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Star Wars the old Republic is simply not ready for prime time.


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While i totally agree some bugs are getting to me (Performance being a big one, as well as some quest issues). I would like to point out that this MMO, a long term investment game, has only just started to roll and you should give a MMO atleast a month to make your choice. If you can do it in the first few weeks, im impressed. :)


While im not a fan of EA too. They haven't done too badly with bioware and are rather hands-off for them. Give this game time, rather then just jumping now. ^_^ Who knows what the months will bring!

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I love all the "It's 2011, I shouldn't see bugs in my game!" like the way people code has changed drastically since 2004. C++ hasn't changed much, other than added librarys and expanded object orientation, since it was made. There are millions of lines of code in a NORMAL PROGRAM (meaning something like microsoft word has 1 million lines of code), A video game has somewhere in the tens of millions, and an mmo hundreds of millions. With that much code there WILL be bugs, and it WILL take time to fix. It is very VERY unrealistic to say a game HAS to be released with the amount of polish that WoW has because it's been in development since 1999. 12 years of development. Even if it was released in a different market, it's not like EQ wasn't just as polished (for its time).


You guys are nothing but silly little 10 year olds that don't realize how the real world works. As far as bugs go, I'm surprised there aren't many MANY more, given the size of the code, especially adding in interactive conversations, which WoW doesn't have. This is a 2011 quality game, but bugs happen get the **** over it. An MMO has to be released at some point, because the more they fix bugs, more and different bugs are added, because you can NEVER anticipate how a fix will interact with the rest of your code. Especially with hundreds of millions of lines of code.

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You guys must have never. EVER. Play an MMO title at launch.


WoW? WoW was a worthless, buggy, laggy, crashy, unfinished piece of crap with less functionality than SWTOR has at this stage in it's development.


It's been 17 freaking or so days since early access.


I could see all of these threads popping up eight months or a year from now. But 17 days?! Come on.


Of course every new game has right to be broken, buggy and unpolished because hey it's new!. Terrible argument.

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Do you really think that Blizzard Developers would freely consult with Bioware and help them work out bugs they already experienced so that Bioware could release a better product than Blizzard did??!!! Really!!


and no.. Blizzard did not have a smooth launch on WOW. It was much worse than this. So much so that many people dropped it for a few months and went back to other games and tried WOW again later. i was one that went back to UO.


WOW was not worst then this, the first week, yes maybe, because they could not antiscipate the numbers, but they got the worst bugs fixed quickly, and I dont remember any basic stuff not working in wow, like party chat, guild frames

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People who say that for 130 million they should have produced something better, should first go make software themselves. Even administrative software without state of the art graphics, lots of servers and clients online, cost a lot (often also millions of dollars) and guess what, they also have bugs. There is simply no software without bugs, there is no software without wishes left. I think Bioware did an awesome job with this game. The higher level I get the more I enjoy it. And they will fix bugs, they will add new functionality, that's why you 15$ p/month.
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Fastest growing sub rate coupled with winning multiple game of the year awards differs with your "expert knowledge"


There is not as much wrong with the game as you think.



Stop playing it like you expected a new version of WoW.


PS: Its the game they made. Think of this like attending college. You are /choosing/ to attend college, not forced. The college therefor can feed you whatever curriculum they want.

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You guys must have never. EVER. Play an MMO title at launch.


WoW? WoW was a worthless, buggy, laggy, crashy, unfinished piece of crap with less functionality than SWTOR has at this stage in it's development.


I played WoW at launch. I even got the last box from the brick and mortar game store I usually shop at. First month had queues galore, and lots of servers going down. Blizzard gave everyone three free days to make up for it.


Otherwise, I was doing level 60 five mans a month in and it was working fine.


The only completeably hardmode flashpoint right -now- in SWTOR is BT. That's it. The others are so buggy you'd have to be insane to go play them.


The client is a complete mess, and we're told modding won't come until much later if at all. This is a 2006 MMO released in 2011 (2012 really) with more bugs than WoW when it launched.

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Wrong wrong wrong wrong.


Wrong wrong wrong wrong.


You're wrong.



Please compile for me a list of such glaring bugs:


PS: The whole point of a dev team is to fix issues.


PPS: The majority will not be 50 within the month. They have time to fix, release, and expand.



Where did your sense of entitlement come from? Suddenly, you're an expert on when this game was meant to be released? Its innovative, its fun, and it plays like an MMO with the star wars twist.


