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Moment of truth: Did Bioware do a succesful job at making a Star Wars MMORPG?


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Well ive said it before, il say it again.


I think they have failed to do make a good mmo, this game could have had some very fun and interesting quest mechanics sure it has the story aspect but that is already being skipped when you role a alt and have to listen to the same stuff again.


If this game had more to do than the same kill quest/bonus objective over and over and overrr again id be very happy to stay subbed to this game but right now ive been doing one quest since level one going out and killing bunch of static mobs thats it. That is literally all you do in this game.


Its not very impressive. Who ever designed these quests must have the imagination of a turnip.

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I agree with the OP in that I prefer sandbox MMO's and that this game is too linear even compared to other theme park MMO's. It is more linear than WoW especially with sharding, but better than Guild Wars (which is a game I tried several times but couldn't get into because of world instancing).


However, I do believe this game is a well made theme park MMO. Despite my belief that the game is too linear, I think statements that the world feels dead are unfounded. I am on a Heavy to Full server and there are always many people around.


Bioware just went a different direction with this theme park MMO. Time will tell if the heavy emphasis on story can be a successful and sustaining model in the MMO industry.

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MMO? (Massive Multiplayer Online)...a chat client that allows 10,000 people to participate in the same chat qualifies for that.


RPG? Now that's an entirely different question. The questing system and soloing is probably the best ever, but I have my doubts that they can keep that up considering it took years and over a million dollars to create the content they have so far.


Essentially, this seems like Mass Effect Online set in the SW universe and with less interesting combat mechanics. (Wish I could use a game pad on this game.)


As for Role Playing, I think Pen & Paper is Role Playing; what you get in the video game world is a poor substitution. If you want to get really liberal with the term, RP, then Pac Man was a RPG since you assume the role of a yellow dot that lives in a world where you eat ghosts and dots.


The quest system in TOR at least is very immersive. So, in that sense, maybe they've done a pretty good job with role playing.


However, I would say a TRUE sandbox game - such as the Sims, where you have no objectives, but the one's you define for yourself, is closer to an actual role playing game. In TOR, there is very little ability to interact with the environment. You can sit in some of the chairs, but that's almost as far as it goes outside of combat and quests.


And that may be a lot of the reason that there isn't any role playing on the RP servers. I've spent a couple of weeks playing now, and have made it to Coruscant and I have not seen a single person role playing on the RP servers (I've played on 2 different ones).


I've resorted to just walking up to people and start role playing just to see if they'll go for it.


The quests are immersive, but the environment is not very immersive, and I think that is a big part of why everyone is mostly soloing alone and not interacting with others so much.


So, I would say it's kinda sorta an MMORPG.

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Just going throw my two cents in now I'm nearly lvl 50 for my first toon.


I participated in the final 2 weekends of the Beta, and was completely bowled over by this game. I mean I was hooked, managed to get my Sith Inquisitor to lvl 32 in essentially 5 days of play. I skipped all the heroics and only did 2 of the flashpoints, as I wanted to save them for release. I was stoked for the release and it seemed a long two weeks until I got that early access.


I got early access on the 15th Dec, and I rolled a Sith Warrior/Marauder, as I didn't fancy wading through all that SI content again.


Here's what I've found so far, my SW's basic story content has much the same elements of content as my SI did. And now I think my rose coloured glasses are starting to fade, here's why.


***SPOILER Don't read the next paragraph if you rolled something other than a SI/SW***


Start as apprentice under master, do masters bidding, master betrays apprentice - go kill master in revenge. Pretty much both SI and SW stories are like this, certainly the SI story was upto lvl 32, cant comment beyond that lvl.




What I did find, this time round as a SW, even doing all the flashpoints and planetary heroics so far (Getting a group is completely cumbersome, and spamming LFG in general for a quest; was the very reason I didn't last 6 months in vanilla WOW, and went back to playing Eve Online).


