonder if he's out there fuming somewhere.

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R u idiot or somehting , its not me , i play sage healer thats my complain about and im sure im facing way more competive players , that know how to sutdown a healer in no time.


I also was gladiator in wow with paladin and i played mmorpgs since daoc competitive , main assist dps , healing , cc , tanks and im pretty sure i can spot a weak class from miles.


Swtor healers in pvp are a joke and dont even get me started on commandos scoundrels which they blow x2 compare to a sage healer .


Also this kind of dmg can be dealt by focus sentinels/ maras or juggers/guardians.

About ur tacts your obviously cluless , cause nay oprative scountrel can stun , snare , sprint as well , vanish , evade everything you throw a them with ability , restun , ae mezz and many other things your unaware off.


Your grammar and spelling definitely doesn't help you defend your cause. Don't bring up anything from WoW, pretty sure we all know by now that is what bad players do. Guess what? I was a top raider in Vanilla WoW and had one of the best 2v2 3v3 and 5v5's as a hunter in BC throughout every season. Do I brag about that? No...because it doesn't matter. Guess what? I'm the main tank for a top world guild in Rift, but do people care? No, they don't. Stick to this game


And to the other person talking about operatives, more proof that they are OP and need a nerf.

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Your grammar and spelling definitely doesn't help you defend your cause. Don't bring up anything from WoW, pretty sure we all know by now that is what bad players do. Guess what? I was a top raider in Vanilla WoW and had one of the best 2v2 3v3 and 5v5's as a hunter in BC throughout every season. Do I brag about that? No...because it doesn't matter. Guess what? I'm the main tank for a top world guild in Rift, but do people care? No, they don't. Stick to this game


And to the other person talking about operatives, more proof that they are OP and need a nerf.


If you think Operatives are the only 'op' thing in this game, you've never met a force sweep Jedi knight/Sith Warrior, a good Balance Sage/inquisitor, Mercenary/Command, or a good sniper/gunslinger.


Everything in this game does tons of fast high damage. Inquisitor/Sages are the ONLY healing class that have a chance, simply cause of force sprint and force shield. Even then you are likely to die. Ever think you server just doesn't have any real competition, or people that know their classes?

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