It is a 2011 game in 2011.



What you are referring to is a 2003 game, which you seem to enjoy. Might I point you to everquest, or World of Wartard? They're both games from earlier, which have had plenty of time to make up for patches mistakes and bugs. You know, about 8 years worth.


So, go enjoy those polished, new games and how great they look, how wonderfully immersive they are, and how fun the quests are.


Simply put an opinion is an opinion is an opinion, quit forcefeeding it to try and promote negativity here.

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This isn't 2004


Cataclysm was the buggest POS for a company with the deep pockets WoW had to release. :) Let alone the fact that they also drove off a large group of people. Now they're releasing Kung Fu Panda craft which left the rest scratching their heads thinking, "I thought it was really only an April's Fool Joke."


Nuff said. Go back to WoW and stop poluting our forums.

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Wrong wrong wrong wrong.


Wrong wrong wrong wrong.


You're wrong.



Please compile for me a list of such glaring bugs:


PS: The whole point of a dev team is to fix issues.


PPS: The majority will not be 50 within the month. They have time to fix, release, and expand.



Where did your sense of entitlement come from? Suddenly, you're an expert on when this game was meant to be released? Its innovative, its fun, and it plays like an MMO with the star wars twist.


It is a 2011 game in 2011.



What you are referring to is a 2003 game, which you seem to enjoy. Might I point you to everquest, or World of Wartard? They're both games from earlier, which have had plenty of time to make up for patches mistakes and bugs. You know, about 8 years worth.


So, go enjoy those polished, new games and how great they look, how wonderfully immersive they are, and how fun the quests are.


Simply put an opinion is an opinion is an opinion, quit forcefeeding it to try and promote negativity here.



Dude you have no clue, there are so many terrible bugs that were never in wow, that affect everyone level 1-50. Party chat not working, guild chat not working, ops chat not working. Getting stuck in starships bugs in warzones loot chests from esseles on and may more.. This is the worst release in a long time. Wow was stability issues that I could understand, but bioware did not even get the basics.

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Cataclysm was the buggest POS for a company with the deep pockets WoW had to release. :) Let alone the fact that they also drove off a large group of people. Now they're releasing Kung Fu Panda craft which left the rest scratching their heads thinking, "I thought it was really only an April's Fool Joke."


Nuff said. Go back to WoW and stop poluting our forums.


Buggy is one thing, not even getting the basics down, completely another. All software has bugs, and it is hard to find them with a limited time, however WOW is much better and faster at fixing the critical ones.


How many patches did wow have the first week? 10?

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Le expert:

"Dude you have no clue, there are so many terrible bugs that were never in wow, that affect everyone level 1-50. Party chat not working, guild chat not working, ops chat not working. Getting stuck in starships bugs in warzones loot chests from esseles on and may more.. This is the worst release in a long time. Wow was stability issues that I could understand, but bioware did not even get the basics."


So you're judging by 11 days in that the game is wrong and flawed and completely wasted.


We had: 20 minutes in a que, max. Chat isn't working? Tough luck. That would be because a chat server and the game server are two different things, and sometimes that happens. Thats when you take a break :) They will fix it.



Your impatience is astounding, and I can still count those bugs on less than two hands.



So of course, I don't know, the happy millions don't know, nor the game reviewers. No uh, no way.



Perfection is not attained overnight. The beta testers did not get to test everything nor were we capable of stress testing everything. Launch is going -fine- compared to many other MMO's.

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Dude you have no clue, there are so many terrible bugs that were never in wow, that affect everyone level 1-50. Party chat not working, guild chat not working, ops chat not working. Getting stuck in starships bugs in warzones loot chests from esseles on and may more.. This is the worst release in a long time. Wow was stability issues that I could understand, but bioware did not even get the basics.


Rose-tinted goggles... ON! WoW had the same sort of bugs at launch. Little things that bothered you when they cropped up, and yet other players would never experience them. I loved the weeks of server instability, and the looting bug. Ah yes.


I have not yet encountered the "party chat" bug in SWTOR, but others have. I haven't had loot chest bugs in any of my FPs. Etc, etc. These bugs are "game ending" for some and yet other players never see them... so relax. Take a pill.

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Did WoW release during a holiday?



SWTOR released 12-20-2011.


You expect tons of patches? I'm surprised we got any before the new year.



Oh, and WoW had 10 because that game was busy STEALING content from EQ and the other MMO's they ripped off to become succesful.