Around level 35, I was well and truly bored! Repeating all the same side quests, and not only that, the premise for each mission is the same, go to x kill/destroy/collect y (or number of y's) rinse and repeat.


My biggest complaints are these bullet pointed for ease, by the way these are only my personal opinions, nothing more: -


- World is too linear, not enough life, no random NPC's, no day/night cycle, hardly any ambient noise, no changing weather etc. JUST a general lack of life!


- Clumsy UI (Deserves a thread in itself).


- Poor economy, no automated tool for sending companions on missions etc, poor galactic kiosk searching etc.


- No LFD tool, poor very poor even insulting, standing on a planet or in a station spamming LFG, is not my idea of fun!


- Too much reliance on having a companion, to the point were you can't complete some quests without them. Yet in NPC chat I'm declaring I'm a complete animal worth 10 soldiers, Oh that should be me and my friend are complete animals then.


- Lack of content - It is true, I'm sry to say you may think these lvl 50's are spouting nonsense. Each one on the Frostclaw server has said all you can do now is PVP/RAID away, no incentive to craft, gather resources, build anything, explore the world etc.


- Biowares complete lack of transparency regarding in-game features (Legacy system? Left over commendations etc), patches (Find out after the patch what was addressed/What wasn't), up-coming content, hardly ever officially commenting on community concerns in forums etc.


Personally I feel Bioware put too much stock in people re-rolling alts for the individual stories. Hardcore types may do this, casuals I'm not so sure! I certainly won't I'll get my SW to 50, i'll re-roll republic because I haven't seen any republic content, and again lvl to 50. After that I'll be done, IMHO as the game stands Bioware have created KOTOR 3 with co-operative play and not an MMORPG.


Of course the game will be added too, but how quickly? I'm not even going to mention that other game again, but I feel this game has a lot of ground to catch up, especially if it wants people to pay to play.

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I think they did "ok". Definitely does not seem to be a product that had the budget that it had. Lucas should stop going to the big companies to make their mmos and for the next one (there will be a next one), they should go to an unknown. The unknowns are the ones that will surprise you.
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In my opinion, even though i'm only level 13, i feel this is a refreshing and innovative approach to MMO's. I expected to start playing and it to feel like WoW or other MMO's but the ambience the game gives makes it feel so special to me, probably because I'm a huge star wars fan.


Unfortunately I am left in post-dramatic Star Wars Galaxies syndrome. I loved that game so much and the amount of customisation available and endless other factors that game contributed (as detailed on so many other threads). I suppose I can only continue playing to get a definate opinion of how SWTOR has performed but from my perspective I deeply miss SWG and cannot stop comparing the two. As of yet I have to give a thumbs up to Bioware for this. I feel like i've stepped into a world where I actually influence and am pulled back to every hour, therefore you could probably say that is a great success.


Obviously a game such as this always has room for improvement and additions but I'm happy and actually feel like the giddy, excited teen I was when I first played that game that shall not be named.

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I've made previous threads in the past which all caused debate amongst the community whether or not Star Wars was a MMO. Alot of people said it was and vice versa. This is a moment of truth question which isnt in anyway shape or form trying to flame/rant how rubbish or how good the game is. From your own personal opinion do you feel that the game created by Bioware made a successful attempt in making a Star Wars MMORPG?


I personally have always wanted a Star Wars MMO ever since I started playing them type of games. Being a big fan of Star Wars myself I went into this game for years with high expectations and when I played Mass Effect I was sure that this game would exceed my expectations. Although playing I was able to reach Level 31 Jedi Knight being a Sentinel as my talent progression. I have said this on countless forums that I do not feel this game is a MMO maybe because I'm not a fan on Theme-Park MMO's as I am more of a Sandbox type of player. I personally feel Bioware made a good attempt but believe they are more suited at Single player roleplaying games (Mass Effect) and even in this game it's quite evident they put alot of thought into the Singleplayer. So in terms of Singleplayer it was an amazing well done job but in terms of being a MMORPG I have to say I was dissapointed. I feel the surroundings felt claustrophobic and I didnt have any freedom to be able to move around without countless loading times. It felt like I was compacked into a small space and that I couldnt roam around wherever I wanted and that was the problem for me with the game. There was no moment of peace when I was on the planets that I could just sit down and enjoy the beautiful view which also made the game not as amazing as I would of hoped.



