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Look at the wording on this announcement headline on the front of the game site...


Early Game Access Has Begun

Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can now begin playing the game!




That's not clear at all, IMO. There is absolutely no hint of a staggered system and it implies that everyone who pre-ordered can get in RIGHT NOW.


I know there are probably thousands of people out there falling for that message and getting out their credit cards thinking they can get started playing right now without reading the fine print. I was one of them.


OMG! They used key words to encourage half wits to buy there game without thinking about it! The Humanity!

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Ugh, I hate ever since casuals are the majority of the population now - they whine about absolutely everything and think the game is your home's Security company.


And you felt the need to come here and whine about them.....wonder what that makes you....

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Ugh, I hate ever since casuals are the majority of the population now - they whine about absolutely everything and think the game is your home's Security company.


It is no matter... If everyone got in the same day, these same people would be on the board typing how it is a horrible launch and how BW is going to regret it because servers are jerky and quest mobs are all dead, and oh the queues......... People who complain will always complain period..

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Ugh, I hate ever since casuals are the majority of the population now - they whine about absolutely everything and think the game is your home's Security company.


This isnt the casuals.


The butthurt are the poopsocking pvpers worried someone will beat them to 50.

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I agree that should be the case. Advertising a product offering a bonus knowing the consumer wont get....well....shady man shady.


and AGAIN, until they have finish they havent got a proper schedule of actual times so they still 'could' get 5 days, and it doesnt matter if they dont get 5 they will get part of which is fine because of the words 'up to'

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"if you experience massive weight loss in the first ten days of using this product, please consult your dietician so your dosage can be adjusted".. also a line designed to suck people in, also used to tempt you overweight people but honestly .lol. it is worded that way to entice you... just as they worded it to entice you.. you not being able to decipher these things makes me laugh. i have to admit it. lol
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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


You are correct 100% we are their customers and the vast majority are very unhappy. You can make any excuse and say no it won't as much as you like but if you understand business you would know this is a PR disaster.

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You are correct 100% we are their customers and the vast majority are very unhappy. You can make any excuse and say no it won't as much as you like but if you understand business you would know this is a PR disaster.


the people on the forums are not a vast majority lol.. its the biggest thing in history i think.. or if not. very close.

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You are correct 100% we are their customers and the vast majority are very unhappy. You can make any excuse and say no it won't as much as you like but if you understand business you would know this is a PR disaster.


What type of business do you run?

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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


"BioWare, you're doomed! Doomed I say!!" /shakes fist


"You will rue the day!!" /sits impotently...


"I will utilize my CAPS LOCK KEY!!" /still plays game



Dude, just shut up. If you really didn't care about your EGA, why are you in such a twist?

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You are correct 100% we are their customers and the vast majority are very unhappy. You can make any excuse and say no it won't as much as you like but if you understand business you would know this is a PR disaster.


How do you know the majority is unhappy? What statistical data do you have access to that the rest of us do not? It may seem as if the majority of forum-ites are unhappy because it's the unhappy ones posting. The rest are either happily playing the game or else they had the reading comprehension to know that *up to 5* days does not mean that they get 7 days. Or their lives don't revolve so much around a game that they come to the forums and cry that they don't have early access yet.


I would be playing now, but I'm at work and taking a little break to cruise the forums and enjoy some salty tears.


Anybody with business sense knows that it's better to have a smooth launch than to have your servers crazy queued and crashing every other minute. Playing this game up till now has been wonderful and it's because of what Bioware has done in order to make sure their servers don't get overburdened.

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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


I believe your name is in violation of the naming policies. Don't worry about it, though, I will let them know so they can straighten you out.

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