But hey, that game fixed everything and is the all mighty messiah of gaming, yessah mastah my name is toby.

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I dunno why everyone is being so negative. The parts of the game I have experienced thus far have been great. I love the combat, I love the Classes, I love the stories and quests..


Yes, the game has bugs. The company needed to meet a launch deadline and make a truck full of money on the holidays. they released the game. And now we just have to be patient while the team over there at bioware addresses one bug at a time. Read the test realm notes. They are working.


I for one have been a part of the launch of WOW, AoC, FFXI, FFXIV, WARHAMMER, Aieon. And all of them, quite frankly, sucked at launch. All of them. Launch was 21 days ago for early access. And what? 11 days ago for the rest of us? Seriously.


We all need to start chillin out maxin and relaxin all cool, shootin some b-ball outside of the school, until they are able to have sufficient time to address the issues. If its still buggy and unplayable (in some peoples minds) In a few months... then go nuts all you want. I am sure that the major issues will be handled. Remember... they need us to keep playing or this entire venture is a failure. They will be working hard to satisfy us.

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Dude you have no clue, there are so many terrible bugs that were never in wow, that affect everyone level 1-50. Party chat not working, guild chat not working, ops chat not working. Getting stuck in starships bugs in warzones loot chests from esseles on and may more.. This is the worst release in a long time. Wow was stability issues that I could understand, but bioware did not even get the basics.



LOL not sure if serious

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Le expert:

"Dude you have no clue, there are so many terrible bugs that were never in wow, that affect everyone level 1-50. Party chat not working, guild chat not working, ops chat not working. Getting stuck in starships bugs in warzones loot chests from esseles on and may more.. This is the worst release in a long time. Wow was stability issues that I could understand, but bioware did not even get the basics."


So you're judging by 11 days in that the game is wrong and flawed and completely wasted.


We had: 20 minutes in a que, max. Chat isn't working? Tough luck. That would be because a chat server and the game server are two different things, and sometimes that happens. Thats when you take a break :) They will fix it.



Your impatience is astounding, and I can still count those bugs on less than two hands.



So of course, I don't know, the happy millions don't know, nor the game reviewers. No uh, no way.



Perfection is not attained overnight. The beta testers did not get to test everything nor were we capable of stress testing everything. Launch is going -fine- compared to many other MMO's.

How about 16 days since release... Early access is release, not the street date. I have lots of patience, I am still playing the game arnt I?



Not to mention these basics bugs were notified months ago, I know I bugged them in my first beta weekend, the very first they had.. So how many months should we give them to fix the basic stuff, 1, 2, 3 36? I know you are a fanboi, but I think you are taking it to a whole new leve.

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Did WoW release during a holiday?



SWTOR released 12-20-2011.


You expect tons of patches? I'm surprised we got any before the new year.



Oh, and WoW had 10 because that game was busy STEALING content from EQ and the other MMO's they ripped off to become succesful.


But hey, that game fixed everything and is the all mighty messiah of gaming, yessah mastah my name is toby.


Look, their mistake should not be held against their customers.. It is their fault, not ours they released in December, next to a major holiday.

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Oh yes, I'm a fanboi.


I didn't discredit your acknowledgement of bugs, gentleman scholar. Instead, I simply suggested that you calm down on your accusing WoW of not having bugs.



Point blank: The bugs you listed/described aren't game breaking. Loot /will/ drop again. Chat /does/ come back on.



Now, if the game turned your monitor into a snake and bit you I might see a reason for such unhappiness.


But really, its a far more polished product for the story they're telling.


Maybe you should lower your expectations and realize, they're making as much a game as an interactive movie. The game takes you through a story. The story is their money maker. And everything ties in. They're doing the best Bioware possibly can to get things straightened.


They're new to the block on MMO's but you know what? For a first time studio they sure did better than RIFT. I still feel attached to my guy, even at 45. Something I lost in RIFT after level 2. I lost in WoW after five seconds.

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Look, their mistake should not be held against their customers.. It is their fault, not ours they released in December, next to a major holiday.


Their mistake?



Okay, we're done here. The "mistake" of subscribing millions within a two week period and being the fastest growing MMO in history. Quite the mistake chap!


Oh, you might also point yourself towards the dreadful mistake of being released intime for Christmas! Oh, how many lovely children get to play this game while mother and daddy pay for it.


Its brilliant, don't be an uneducated swine about savvy business tactics.

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