What are your individual opinions?



This question is absolutely pointless until you define and come up with a general community consensuses as to what a MMORPG is ....LOL


In my books it just might be the FIRST true RPG ... MMO.

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Having played online games since the early 90's and experiencing just about everything the MMO can offer I will say SWTOR is a worthy product.


I'm intrigued by the decision cut scenes and the strategy for character alignment. This is new to me and I am very pleased and more than a little interested in the re-playability this brings to the game. To think I could make two of the same class characters on the same side and come out with different results based on decision making is a joy.


I'm greatful not to see a dragon, not to see an orc, not to see a dungeon with sinister creatures idly standing around blocking the path to the end encounter. I like that I am playing against bi-peds similar to my character or technology creations that could have been made by my character not some evil spawn from the dark depths of some fantasy hell. I for one am entirely burnt out on Dungeons and Dragons fantasies and hope to never see them rise from their ashes or spawn from a rift ever again.


I get my own spaceship. Yup, I get my own spaceship, a home away from home with companions and crafting and the ability to fly around the galaxy and I am not trapped by the conventions of some silly magical portal limiting my access to new worlds. The only thing missing is the holocam connection to some pizza delivery service that would exchange my credits for a real life pizza delivery.


I like that I can solo the game or play with others but my gaming experience isn't limited to one or the other. I can be social and even earn social points in doing so or I can be the late night gamer and solo a planet and enough missions to earn the rewards to move on to other planets. This is Perfect for the myself and probably millions of other players who enjoy the freedom of not being bound to limitations imposed by end game raiding, yet have the option to do just that if the desire is there.


The biggest issue I've found are the players and their expectations, not the game itself. There's this mindless droning about building on the success of the latest game someone has played and requiring all the features they've grown accustomed to. Instead of sitting down and learning to play to a new game (any new game) they always come to the new game's forums and complain about not having feature x or that PVP doesn't live up to their expectations or the minority of elite raiding guilds that cry out that they be catered to and demand their voice is more important than the million's of casual players who actually make or break a game company where it counts - revenue. Have witnessed many games fail because game companies catered to the few instead of the many.


The UI is close to perfection, I don't feel the need to change anything. The sound track and music are beyond expectations and heighten the intensity of any battle to the point I get goosebumps on the back of my neck. Performance is wonderful yet it should be noted that I had to make changes on my end to reach this performance, it wasn't upgrading hardware or making changes to my network latency it was simply cleaning out my software and removing out of date programs or utilities that made my system scream and the game along with it.


All this stated my expectations didn't come from any past game. I reset them for this game when I bought the product. I see the game as if it's the first game I've ever played and I am very pleased with the result. It's interesting that I knew so little about Star Wars even having watched all the movies. The game brings a new sense of irony and betrayal that I never felt from watching Luke or Darth Vadar. Now I am a stage actor in this space opera and feel like I am part of the storyline and plot.


The only future suggestion for Bioware is to keep my account information safeguarded from hacking. Keep information encrypted on your end and access to it monitored and secured very closely.

Edited by NuanceNW
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What you are doing is trying to create a feeling of doubt in anyone who reads your threads.


I of course also achieved one of your goals, by responding to your post, I have kept it alive and viewable on the main page.


You want this so that more people can be exposed to your thread so that they, too, will possibly be filled with the sense of doubt about the game that you are trying to create.



Yes I have fallen into your trap willingly this time, but the sacrifice is worth it to spread awareness to what you and your team of trolls are doing.

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